DRINK F. and MTS F. rumors

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I think I will try and answer some of the questions about MTS and possibly give Mrs H some more meat to her rumours at the same time.

I can't remember on what page tiaco posted it, but he was right when he said MTS was aiming to get back to two tribes, that indeed was the plan and here is why we didn't do that.

At the stage of MTS being two tribes and then swallowing up Tiaco's tribe, to all the world was dead...the G3 of Drink, Sith and PWO (families and non-families) had more or less secured the world.

MTS council obviousley thinking above our station set about a plan to at least put up a fight we could control. (can't remember if we had the alliance with Drink at this stage or not, apoligies). MTS decided it was going to attack Sith a couple of months before the war started. However we were almost sure that PWO would jump in with Sith and we were unsure how Drink would react.

At that time I was talking to Eon leaders. Farm-U were currently being cleared by panda, Sith and PWO and it was felt by Eon and MTS that Eon would be Sith/PWO's next target. MTS leadership also knew the Eon tribe in the South West would be a huge tatical advantage as PWO's location put them up against Eon.

So we decided to mergEon into MTS, thus allowing the two families of MTS battle the two families of Sith, whilst keeping PWO pre-occupied with ex-Eon at the same time. Ex-Eon tribe would of been supported by KK, thus worst-case scenerio this would have been a stalemate until (as we believed) MTS moved through Sith to then hit PWO on the opposite front.

Then obviously Sith merged into Drink as well as some PWO. This gave Drink a huge advantage in the world. They were up to 4 top 10 tribes. Again MTS countered this by having KK merge into us.

So whether you think MTS is a mass recruiting tribe, I can honestly say it was circumstances that led to us being 4 tribes. These circumstances or tatics, have allowed us to grow and expand, as well as continue to 'not be bullied' by any so called elite tribe. Imo we have reacted well to the changing landscape, achieved our goals step by step and are still here fighting to be no1.

For those of you who say we have not achieved our goal of being No1. Our goal has been to end the world as No1. Tiaco can back me up, we had a convo some months ago and worked out that if MTS put there top players into 1 tribe, we would in fact of been No1, ahead of Drink and PWO.


Epically Long Post is Epic and Long.

First of all, lets focus on what we are discussing. Either we talk about MTS/PWO/SITH achievements or about my personal achievements, if you want to talk my personal achievements and "how you think I fail" feel free to start me a thread because I won't mind answering your questions/speculations/statements.

Cattman arguments-meets-speculation-whatever-you-want-to-call-it:

Tiaco83 said:
  • It's far more of an achievement to be number 1 with 40 players than to have 120 members under one banner shuffling them to get more points just like Cookie said even if this wasn't done on purpose.
Times change, tactics need to change,

Eg PWO collapsed due to

one side thinking of too many enemies, = too much hard work and the idea of more than one proper tribe
and the other inactiveness due to people believing that the tribe was crumbling/friends quit
+ sounded as though there were plenty of disputes

thats what ive gatherd

they were an excellent tribe, but no matter how amazing they were they couldnt keep shit together, which makes them a lot less good tribe. I mean if youve got 1 tribe knwoingly worse than the other, they might wanna get some help before taking some one on.

Shall I break this down for you dear readers of the w28 forums:​

  • According to Cattman PWO was an Excellent Tribe.
  • According to Cattman PWO was an Amazing Tribe.
  • According to Cattman PWO couldn't keep their shit together which makes them a not so Amazing tribe, just Excellent. :icon_rolleyes:

Ok PWO tribe known to be good at two things,

-winning its glorious wars by recruiting the enemy leaders and spying
- FAILING hard and fast when they couldnt hack it anymore to at the time just =MTS=, former EON and super noob tribe
-having 'teh good cookie' to argue no matter how wrong he is that he is superior

having lots of internal problems
oh and for gammlen teh good cookes ancestor

what territory hasnt almighty `the still almighty` PWO recruited into?

