Dream Team

  • Thread starter DeletedUser121413
  • Start date


Just like I'm not holding my breath on you proving that WET supported Defy and or had any communication with us whatsoever.
I already proved that but you are ignorant and a liar :( keep your word babin! go disband wet


I already proved that but you are ignorant and a liar :( keep your word babin! go disband wet

That is why I am going to add the Rim tribes we nobled to our war stats.

Once we Op'd them we saw your ODS go up at the same time. Quite easy to see honestly, you are supporting the rime tribes!


That is why I am going to add the Rim tribes we nobled to our war stats.

Once we Op'd them we saw your ODS go up at the same time. Quite easy to see honestly, you are supporting the rime tribes!

I checked tribalwarsmap.com and this is fake news.


You are supporting the rime tribes!

I once supported a Rime Tribe
But they said my lyrics was jibe
So I did what I can
And paid off the man
Now I'm duke of da Bribe


Anyway, In my dream team, I would definitely have Eric Cantona playing number 7. I literally have no idea what you guys are talking about but it sounds intense.

Away from TW, I'd have Sapphire Jim.
I once played alongside him.
He was great, he was cool
Didn't get nobled cus he aint no fool
Sent all those nubs to the RIM

Peace out y'all.


That is why I am going to add the Rim tribes we nobled to our war stats.

Once we Op'd them we saw your ODS go up at the same time. Quite easy to see honestly, you are supporting the rime tribes!

Do we get to get gifted villages from our rim tribes? If not, I say its unfair.


let's just focus on the present

Hear Hear.

Speaking of presents, I made this absolute gem as a gift to W96. Took me hours. Leet photoshop skillz and everything.


That's right. I stayed on topic and made an actual dream team of current players in this world. o_O

Mia Khalifa
"Give that girl some gloves, she's a keeper"
A commanding personality and a safe set of W shaped hands made me pick Mia. I don't know her, but I like the forum posts and the in game stats. I like that WET has continued to grow strongly without a significant number of high profile recruits and I like that she's held it together.(I literally know nothing about WET)

Anyone from DEFY, belowpar, Red Cup, Anyone from APEX
"Immovable Objects"
Yeah, yeah, yeah I hear you saying DEFY are getting beat and APEX are doomed. BUT how come they're still here? That's the grit I want in my defence. But you can show off, that's why I threw in Red Cup and belowpar; sometimes you just need a tower of power from a set piece.

Tudadar, Noobey, Messenger of Peace, *GranTorino
"Everything everywhere"
This quite a dreamy midfield. Tudadar as sweeper (that's right I've changed the whole formation to suit him), cleaning up all over the pitch (or world (or whatever)). The Dream Then there's Noobey and *GranTorino, the midfield engine, providing an offensive and defensive wallop at a moment's notice. And then as my attacking midfielder I've got Messenger of Peace. Again great ground coverage, but It's the ODA that really makes him stand out.

Diane Kruger & war-peace
"Something out of nothing"
This was a tough choice, so many good candidates. But I went for Diane Kruger because of the shape of the account. You can't hold that position without a little bit of magic. I went for war-peace because you need that calm, collected demeanour in front of goal and then you have to deliver. Best played wide.

Anyone else?

Gwaihir aka Bluetomahawk

love the idea, although me personally for DEFYs fast demise on this OP blame belowpar that ditched acc 20 mins before LT. he did well staying alive until then, not so good at defending overall, but personally, you could've picked any other frontline acc... :D also i would appoint mia as team captain there. :cool:

great post. :)

Babylonian Talmud

Skilled Soldier 2017
Reaction score
Hear Hear.

Speaking of presents, I made this absolute gem as a gift to W96. Took me hours. Leet photoshop skillz and everything.


That's right. I stayed on topic and made an actual dream team of current players in this world. o_O

Mia Khalifa
"Give that girl some gloves, she's a keeper"
A commanding personality and a safe set of W shaped hands made me pick Mia. I don't know her, but I like the forum posts and the in game stats. I like that WET has continued to grow strongly without a significant number of high profile recruits and I like that she's held it together.(I literally know nothing about WET)

Anyone from DEFY, belowpar, Red Cup, Anyone from APEX
"Immovable Objects"
Yeah, yeah, yeah I hear you saying DEFY are getting beat and APEX are doomed. BUT how come they're still here? That's the grit I want in my defence. But you can show off, that's why I threw in Red Cup and belowpar; sometimes you just need a tower of power from a set piece.

Tudadar, Noobey, Messenger of Peace, *GranTorino
"Everything everywhere"
This quite a dreamy midfield. Tudadar as sweeper (that's right I've changed the whole formation to suit him), cleaning up all over the pitch (or world (or whatever)). The Dream Then there's Noobey and *GranTorino, the midfield engine, providing an offensive and defensive wallop at a moment's notice. And then as my attacking midfielder I've got Messenger of Peace. Again great ground coverage, but It's the ODA that really makes him stand out.

Diane Kruger & war-peace
"Something out of nothing"
This was a tough choice, so many good candidates. But I went for Diane Kruger because of the shape of the account. You can't hold that position without a little bit of magic. I went for war-peace because you need that calm, collected demeanour in front of goal and then you have to deliver. Best played wide.

