Quote where I said the whole post was flawed. Or generalized.
When you come up blank, don't respond. It'll be easier.
When you come up blank, don't respond. It'll be easier.
Quote where I said the whole post was flawed. Or generalized.
When you come up blank, don't respond. It'll be easier.
You haven't set anything straight. I don't need a rebuttal from seraphinn to spot the flaws in your argument.
I know I stopped about 1/4 of the way through.
Hi Nadir been meaning to speak to you.
Like I told your co-player, stop pretending to be me on w69I know I'm awesome and all but c'mon.. you would never raise to my standards
Hi Nadir been meaning to speak to you.
Like I told your co-player, stop pretending to be me on w69I know I'm awesome and all but c'mon.. you would never raise to my standards
I probably left a big impact on you since your plans been overthrown and all (hug) its ok it happens.
Interesting comments considering I've never spent time with you in a Skype chat.
Yes, you have, Arabela made the chat and I put up with your drivel as long as I could before I left the chat with an apology to Arabela.
electricool;6751071 Now to respond to some issues raised about me before I get banned again. [B said:You badass Nadir![/B]
What? How is any of this once again relevant? How should how the manner in which one duke plays be on any relevance to your own? And how has any of this got anything to do with TB?
They were TB!'s allies and members of TB! for a while.
I think we are onto the only relevant part if your post. And, it was not you personally who set this procedure up to enlist spies, it was your coplayer Sharkey. I do not, of course, have copies of the in game mails. I gave my account away a long time ago.
Your quotes from TreX show that he has been mislead. I never instructed al to give treX orders. If al was claiming this to be the case, or there was miscommunication, I am not aware. Once I left, I promoted treX. I no longer had any influence.
Ah, anyone who says something bad about you has been misled. I personally think, the things TreX said there were the only things he ever said that made much sense.
Oh, I don't know Ana. Maybe a 1000 cap lead and seeing enough drama in wobble to rival a soap opera might have done the trick.
Doesn't seem to have helped them. Also talking of dramas, how many players have left TB! recently?
Your members always stuck by you? Lol.
You seem so desperate to attack my style of leadership whilst defending your own, even though no one here has criticised you really. Well, except for Azazel.
The quotes from TreX, as well as other tb members agree your style of leadership was a bad one.
What is this new logic, Ana? Because I am friends with al, who you say is immoral and underhanded, that makes me the same? You know Ana, we have our own mutual friends which would make you... I don't think I will even entertain this ridiculous logic to be honest.
You have played underhanded so shh.
Interesting comments considering I've never spent time with you in a Skype chat.
I have spent time with you in a skype chat, the amount of crap that comes out of you is astonishing.
No problem bro.
Here we go.
he didn't quit the game. hes on w69 telling players to add me on skype.
I think hes a bit pathetic he just likes to hide it with 2 faced games![]()
- you mass-recruited a large family of mostly dead-weight. achievement? I guess, recruiting is hard work...
- then you quit as soon as your tribe began to buckle and fold the minute Wobble cleared up their main south front and started to fight back. achievement? maybe, it can be hard to quit this game, and it's a wise man who knows when his time is up...
Did you not read the next parts of it discussing how anything from a month ago is not likely to change anyone's mind now (a month later)?
Don't have to read the whole post to know that. I never said the whole post was flawed either. Which is what you accused me of and what I asked you to prove.
Grasping at straws as usual. Go back to W69. Your arguments are as usual, weak, and next you'll be telling us we need a universal consensus to know what "flawed" is.
Edit: Even with Dallow's post he throws a bunch of accusations at Ana, says he doesn't have the mails and doesn't provide any proof of other conversations, but when Dallow responds he says the claims have to be "substantiated" (proved). Double standards. This is getting old Nadir.
I said those things in conjunction. I find it sad you have to grab at some semantic basis just to get anything on me, and are still wrong in not understanding that all three of those can be true, without me having to read your whole post. I can see your arguments are flawed from the start, showed no one cares meaning you wouldn't set anything else straight from the rest...well you get the point.
I like that you claim attacking said accusations would be a waste of time right after you write a monumental wall of text to answer other accusations that are equally "spurious" on a world you no longer play. What you mean is, you won't attack anything you know his proof outweighs yours for.
such buffalo offal lol...
a lot more people have seen your true colours now Nadir, esp after you do pathetic little things like adding young girls to voice chats just to abuse them, coz you're all butthurt that they didn't wanna be your cyber gf. Sad, truly sad.
What percentage of the members in the TB family have ever even attacked Wobble, let alone taken a village? Go on work that out, it's negligible. Hence the 'dead weight'. TB initially ate a few inactive and quit accounts, big deal. And while I have some respect for individual players that fought well and tried their best, it's clear that they are outgunned and don't have the backing of a good tribe, so are even faster getting taken back out or just quitting in disgust and leaving TB.
You basically never even came close to worrying Bunny Queen, even when we were the only active account on that front and we've evicted practically every noob back out of the core, and will only keep going.
But none of this is any of your business now. You quit. You're a quitter, why on earth are you still hanging round these forums? Everyone here already know's your words aren't worth the colon they are formed with, enjoy your sad startup on w69 impersonating Ana, and maybe you can fool a few people there for a while that you know anything ;-)
You are such a pedant. I am bored of arguing.