On March 31st PWO was an Excellent and Amazing tribe, on April 1st they are now good at failing on hacking. Quite contradictory don't you think? * First Blood - Logic Kills *

One thing he is right, PWO had glorious wars, the entire world would stop to read and post on PWO glorious wars.

On a side note, Gammlen isn't Teh Good Cookie ancestor, Teh Good Cookie was already posting PnP way before Gammlen.

[19:00:50]Gaspar: "oh and for gammlen teh good cookes ancestor"
[19:01:09]Gammlen: I was his ancestor?
[19:01:13]Gaspar: apparently
[19:01:29]Gammlen: way to go, he was around like years before me on the PNP :p [/Spoil]

But once again what do you care about the facts? You just skip and ignore them. * Headhunter - Facts also kill *

Moving on to the next Cattman barbarity..​

from BA's view but not Gam or TGC view, they always had their small basher tribe even when PLo was around!, i can probs gaurantee they had spies before in their continet war. Oh im pretty sure if we as a family had every single good active member from the start wed do pretty well against SITH and PWO. Drink were allied at the time, to a decent degree that i know of are honorable to it due to the shit they got from SITH and PWO bashers
(also i obviously sound as much as an ass as you) every tribe has their ass on the forums just you had a close group who all bashed together

  • Speculating [verb] to indulge in conjectural thought.
  • You can probably guarantee that they had spies in their continent war - That's speculation, you have no facts to back you up. Want to keep in the field of dreams or do you want to get down to Earth and face the reality?
* Killing Spree - Logic Strikes Again *
  • You are pretty sure if you had bla bla bla? Once again speculation but here we enter a field of probabilities, and it would be very odd to see MTS winning against the entire G3.

The next one is probably the most uninformed post I have ever seen still it has to be here since it's part of Cattman crap:​

Ok weve recruited alot of people? i didnt say we hadnt. You recruited tooo! Now sthu up about recruiting into new territory because what other tribe hasn't.

You are not in the slightest superior... you just delete accounts and lead tribes into a downwards spiral.

The last comment means that you put the tone out that PWO are still the most successful tribe. If MTS lose to drink or vice versa thatl detemrine whos more successful. PWO were successful.

Fact 2. your probably just lying again to bosst your argument.

Twisting words. you bang on about how you couldnt keep your tribe active... other tribes experience it and well some obviously deal with it better.

Yh wait and see tactic to possibly get a better postiion on MTS, recruit the good SITH and bad ones, but yh ur probably right there.

And mass bashing was given to you by everyone.

  • According to Cattman MTS recruited a lot of people
  • According to Cattman PWO also recruited a lot of people

Lets start right here. Take a break. Breath in, breath out. Ready? Hang on to your seats because the roller-coaster is starting now.​

PWO had 1 tribe = 40 members, most of them were there since the beginning. Once again 40 members.
MTS F. had 4 tribes = MTS / *MTS* / =MTS= / KMA (the tribe where MTS inactives were and still are) all of them summed up give an equal of 120 ISH.

I've finished my maths, PWO has recruited very little compared to MTS. Therefore Cattman-so-called-wannabe-argument is void. * Dominating - Maths kill *

Moving on:
  • According to Cattman "you just delete accounts and lead tribes into a downwards spiral." and since he is quoting Teh Good Cookie this is directed at him.
  • Fact - Cookie didn't lead PWO therefore it is impossible for him to lead PWO tribe downwards.
* Flawless Victory - Logic and Facts Strike Again *

The roller-coaster is about to get to the looping with this:​

sigh, the ducks are now fed and looking forwards to some nice tasty eggs

Im in university, i cant count that roughly 40*4 is 160.

he seemed to be the only one speaking for the tribe regularly in the tribe

Objectives at the time, times change... something like tightening ties with western tribes due to rumours.

Tiaco your tribe sucked, dont think your own tribe like you

MTS is stil around in world 28, great tactics PWO to mass delete. Good on L though for carrying on.

PWo recruited people who mass delete...

The quote under the about mass bashing thing i skimed the first two lines then moved on

Now tiaco that youve been burned alive you cant really come back.

he seemed to be the only one speaking for the tribe regularly in the tribe

this edit was to put the last sentence at the top.

