DRINK F. and MTS F. rumors

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Well here it is Huns!!! of W28 the rumor mill is up and going!

Seems DRINK! has dropped MTS as an ally. Also, there have been several circulars that have gone out confirming that this is official, and DRINK! is in fact planning to draw first blood.

Few things to note:

1- DRINK is starting to stack there front lines against MTS and has already started to take villages.
2- A survey has gone out to its members asking who and where needs stacking
3- DRINK and MTS have marked one another as enemies.
4- Looks like Drink no longer wants to share the world anymore

Post your rumors, but these aren't rumors but actual facts just waiting to receive the the actual circulars and I will post them here.


1. It was a mutual agreement that the alliance was dropped. Neither side had been sticking to the terms of the alliance and after discussions it seemed this was the best course of action.

2. DRINK! had been informed of a possible MTS offensive towards so yes we took action by defending those villages in immediate danger.

3. DRINK! have not marked MTS as enemies so we know where your source of data is coming from. (Not DRINK! F)

4. We would have declared war by now if that was out intention.

Mrs Henderson.... I believe it is time your returned to your cave.


Yep can confirm the above:

1. The alliance was dropped by mutual agreement, both tribes have their paths to walk and unfortunately our individual plans did not allow us to walk the same path together :icon_cry:. The villages taken was part of an operation by Drink on new members that joined our tribe from JoY. We could not support in time due to the attacks starting when they were not in MTS.

2.Likewise, we are stacking our front-lines as we have heard rumours of Drink moving towards us. Could be from the same sources :icon_wink:. We don't know about the survey, so must be from a Drink F source, or outside influences.

3. Thanks for the info, but know worries if Drink have. It would make it easier for their members to see the front lines.

4. Again Drink and MTS talked about this yesterday and agreed together when this alliance would be dropped. No issues and no secret to anyone in either tribe.

Thanks for the superb bit of info Mrs Henderson, but you really need to give up on spreading rumours as it is unlikely to paint the whole picture.
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Hi Monkey-boy1980 (I will use yellow) teehee!

I have sources on both sides who have forward me information how else would I get your survey? Regarding the markings of enemies that was only speculation and hence part of the "rumor spreading" he he but thanks for the confirmation sweety. I'm also hearing that Aifos is no longer around care to comment? This is from a DRINK! resource.
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with Mrs Henderson around who needs enemies? We can let her play the game and just sit back and watch. she clearly knows the outcome. But it would be nice if she would get the facts right. Perhaps Mrs Henderson should draw first blood.


with Mrs Henderson around who needs enemies? We can let her play the game and just sit back and watch. she clearly knows the outcome. But it would be nice if she would get the facts right. Perhaps Mrs Henderson should draw first blood.

All facts are true the only thing that was "speculated" were the marking of enemies, including the detail about Aifos being MIA. Learn to read sweety pie.
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well im not mightily famous on the forums but if theres one thing i've figured out is never to trust anything Mrs.Henderson says


Who's your money on W28?


DRINK F. (38,964)
~L~ and FUDGE (9,480)

Total (48,444)

MTS F. (31,455)
Panda? (7,137)

Total (38,592)


My money is on that your talking aload of bull as normal


Oh noes FUDGE and ~L~ going to war? I iz completely unprepared.

Nice try with this but i'd guess MTS and DRINK! aren't at that stage to be killing each other :lol:


Oh noes FUDGE and ~L~ going to war? I iz completely unprepared.

Nice try with this but i'd guess MTS and DRINK! aren't at that stage to be killing each other :lol:

Noes... "moves in for the kill even though he's in panda?" :icon_razz:

Who said Aifos is dead?


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First I'll point out the issue that causes one to believe that Mr.Henderson is BSing... Although, despite most rumour undoubtedly descending form scraps of fact, I am confident that Mr.H's imagination has gotten the better of him.

Ok so this arrogantly audacious statement suggests that you have made clear your arguement...
All facts are true the only thing that was "speculated" were the marking of enemies...Learn to read sweety pie

however please read the below post and note the bold words...

Well here it is Huns!!! of W28 the rumor mill is up and going!

Seems DRINK! has dropped MTS as an ally. Also, there have been several circulars that have gone out confirming that this is official, and DRINK! is in fact planning to draw first blood.

Few things to note:

1- DRINK is starting to stack there front lines against MTS and has already started to take villages.
2- A survey has gone out to its members asking who and where needs stacking
3- DRINK and MTS have marked one another as enemies.
4- Looks like Drink no longer wants to share the world anymore

Post your rumors, but these aren't rumors but actual facts just waiting to receive the the actual circulars and I will post them here.

Please, for sanities sake, think about your arguments before you post them.

Now I would like to adress this post...

Who's your money on W28?


DRINK F. (38,964)
~L~ and FUDGE (9,480)

Total (48,444)

MTS F. (31,455)
Panda? (7,137)

Total (38,592)

~L~ is staying out of the rumour mill and I would like to make it clear that, although war is not even at hand, we are not on anyone's side in this and all standing diplomacy ~L~ has will not face modification.

I'd like to end that Aifos is in fact active and well and I have recently talked to him.


All facts are true the only thing that was "speculated" were the marking of enemies, including the detail about Aifos being MIA. Learn to read sweety pie.
yep aifos is missing in action. hes missin in action, but he happens to send mail everyday.. explain that one.i guess he likes to have his family log in and send mail to peeps.:icon_eek:
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