-About DEFY losing against obey: Its obvious to everyone that after the last op we are on the losing side, no doupt about that. Without saying that obeys players are unskilled or anything like that, the reasons for that outcome is mostly inactivity (both in accounts and leadership). With the help of bit cloud and his predecessors, they know exactly who is active and whos not, who is more experienced and who is less etc. A great defeat of our tribe is the fact that our enemy tribe is getting more villas from our internalls than us. For the past weeks we have been rushing and trying like crazy to absorb all that inactivity and villas. Obey have been true masters in spotting inactives, weaker players, soft spots etc and target them. Its natural and 100% fine, its just strategy and really fruitful. I dont think we ve had a defeat where active players were attacked for the simplest reason that ever since i got in to DEFY, everyone was helpfull and responded when supp was needed and i m thankfull i played in this tribe.
Responding to this as its the only one i have expertise in, we have attacked a bunch of active players. been recapped and snipes heaps. We never received spy info, never asked for information from DEFY and just used ourselves rather than rely on stolen info as claimed.
Your duke was active, had stacks, sent recapped and sniped a hell of a lot of trains. He was active and even admitted that he quit because we kept up pressure on him as an active player rather than go for the "internals".
Also the only reason we knew there were inactive players were because they wouldn't dodge our nukes, weren't growing at all for days. It's not hard to spot.
blue banana
on 06.02. at 15:55
Yeah the 1 hour trains in every single not stacked village Are the worst, we all grown into eachother now
Never expected to came this far anyways tho lolz
TruffleShuffleOrRioton 06.02. at 15:24
Ya with your position you did really well... It sucks when your tribemates go inactive or straight up quit and enemy gets easy villages inside your cluster.
blue banana
on 06.02. at 15:19
Screwed up Some stuff in the initial first wave, but Yeah besides that i was usually satisfied with what could be done with most villages, just a bit exhausting to keep up with u guys,
TruffleShuffleOrRioton 06.02. at 15:17
Been a fun fight though

You guys are tough.