  • According to Cattman my tribe (PHO) sucked, still he and his tribe (MTS) recruited our entire tribe. Therefore IF we sucked MTS sucked! LOGIC.
* Headshot - Logic Aims At The Head and Kills Again*
  • According to Cattman my tribe members didn't like me. That's why they followed me wherever I led them. First from PLxGUE to EoN and then from EoN to PHO and from PHO to MTS. Just because you have a keyboard in front of you it doesn't say in it "Type BS in here".
* Monster Kill - False Speculation Hits You in The Groin *
  • According to Cattman PWO mass recruited people that mass delete. First PWO never mass recruited. Second those who mass deleted were in PWO since the beginning and deleted because of real-life-meets-boredom-meets-leadership-inactivity-meets-reasons-mentioned-by-BA-on-PWO-thread.
* Brutality - Beware Because False Statements Can Kill You *

And the final lap of this huge roller coaster:​

Tiaco, your tribe sucked you suck and you had to get a better tribe to bail you out, keep quiet.

End of Cattman Part. Hope you enjoyed it.

ZafNab - Part 2.0

guyz...especially cookie and tiaco...stop crying lika big gal lol
we all know how good PLO/PWO or SITH were...stop going on about MTS tactics and recruitment...if your tactics were any better PWO would still be around and would be dominating w28...you guys might have been good players but not great imo...being #1 is one thing and maintaining that position is another...
you guys were a big force while the G3 were holding each others hands like big gals (and calling themselves as one family)
every tribe has had its own wars...just because you guys couldn't beat us doesn't mean that you could slag us off whenever you want lol...cookie you win battles/wars with your words but not in real game...you guys failed..admit it...blame inactivity or whatever...if you guys had so many inactivity issues then why did you declare war on MTS when we were war with SITH?..you planned a big op but failed miserably...
and just because smbsecret was having RL issues the rest of the SITH had no balls to fight?lol even when smbsecret told everyone to kick MTS's *** lol instead they all run to their big mama(DRINK!) for protection.
slaggin sum1 doesn't make you great cookie...
every tribe has its own tactics and it's future vision...the past is the past...your no more lol..you may win battles with your words but you failed as a leader and a player :)
and tiaco...you call MTS 'huggers' then why did you go running into DRINK who recruited whole tribes..no let me get this right... 'a whole refugee tribe' lol
anyways we (MTS) wanted a big war and to kick SITH's *** and prove every1 wrong...which we did ;) if you can't swallow that then its ur problem :p
i don't post in these forums..juz like to read and enjoy...but felt that there is a need to make a big gal understand so she stops crying lol
on a final note...its only a game guyz..don't get too personal and sensitive about things lol...take a chill pill :icon_redface:

Take note of the following, Wall of Text is hard for our eyes to red. That's why God eeeer we invented paragraphs.

  • You start by saying "Guys" especially "Cookie and Tiaco" and you tell us to stop crying like a "Big Gal"
You're nab at writing and worst at flaming. So are we guys or girls? Contradiction much? Yey! * Humiliation - Logic Never Sleeps *
  • According to ZafNab we all know how GOOD PWO/SITH were. So nice of you admitting they were good. * Gaspar Seal of Approval *
  • According to ZafNab if PWO tactics were better than MTS they would still be around. Sorry to inform you ZafNab, PWO mass deleted because of real-life-meets-boredom-meets-inactivity.
  • According to ZafNab Cookie only wins WORD WARS. Let me also inform you that Cookie is playing under the ~L~ tribe which is currently warring another 2 tribes and just by cheer luck they are also winning. Point made, Cookie also wins on TRIBAL wars.
  • According to ZafNab G3 called themselves a family. I don't know what pills you've been taking but I told you not to take the red ones!! See what happens? Every time you type you screw bigger. What G3 leaders always said was that they were in no way "family-related" they stood on each others diplomacy page as allies and that was all. They had defined borders and they didn't switch members around like a family would do.
  • According to ZafNab I run to DRINK. Completely wrong ZafNab, I went to your tribe with my whole tribe. Get your facts straight, you make yourself look dumb and in no way near the reality. Inform yourself then we can have a serious debate. Take note of what I've said above. If you want to rebate what I'm saying, please use paragraphs.
  • Yes, this is JUST a game, thanks for pointing that out and yes the purpose of it is to have fun. If you were twice as smart you'd still be writing nonsense. You must be the arithmetic man; you add trouble, subtract pleasure, divide attention, and multiply ignorance.

