ok shes getting annoying, time to shut you up 
oh my.. this is even more of a flame feast than our sky threads... though we had the priz :/
occult... do you mind working your stats magic here to??![]()
Bahah fail zaki.
Also stokie noob cheeze, my members arent as easy to recruit as yours are
stokie1978 on 26.06. at 16:38
fair play.....
you are right in what you say
but honestly man,you are in the wrong tribe.your tribe has been lead by a complete idiot...who runs her mouth off and then runs for cover :$
your loyalty however is admirable and in that alone i salute you ...
just a shame it is misplaced :$
have fun and stay true and strong to your word
if i could swing it for you would you consider coming to this tribe on probation.As i believe true loyalty and good attacking methods should be rewarded?
Bahahahah! FAIL! My members are loyal you scum bag, go recruit your mother....oh wait i already did, she bakes my troops cookies ^_^
Ok now my sides are splitting with laughter, TD are such noobs that to take me out they now have acid shadow and unp warriror (there top 2 players, each around 6 million) plus sniker-noob (2 million points) all attacking me...the 100k player... -__- seriously guys am i really that good ^_^ well i guess i am...would you like me to clear my villages so you have a better chance. Oh and Crpfan you massive noob, me letting you noble villages that have had the farm and HQ cated dosent make you a good player![]()
I try read these forums to see whats going on in the world but yet all this noob this noob that shite is going on... TD yea fine your winning not a right big achievement its only light one if you didnt rim her i would have done.... Remember what you did to me?? light one... less trash talking more nobling... cprfan i would have said i thought better but i think i might of been lying... prove yourself.
I try read these forums to see whats going on in the world but yet all this noob this noob that shite is going on... TD yea fine your winning not a right big achievement its only light one if you didnt rim her i would have done.... Remember what you did to me?? light one... less trash talking more nobling... cprfan i would have said i thought better but i think i might of been lying... prove yourself.
Lol they saw how much of a noob and point whore you are. You have members in your tribe with less then 1000 points...WTH? Point whore, you have nealy maxed ur member limit whereas light tribe only has 14 members. Nubs![]()