Dulce Bellum's Unofficial Blog


For Dallow. I didnt want to accept him back at first. But he worked so hard and wanted so bad that I decided to give him another chance with the condition that he doesnt screw it up. Hes a good guy and nice to have around and I decided that hes just a bit more unlucky than others and gave him another chance.

Yes I knew Phoenix was talking to both me and TB because I needed time to plan support for him and the rest that wanted to stay lol. I supported Raveman last because he kept being back and forth about hes decision and wanted to be sure about where he stands.

and sigh.. Sometimes I get overly mean :D I know that. I was just responding to Nadirs attacks. I didnt come here to post anything else and I havent posted in other threads much either.
And yes I agree there are always different things happening in each tribe. For example .. wobble has big egos and such which I personally dont mind aslong as they dont cause me trouble that I need to solve. But most of the times we had disputes it was about things concerning the best of the tribe. If there was a male leader that would have an ego too he would of probably be stubborn on hes decision and never reconsider things from the perspective of hes members. Thus why Sumner thought people here were incapable of following hes decision. Me, I like to discuss things and it worked that way better. Im the one that tries to keep everyone happy lol.

Sorry for being mean and all. I was upset during different periods of time when both tribes made me go reconsider my strategy over and over again and having to watch my back for scheming plans or spies etc. So now I guess I tend to sound rude when talking about it.

But fun times exist, wars not over and I got a world to turn pink. muahaha.

Hugs for everyone, Ana


You know it's funny Ana, calling out 'my attacks'. As I saw it, it was you who initially started to criticise me completely out of the blue. I, to this point have not criticised you in any way, attacked you or anyone in any sense. I do not do that and have a greater sense of maturity than to incite such idiocy such as that.

I came here to defend what was a poor attempt to state such incorrect and fallacious lines of reasoning that I am a bad leader, more importantly that I am a bad person. I don't personally care whether you think I was a poor leader, I am just proud of what I achieved and I am happy with how I did. I am happy, that's all that matters to me in this context even if that does sound quite narcissistic.

I at no point said that I was the only reason for TB's success, there were many people involved, but I am happy with what I gave for the tribe and what I contributed.

But what I don't like, is being portrayed to my friends as underhanded or unethical. Because, in this context, I ​do care what my friends think of me as a person. And I will not sit here and expect to be seated silently whilst such false and unfounded claims are made, even if it was a month ago. So, I will make a few things again clear.

1. I did not engage with any spy within Wobble. Some of your members forwarded me mails, sent screenshots explaining they were unhappy with the tribe and of course, I looked at them and acted upon that information. I don't think anyone would not do it or even would not be able to act after reading them.

Even you Ana, cannot claim wobble did not have spies. I discovered some myself. I would find it hard to believe that you were not aware of their activities and to say that it's not the same because you did not seek or interact with Wobble's spies is a poor excuse, as if you truly do deplore their use you are in a position to act against it.

2. Yes, I did recruit from the enemy. But this is not underhanded on my part. There is nothing deceptive about this, I made it perfectly clear that I would do this from the beginning when i started recruiting Wobble members. If you argue that they lacked loyalty, then that is their wrong, not mine.

In their defence, however, not mine, loyalty does not just come from a tribe tag under a username. A tribe does not own its players and they are not required to remain there because they have to. Loyalty to a tribe comes down to much more than a tag under a username, it is a reflection that player has to the rest of their tribe. Whilst I played, no player from what I saw ever had loyalty or bond to Wobble. They had loyalty to small groups of friends who were all willing to leave with each other if the opportunity arose. Plenty of factors lead to this, but the end result is that Wobble did not gain their loyalty and I did.

3. Once again, you are forced to try and go down the route of using Al, the ex-duke of AAA and his misdealings to try and find some manner of attacking me. I am friends with Al, but this does not mean I approve of everything he does because of it. This reasoning is really quite infantile so I am not going to bother to attack it any further.

Overall, it looks like people's sentiments towards me have ended the same way as every other world. Loved by the (majority) of my tribe and hated by my enemies. I wouldn't have it any other way.
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No I never had spies in Tb.
You recruited refugees and well the end result can be seen now.
Al was helping you shut about not being true :D you 2 were working together.

Your logic is like this. Lets say I send a mail to TB offering Im gonna recruit whoever wants in. I dismiss some more inactive members, recruit tb, Im looking good now sure for the win. I leave the world cus hey I did good. Internal problems happen, half members leave and then Wobble goes in the loosing side.
BUT it got nothing to do with me cus it was good when I was there.

Because you recruited people who had no loyalty, because you left the dead weight aka TB!2 to stay there and munch on barbs while the front players had to do everything.. because of your early duking TB! has to try and push more now to get out of the mess they are in. Just because it was fine before you left doesn't mean TB! is doing bad because of Godliss. Its doing bad because of the sum of things that happened over the time TB! has been formed and taught how to act in a war.
If I didnt try to teach everyone to discuss our problems, if I didnt get a good council to get things sorted when I have little time to do so, if I didnt do everything Ive done so Wobble would stay strong in the FUTURE aswell as present then maybe we wouldnt of got here.

Stop saying you are not responsible for what is happening now. The reason why I came back to Wobble after I quit (I was feeling quite good with all that time on my hands) is because I would of felt guilty if Wobble went down. If I was incapacitated because of RL to come back and help then I wouldnt of came here saying "hurr durr I was a good duke and it was all ok when I was there". I would of been thinking what I did wrong and maybe could have done to prevent all the bad.

I do mistakes, Im not the best leader and Im not afraid of saying that.
Come down on earth a bit and realize that you are the same.