I guess that what they say is indeed real, Ignorance is Bliss.

And the award for the most uninformed nab on this world... *Drum Roll* ... ZAFNAB!!

End of Part 2.0 -​

Poise Part - 3.0

I think I will try and answer some of the questions about MTS and possibly give Mrs H some more meat to her rumours at the same time.

I can't remember on what page tiaco posted it, but he was right when he said MTS was aiming to get back to two tribes, that indeed was the plan and here is why we didn't do that.

At the stage of MTS being two tribes and then swallowing up Tiaco's tribe, to all the world was dead...the G3 of Drink, Sith and PWO (families and non-families) had more or less secured the world.

MTS council obviousley thinking above our station set about a plan to at least put up a fight we could control. (can't remember if we had the alliance with Drink at this stage or not, apoligies). MTS decided it was going to attack Sith a couple of months before the war started. However we were almost sure that PWO would jump in with Sith and we were unsure how Drink would react.

At that time I was talking to Eon leaders. Farm-U were currently being cleared by panda, Sith and PWO and it was felt by Eon and MTS that Eon would be Sith/PWO's next target. MTS leadership also knew the Eon tribe in the South West would be a huge tatical advantage as PWO's location put them up against Eon.

So we decided to mergEon into MTS, thus allowing the two families of MTS battle the two families of Sith, whilst keeping PWO pre-occupied with ex-Eon at the same time. Ex-Eon tribe would of been supported by KK, thus worst-case scenerio this would have been a stalemate until (as we believed) MTS moved through Sith to then hit PWO on the opposite front.

Then obviously Sith merged into Drink as well as some PWO. This gave Drink a huge advantage in the world. They were up to 4 top 10 tribes. Again MTS countered this by having KK merge into us.

So whether you think MTS is a mass recruiting tribe, I can honestly say it was circumstances that led to us being 4 tribes. These circumstances or tatics, have allowed us to grow and expand, as well as continue to 'not be bullied' by any so called elite tribe. Imo we have reacted well to the changing landscape, achieved our goals step by step and are still here fighting to be no1.

For those of you who say we have not achieved our goal of being No1. Our goal has been to end the world as No1. Tiaco can back me up, we had a convo some months ago and worked out that if MTS put there top players into 1 tribe, we would in fact of been No1, ahead of Drink and PWO.

Unlike most MTS members, Poise gave himself the trouble to read what I wrote and so he stated the following:

  • I can't remember on what page tiaco posted it, but he was right when he said MTS was aiming to get back to two tribes, that indeed was the plan and here is why we didn't do that.

To those who say I don't make a point *stares at Killergoon*.. Yes MTS objective when I entered the tribe and the council was to get down to 2 tribes which didn't happen so I can objectively say "Mission Failed".

  • Poise also states: "(can't remember if we had the alliance with Drink at this stage or not, apoligies)." If I recall, there was no alliance, there was however a shared forum and I remember being welcomed by Ricevase, Weedknight and some others on that forum.

  • "For those of you who say we have not achieved our goal of being No1. Our goal has been to end the world as No1. Tiaco can back me up, we had a convo some months ago and worked out that if MTS put there top players into 1 tribe, we would in fact of been No1, ahead of Drink and PWO."

This is what I wanted to quote, MTS goal is to be number 1 or to end as number 1. Right now that doesn't matter. I'll develop my argument based on what Poise has said.