Anyone else?
The magic is a bit of effort :D Shh keep it secret

=Bit Cloud=

Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Rofl I really like the footie way of doing a dream team. I'll have to do it now...without the photoshop.

0.2 Percent Nigerian

Contributing Poster
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Hear Hear.

Speaking of presents, I made this absolute gem as a gift to W96. Took me hours. Leet photoshop skillz and everything.


That's right. I stayed on topic and made an actual dream team of current players in this world. o_O

Mia Khalifa
"Give that girl some gloves, she's a keeper"
A commanding personality and a safe set of W shaped hands made me pick Mia. I don't know her, but I like the forum posts and the in game stats. I like that WET has continued to grow strongly without a significant number of high profile recruits and I like that she's held it together.(I literally know nothing about WET)

Anyone from DEFY, belowpar, Red Cup, Anyone from APEX
"Immovable Objects"
Yeah, yeah, yeah I hear you saying DEFY are getting beat and APEX are doomed. BUT how come they're still here? That's the grit I want in my defence. But you can show off, that's why I threw in Red Cup and belowpar; sometimes you just need a tower of power from a set piece.

Tudadar, Noobey, Messenger of Peace, *GranTorino
"Everything everywhere"
This quite a dreamy midfield. Tudadar as sweeper (that's right I've changed the whole formation to suit him), cleaning up all over the pitch (or world (or whatever)). The Dream Then there's Noobey and *GranTorino, the midfield engine, providing an offensive and defensive wallop at a moment's notice. And then as my attacking midfielder I've got Messenger of Peace. Again great ground coverage, but It's the ODA that really makes him stand out.

Diane Kruger & war-peace
"Something out of nothing"
This was a tough choice, so many good candidates. But I went for Diane Kruger because of the shape of the account. You can't hold that position without a little bit of magic. I went for war-peace because you need that calm, collected demeanour in front of goal and then you have to deliver. Best played wide.

Anyone else?
Hype! Made it on a dream team! Lol loved the layout though was top notch!


Contributing Poster
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Did you leave because of people like ampac?
No because of you. Because you run your mouth ingame and not suportting allies who are getting smashed like Noobey, Defy its just real sad that your pathetic tribe got you as a player, sure they will support your post here, but behind they are laughing at your ignorance ingame...



Your on my dream team forever and always

loves you to your cats and back

ed xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxox

=Bit Cloud=

Non-stop Poster
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So I'm not going to do an image but I'll follow with the footie layout.
Diane Kruger (or whatever its called today), credit where credit is do. Not only have they handled their own account but have taken up a decent amount of sits in tribes fighting Obey. Everyone loves a keeper that can make the best of a sticky situation

Probably one of the tougher choices for me as no one imo has done OMG great but as a liverpool fan we are used to a leaky defence so here we go:
natticus - Maybe not performing as well as past worlds? But I want cohesion in my defense and the accounts get on well with others and has worked with some of my other players.
tcamps - Much respect for this Defy player, newer to the game but you wouldn't know it. Also not afraid to take some sits to put a stop to those noble shots. I think he'd do fine getting to know new faces.
Venomous Retribution - just so Kit can be on the defending side for once, much love
Love Apocalypse - This has more to do with mine and Keegans days on w90 in the trenches of a bad situation. We may have been nobled out eventually but we made that tribe work harder than Defy has Obey.

Choosing to go with a hardworking midfield three:
nitto523 - Yes another shoutout to a Defy player. Going to play him as a holding role to anchor my defense and stop attacks with all that support he sends.
Red Cup - Although I don't know the players on this account well yet I'm loving the stats from supporting to attacking the stats are showing they're a hardworker. I'm a fan of the box to box types.
Brick named joe - Another account here for the hard work to assist with covering the back 4 and transitioning to attack

Now time for the front three:
Mezonis - Not always the flashiest but really who wants to face mezonis? You beat an op today you get attacked again tomorrow.
War-Peace - Players that rotate on this account just make me swoon. Got a little bit of everything and sometimes you need an attacker like Firmino defending from the front while also able to score.
*GranTorino - Top in ODA in second in points behind PP artist Tudadar so they can be on my attacking line.
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Contributing Poster
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Probably one of the tougher choices for me as no one imo has done OMG great but as a liverpool fan we are used to a leaky defence so here we go:
natticus - Maybe not performing as well as past worlds? But I want cohesion in my defense and the accounts get on well with others and has worked with some of my other players.
tcamps - Much respect for this Defy player, newer to the game but you wouldn't know it. Also not afraid to take some sits to put a stop to those noble shots. I think he'd do fine getting to know new faces.
Venomous Retribution - just so Kit can be on the defending side for once, much love
Love Apocalypse - This has more to do with mine and Keegans days on w90 in the trenches of a bad situation. We may have been nobled out eventually but we made that tribe work harder than Defy has Obey.

I just find it funny Natticus lost a few vills to me on W96 while sitting and Love Apocalypse losing vills to KingMVP and there are two of the few players to actually lose villages in Obey. Poor defensive pick.