Drum roll please....

Light One

Why do you keep saying change is our family.? F.Y.I noob we dont have family tribes.


lol shes a troll and your feeding her this is fantastic coz shes actually kinda funny with it.
Feed away TD!!

Who are you? Its 3 2 or 3 players doing an op on her. Theres no need to try hard...... shes not worth it.
blacksicilian and who might you be?


Hmm no it was about 10 players from TD who have attacked me all at least 1 million points, and the most points i have had here was 800k, so i think it was TD's top 2 players around like 6 million each then a few random 2 million point players. And with no support from my tribe im still here :) well actually they supported like 1 village cause i felt like stacking it, other then that im just so damn awesome :)

Zaki ya noob, go back to being a gay hooker, no one wants ur STD's spreading into tribalwars. actually thats what happened to [H] they got some aids from zaki and fell apart :( so sad. I quite liked them. Crpfan got the worst of it, but then he was always gay so may have had it to begin with :p

Love me, Hate me, in the end your just gonna have to deal with me. :)

EDIT! oh and to further get my point across after i nobled 2 of zaki's villages and cated one to the shi**er he sent a bunch of attackes but being a noob who's account has 2 million points but still has less OD then me, he had to call on acid shadow a 6 million point player to also attack me....all this for a 100k player? Sad really

Was they any need for for that?
Enjoy the incomings.


This isnt a war. Its a 2 kids in the sandbox fight. And if we look at the point differences between the tribes....TD sucks.

5 .:TD:. 109.073.567 114.766.029 59 1.945.187 11786 9.737

21 Light 7.999.750 7.999.750 14 571.411 875 9.143

TD outnumbers Light by 14 to 1....and this is still going on? Doesnt say much for TD now does it. Of course TD is racking up vils. 14-1 does that. Oh wait. 12-1 at the start. Go ahead. Congratulate yourselves. You've done nothing impressive.

If your wondering , yes. I are snarky. This entire thread seems to be a flame fest and unoriginal insults. It also screams ' pay attention to us' when IMO neither side has done anything of interest, except to get most players to look at it and go ' this is just ....sad. '

Oh. Go ahead and flame me. Just make sure its a PM so we dont clutter this thread anymore than it already has been.



blah,blah,blah,blah blah............
all talk and no action.in im not wrong light one,just lately all thats been attacking you is zakki and cprfan.every1 else got bored of your lame 455...


Zakipoo may be bragging about the eventual rimming of light one, but he is bragging for reason, albeit a useless one considering the huge advantage TD has over light. If I was to rim tiger32k, even though SKY is facing an uphill battle in terms of size, I would still brag about it. This is because by me rimming tiger, I am also rimming the public face of sky and ultimately humiliating him and defacing him in the eyes and minds of the public and many SKY players, possibly causing them to fall apart. To you, rimming light one isnt a big deal, but for Light, its a huge deal. Rimming the leader makes the tribe lose huge amounts of morale and ultimately fail, and that is why there is such a big deal made over light ones failings.


You are correct. Its not a big deal to me. However I can also sit back and watch them destroy whatever public image they have with no help from myself. They do it much more efficiently than I 'ever' could. You used to be in that box Ballistic. You did more damage to yourself than anyone else did. The same situation is happening here.

Take a step back and you'll see it. A majority of the 'heat' posters are harming themselves more so than any other poster. Eventually the 'heat' posters will burn out and hopefully, the forums will go back to some semblance of normalcy.

Side note: 'heat' is a replacement word for 'flame'..cause it makes more sense with what they're doing.



So if you look at my profile i started a wall of shame for any of the like 20 members of TD attacking me that have a lower OD then me but after finding out that the only member in TD with a higher OD then me is there 6 million point player acid shadow i gave up :S

Conclusion: Bunch of noobs, I feel sorry for acidshadow i used to be good friends with him, Maybe ill chat to him on skype ^_^ but they gave the account to this noob called cagudio...idiot doesnt know the difference between axe's and spear's....What a waste of such an amazing account :(

If i did attack you with spears than i must of been tired from working all night and i was just clicking and sending attacks not noticing but since none of my attacks landed on you yet because they are like 60-70 hours away. Also if i did show me the report.

but zaki never asked me to attack i did it to get rid of you faster.
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you all seem to think that thousands of villages get eaten in 6 weeks?
not seen that done before .............
if im wrong im sure that sum1 will tell me....


all i know is ive nobled 15-16ish villages of light one's in 24 hour 2 times. but if that was a personal achievement to noble 3-4 off me, then im glad ive helped in some way :D


you all seem to think that thousands of villages get eaten in 6 weeks?
not seen that done before .............
if im wrong im sure that sum1 will tell me....

When you say thousands you mean...

Tribalwars Tribe Profile: Lights Warriors
Most Villages: 1563 (06th June 2010)


Hmmm Seems like yup, that many thousands of villages get eaten in 6 weeks.

[spoil]Side 1:
Tribes: .:TD:.

Side 2:
Tribes: Light

Timeframe: 14/05/2010 00:00:00 to 26/06/2010 23:45:42

Total conquers:

Side 1: 1,861
Side 2: 367
Difference: 1,494

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 245
Side 2: 64
Difference: 181[/spoil]
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AYK,.. CHANGE tribe in involved in this war too.

Side 1:
Tribes: .:TD:.

Side 2:
Tribes: Light CHANGE

Timeframe: 14/05/2010 00:00:00 to 27/06/2010 00:27:18

Total conquers:

Side 1: 1,861
Side 2: 710
Difference: 1,151

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 523
Side 2: 94
Difference: 429


So adding in another 800 villages to the total, so they are now what, 15% of your tribe.


not everyone is involved because of the locations. in case you havent noticed the map...

so about 10 members in TD is involved 2-3 is close promixy, the others is from a distance, sure, we couldve gotten care of this war quicker if we had everyone involved.
giving em a fighting chance? idk...
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