PWO objective was to be number 1, they achieved their goal. They had 40 members under 1 sole banner. PWO was inside the core, and like Tom I won't start a "Core vs Rim" discussion. Still I believe that the core is where most good players are. PWO dominated their continents and easily spread through other 6 continents, they had defined borders with their allies SITH and DRINK. PWO as the number 2 tribe jumped on the number 1 tribe and took their spot. They deserve respect for all they've achieved and for all they have done. Like Cookie stated when PWO left they had more than 100 million OD points than DRINK the tribe ranked 2nd. That says a lot. MTS hasn't achieved half of what PWO did, no matter what you claim.

End of Part 3.0


  • LONG POST means LONG and this is a LONG post, don't bother to post if you don't care to read.
  • Read twice before typing on your keyboard, like I've said just because you have one it doesn't mean you have to type
  • If you're going to flame me for the time spent on this post you better not because it really didn't take me that long besides I have plenty of time.
  • Any similarity between my reality and ZafNab reality is purely coincidental
  • I'm running out of things to disclaim
  • Don't validate my inherent mistrust in strangers.
  • I'll try being nicer, if some people try being smarter
  • It's ok if you disagree with me, I can't force you to be right
  • It is often better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.
  • Since people want to keep this thread on topic, if you feel like discussing my personal achievements, feel free to get a thread up and running for me
  • Future purposeless posts will be ignored *Stares at Killernab-ZafNab*
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I'll close this for a few days till everyone can behave again.
I'll re-open it monday evening when everything has calmed down.

first to insult when it is re-opened is a ban.
Clearly some of you can not behave
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First post since re-opening :icon_surprised:


Noob - First flame since re-opening

*runs back to grepolis were kbab cant reach me *

@ Tiago

I read your post today while this thred was locked and i have to disagree on a few pointers you made , some of your points actually didnt make any sence.

Ill get back to you hopefully sometime soon .

Teh cookie , tiago and tom have to be truly the best people i met on these forums . Those drunken guys arent nice people , especially that rice guy , he keeps on tryng to sell me rice , as if i want his rice !


Teh cookie , tiago and tom have to be truly the best people i met on these forums . Those drunken guys arent nice people , especially that rice guy , he keeps on tryng to sell me rice , as if i want his rice !

No use being nice now, I remember when you said i was fatty with no life! Well I proved I'm not a fatty... But am still to prove the other point wrong :icon_redface:

and how else is rice to pay for his alcoholism! He can't sell his body, liver disease has ruined it!


quick answer...

Because MTS aren't and haven't been number 1 yet, and we are comparing number 1's.

Yes, they were. How is it that your memory is alright but your logic suffers so much?

Oh I spoke too soon about your memory... My bad.
MTS do well taking Sith villages deep in their own territory. Well done on that. However you did not make the member of PWO or SITH inactive or want to delete. Its a massive coincidence that they were some what inactive during that particular time. If you will remember SITH merged some of APOX in order to combat inactivity and PWO started a smaller sister tribe as a way to train up some old bashers to a good standard.

Again what an awful memory... and logic this time. Firstly, not that you would know since your tribe runs off the "recruit recruit recruit" policy, but its not easy to function as a small elite number of players, especially when 10% of them are inactive. That causes stress and stress spoils the game and makes people want to leave it. Furthermore inactivity ISN'T something that can be controlled easily without recruiting all the time. Just because some people choose to challenge themselves on this game and fail doesn't mean they are worse at the game then those, like MTS, who have recruited more then 99% of their territory and even worse their recruitment policy includes every member of the tribe not just the half decent ones.

Again, you memory sucks. We went through this so many times. G3 is the TOP THREE TRIBES. and at the time it was #1 PWO #2 Drink #3 SITH. Ergo, G3.

Now I don't expect you to ask stupid questions like this again after this schooling.


Lol ur the stupid one my friend! :) Actually No the g3 were specifically referred to Drink Pwo and Sith.... And how many of those tribes are still around...Oh yea thats wat i thought :) and again Why fight if ur inactive????Beats me??? as for recruiting who doesnt recruit. ALL your members Ran to Drink besides of the ones who were Real and created a new tribe L..Lol u think ur such a genius.. and where are u at now???????? lol *quick side note* Tiaco=Godfather????? Sry i forgot* back on topic now


Lol ur the stupid one my friend! :)

Riiight...Now watch me prove you wrong.

Actually No the g3 were specifically referred to Drink Pwo and Sith....

If you will read what I said you would find that I did not dispute this claim, infact I did quite the opposite, I said that the G3 was PWO, SITH and Drink and we were named the "G3" because we were the top 3 tribes, i.e. Rank 1,2 and 3.

And how many of those tribes are still around...Oh yea thats wat i thought :)

Against when did I dispute this? Your making your own arguments and putting words in my mouth...

and again Why fight if ur inactive????Beats me???

Clearly we didn't fight, and neither did you, So why are you asking me? :icon_cool:

as for recruiting who doesnt recruit.

I have not claimed that every tribe does not recruit. If you will actually read what I said then I claim "recruit recruit recruit" and that obviously means more recruitment then normal... I.e. recruiting the entire a EON, KK, recruit from K85.f when your allies asked you not to etc etc etc etc.

ALL your members Ran to Drink besides of the ones who were Real and created a new tribe L.

Woop woop? If only you were as observant when reading my argument, then you would see that I have not disputed this claim.

Lol u think ur such a genius..

Well I've well and truely proved that you are infact the...
stupid one my friend! :)

and where are u at now????????

~L~... but please inform why this is relevant to this discussion? I'll answer that for you, it isn't, like most of your post.

Ok so you came on here to try and make me look stupid... but your argument has no merit, you aren't even writing in full English (And please don't claim that its not your first language because surely that is more reason to write "your" instead of "ur" etc) , you haven't yet grasped the concept of why the G3 were called the G3 and above all you have shown a complete lack of comprehensive thinking and an outrageously wrong interpretation of my arguments. Therefore I am forced to conclude that you, "my friend" or the stupid one. Thanks.


I have not claimed that every tribe does not recruit. If you will actually read what I said then I claim "recruit recruit recruit" and that obviously means more recruitment then normal... I.e. recruiting the entire a EON, KK, recruit from K85.f when your allies asked you not to etc etc etc etc.

I dont see any decent tribes wanting to merge into L (no offense to L though)? edit here (fudge arent decent by the way) Im sure your going to recruit their good players eventually when the active L decrease). This point is not me saying they do with MTS, its that you would recruit a lot of good members given the need/oppurtunity... ie PWO and L, and PWO and SITH tried to recruit panda if im not wrong.

You brag about recruitment when basically its the same as what PWO did.

1*recruited the good members

2*nobled the weak and kept all the inactives and/'noobs' as intouchables therefore may as well been a 2nd and 3rd tribe to me.

3*And players who were good who possibly didnt go inactive and not allowed into the tribe.

We MTS as an example, Recruited the tribe.

1*Eon and active Kon. over a period of time filtered out the 2*inactives and 3*bad eggs which generally were like the sc*m that belonged to PWO, tony tiger, cranness (i dont live over there so i dont know everyhting) and trouble makers whilst nobling them out as well as the 2*inactives

Who nobled out their area quicker huh? with respect to border agreements

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Yet more foolish stuff from the ranks of MTS's world forum members.

I dont see any decent tribes wanting to merge into L (no offense to L though)?

Incase you weren't aware there are only four decent tribes left... MTS, Drink,panda and ~L~... So lets look at why none of them want to merger "into" ~L~...

Well MTS, from what we are reading in their forums, their members would sooner leave then have us in their tribe never mind being submissive to us. Furthermore how many bigger tribes would merge into smaller?
Drink, we have a nice relationship with drink and I'm sure they would like to have us in their tribe but I'm less sure that they would be recruited by us.
Panda, other then the fact that they are MTS's bitches, they are the other side of the map to ~L~.

Again, what a follish comment.

edit here (fudge arent decent by the way) Im sure your going to recruit their good players eventually when the active L decrease).

We have no intentions of recruiting any Fudge. Despite some what popular belief, they are not our family. As for their not being "decent", they managed to kick [ms]'s butts ([ms] being the minions of a few [MTS] members btw)

This point is not me saying they do with MTS, its that you would recruit a lot of good members given the need/oppurtunity...

Yes and the key thing here is "good members". I do not count swallowing hole tribes as taking in the good members, its taking it that tribe warts and all! in other words, undiscriminating about skill or activity, just wanting more points and villages.

ie PWO and L, and PWO and SITH tried to recruit panda if im not wrong.

You're some what wrong. We were going to recruit their good active members and not their worse ones as a tactical move against MTS. Clearly we had not realised the extent of MTS's whips on panda.

You brag about recruitment when basically its the same as what PWO did.

When I read the above statement immediately I though "this ought to be good!"

1*recruited the good members

Again, "good members" not good, bad, active and inactive as I mentioned up the page a little.

2*nobled the weak and kept all the inactives and/'noobs' as intouchables therefore may as well been a 2nd and 3rd tribe to me.

We nobled weak and strong, we made calculated and tactical moves. We got new players for old inactive accounts and therefore didn't have many inactives to hide in other tribes. As I have admitted in the past, we had bashers but if a half full tribe of small bashers equals to a 2nd and 3rd tribe then I'd be highly surprised.

3*And players who were good who possibly didnt go inactive and not allowed into the tribe.

Ever so sorry that we prefered to play the game named tribalWARs and not hug our way through like you did... :icon_rolleyes:

We MTS as an example, Recruited the tribe.

1*Eon and active Kon. over a period of time filtered out the 2*inactives and 3*bad eggs which generally were like the sc*m that belonged to PWO, tony tiger, cranness (i dont live over there so i dont know everyhting) and trouble makers whilst nobling them out as well as the 2*inactives

Ok so in essence you are admitting to recruiting all the rubbish you layed your eyes on, waiting till they went inactive or against your will before nobling them out. Wow, you are proud of the fact that your tribe is the prerequisite of "huggers"! Serious?

Who nobled out their area quicker huh? with respect to border agreements

PWO nobled out their 6k's before MTS nobled out their area... But MTS recruited entire other areas in their usual noob-like behaviour.


I think I proved otherwise.


teh crying cookie...u started again? stil crying about PWO? lol...PWO this and PWO that lol
where is PWO?:p


Yay... let's watch this thread get closed again :icon_biggrin:


and tiaco...what was the point of such a long and useless post?...remember what i said before??? the time you spent on chatting bull you spent on the game you would have got somewhere...lol


ah nevamind cookie...it's ok...go and help ~L~ and ur little family tribe... you couldn't do much while you was in PWO so PWO was a FAIL...hope you can make a difference in this world with ~L~ ;) GL :D


ah nevamind cookie...it's ok...go and help ~L~ and ur little family tribe... you couldn't do much while you was in PWO so PWO was a FAIL...hope you can make a difference in this world with ~L~ ;) GL :D

Really? This is your attempt to insult me? :icon_rolleyes:


PWO nobled out their 6k's before MTS nobled out their area... But MTS recruited entire other areas in their usual noob-like behaviour.

What 6K's? You mean all those players that are still there in +AS+ or w/e its called.

Ok so in essence you are admitting to recruiting all the rubbish you layed your eyes on, waiting till they went inactive or against your will before nobling them out. Wow, you are proud of the fact that your tribe is the prerequisite of "huggers"! Serious?
the noobs might aswell have been in your tribe as you would have declared on whoever if they took them.

Ever so sorry that we prefered to play the game named tribalWARs and not hug our way through like you did
hug much with SITH and DRINK?

Surely you would have found it easy to battle =MTS= on their own who were also fighting sith

We nobled weak and strong, we made calculated and tactical moves. We got new players for old inactive accounts and therefore didn't have many inactives to hide in other tribes. As I have admitted in the past, we had bashers but if a half full tribe of small bashers equals to a 2nd and 3rd tribe then I'd be highly surprised.
where were all these new players?. Inactives may aswell have been in your tribe...

Again, "good members" not good, bad, active and inactive as I mentioned up the page a little.
not good ,bad good active members? point?
think we just keep all our red inactives and players who dont learn? oh and wel done you nobled out the bad members.
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What 6K's? You mean all those players that are still there in As or w/e its called.

You memory fails you again. PWO famed 6k's must be in the top 10 phased used on the top 10 tribes tread if you'll go read.

the noobs might aswell have been in your tribe as you would have declared on whoever if they took them.

this makes no sense. We NOBLED... i know thats a hard concept for MTS to grasp, only the SITH war saw you guys noble off real players rather then recruit and noble inactive.

hug much with SITH and DRINK?

no. I have said before, the agreement with SITH was not to join in unless they or us were being gang banged.

Surely you would have found it easy to battle =MTS= on their own who were also fighting sith

had we actually fought =mts= then yes, im sure it would have been very easy.


Panda, other then the fact that they are MTS's bitches, they are the other side of the map to ~L~.

Your argument is with MTS, why bring othe tribes into it?

We have no intentions of recruiting any Fudge. Despite some what popular belief, they are not our family. As for their not being "decent", they managed to kick [ms]'s butts ([ms] being the minions of a few [MTS] members btw)

If they are not family, why was I mailed by your leaders saying they where family and add them to NaP status? If they are not, I will get them removed. Please confirm this to me!

Yes and the key thing here is "good members". I do not count swallowing hole tribes as taking in the good members, its taking it that tribe warts and all! in other words, undiscriminating about skill or activity, just wanting more points and villages.

Not once has a whole tribe been swallowed up by MTS, part's of tribes - yes. But both EonF and KKf had just as many members who did not make it into MTS.

You're some what wrong. We were going to recruit their good active members and not their worse ones as a tactical move against MTS. Clearly we had not realised the extent of MTS's whips on panda.

Nope, PWO asked for the whole of Panda to merge into them, PWO did not discriminate when they asked the questions. If you can proof contary, please do. But again Cookie ' bringing in another tribe into your arguments.

Ever so sorry that we prefered to play the game named tribalWARs and not hug our way through like you did... :icon_rolleyes:

Can you really be that critical of MTS? PWO, Sithf and Drinkf alliance. Top 3 tribes (G3). That alliance got shoved into everyones faces and the world was over due to the fact those three tribes (apoligies Drink, Sith members) where going to 'hug' until all other tribes where removed from W28.

PWO nobled out their 6k's before MTS nobled out their area... But MTS recruited entire other areas in their usual noob-like behaviour.

I think I posted earlier, why MTS allowed tribes to merge into us and also why those tribes wanted to merge into us. It would of been noob like for MTS to allow the G3 to conquer the world at their leisure. However we used diplomacy and recruitment as well as our nukes to ensure this world would be competive going forward. MTS succeeded and as a result we have 4 tribes (only 1 ex G3) dominating this world.

The noob's where those players telling the rest of the world that the G3 had won, and their masterplan had succeeded.

I have no arguments with PWO, Sith, Drink or even L. But Cookie your hatred of anything to do with MTS, I will take as a compliment :icon_wink:


Really? This is your attempt to insult me? :icon_rolleyes:

do i even need to do such a thing ?:icon_rolleyes: lol

PWO has always hugged SITH and DRINK...if PWO was a #1 dominant force then why did they let SITh and DRINK to become close and let DRINK to overtake them? PWO was surrounded by SITH and DRINK...what was PWO playing then?tribal hugs?lol
and now your in ~L~ you are still holding your big mama's(DRINK's) hand lol :D
hope teh cookie doesn't bring the same fate to ~L~ as he did to PWO...they declare war first and when they get attacked and loose few vills they pick up their tribe and run into their big mama's lap lol :D
every kid needs a mama...mama ...mama loooooolz :D

PWO and teh crying cookie will always be remembered lol...:p
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