And btw. I never said you were a bad person. that was what others said, I dont get in peoples business. I only responded to the interview you gave a month ago because i was upset you lied about something in there. spies or something i responded back then about it.

I honestly find that quite funny. I have never actively sought a spy in Wobble, although when people forward you information, you're not going to not read it and throw it in the trash. Wobble on the other hand have been using their friends as spies. I also saw a players asking to spy for Bunny Queen and being given a pre-written contract to sign up to with strict rules. Wobble has been using spies for a very long time and it has been integrated into their game strategy. It has not for us, we don't focus on that side of warfare.
^ this is what you said about me that was total bullshit.
I took it as an attack especially since it was so... explicit from you. lets call it explicit bullshit.

this is the reason I chose back them to respond to that post.

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For Dallow. I didnt want to accept him back at first. But he worked so hard and wanted so bad that I decided to give him another chance with the condition that he doesnt screw it up. Hes a good guy and nice to have around and I decided that hes just a bit more unlucky than others and gave him another chance.

LoL, i can re-assure you that Al was also a nice and fun guy. But his methods where immoral, like dallow's. With this kind of persons you have two choices. Either you work with them, either you dont. All the rest is bs.
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As usual, I can only question why Nadir feels the need to come on here and make a fool of himself by criticizing a post from over a month ago. If you were truly satisfied with your own actions and those who mattered, you wouldn't have felt the need to respond to any posts because they are irrelevant, over a month old, and no one would change their mind for the better reading the shit you spew.

Seeing as it's clear you're not satisfied, I think we all know why you're posting.


Ana, you quite clearly made it clear from your first post that I am underhanded in my style of play and hence a bad person. My criticism of Bunny Queen wasn't actually of you, it was your coplayer. That wasn't clear, however, if you wanted to dispute that, that's fair enough, you are entitled to do that. But that was an entire one line of your long post.

To say that Wobble didn't have spies in TB! or AAA really is quite hilarious. I caught some myself. This is a ridiculous comment to make. Either you are lying through your teeth without shame, or you have very selective memory.

The last four or so pages of this thread have almost solely concentrated on me, and what I have done, with the exception of Ana defending how good she is of a leader even when no one was talking about it. The last four pages you have been talking about me, and I'm repeatably criticised for defending myself whilst you have been responding and talking about someone you don't really know over the course of this thread, and somehow I am more low.

I think everything that needs to have been said has finally been said. I don't particularly enjoy having this public spotlight on me. I'd rather leave this thread and world happy in what I've completed here.
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Ana, you quite clearly made it clear from your first post that I am underhanded in my style of play and hence a bad person. My criticism of Bunny Queen wasn't actually of you, it was your coplayer. That wasn't clear, however, if you wanted to dispute that, that's fair enough, you are entitled to do that. But that was an entire one line of your long post.

To say that Wobble didn't have spies in TB! or AAA really is quite hilarious. I caught some myself. This is a ridiculous comment to make. Either you are lying through your teeth without shame, or you have very selective memory.

The last four or so pages of this thread have almost solely concentrated on me, and what I have done, with the exception of Ana defending how good she is of a leader even when no one was talking about it. The last four pages you have been talking about me, and I'm repeatably criticised for defending myself whilst you have been responding and talking about someone you don't really know over the course of this thread, and somehow I am more low.

I think everything that needs to have been said has finally been said. I don't particularly enjoy having this public spotlight on me. I'd rather leave this thread and world happy in what I've completed here.

Dear god, it's like you're trying to ignore the fact that you posted because of one post from a month ago. Not exactly surprising the discussion that follows would be about you, is it?

As usual Nadir, you are misinterpreting. Ana did not interact with spies, just as you did not. But your members did, as her members did. Was she to turn down that information when proffered? I think you said yourself you wouldn't have, and expected no one else would. And you claim that she should've "stopped it"? What should she have told the players, to stop receiving and relaying information, which is exactly what you did? Yeah, right. Maybe while she was at it, she should've given you the names of those information-offerers, just like you did for her. Oh wait, you didn't. So please, shut up.

No one was talking about Ana's leadership, really?

You said:
Your members always stuck by you? Lol.

You seem so desperate to attack my style of leadership whilst defending your own, even though no one here has criticised you really. Well, except for Azazel.

I'm sorry, that was the first post made on the thread in over 10 days, and a response to a month-old post. And she brought it up? Not to mention you were talking about what makes a good leader. She gave her good qualities as an example. If you weren't too busy spewing out crap like this:

You said:
I had no choice but to quit due to RL restricting how much time I have. I still do not have enough time to lead or even play a front line account or I promise you, I would do so.

While you're playing W69 in startup, maybe we'd all care a little bit more. Your "lack of time" is but a choice, one you made when you chose to value another world over the world and players you left behind in shambles and poor leadership when you set godliss up to become one of the main leaders of TB!. TreX could only do so much. But as is to be expected, Dill With It, you tend to make up stories and leave behind people before you can screw up too bad, then you blame it on those you left it to. If I recall correctly, you once told me that you were confident now that your replacements could do just fine. Ah yes, here it is:

You said:
However, the serious side of the joke is that I no longer have the time I used to to play and lead. The successors I had in mind had not settled into the tribe as yet and so I didn't think it was time for me to leave then. A few weeks later that it not true and the remaining dukes of TB! have fully integrated with their members and I an sure that they will do a fantastic job without me. For the last few weeks I have also been decreasing my level of input to reassure myself this is true and it is.

Well, I guess you did write it on April 1st, it must've been a joke like the rest of your posts.

You don't enjoy spotlight, so you post on a month-old post to try and say what you "need to say"? Nothing you said needed saying, or hearing for that matter. It was useless drivel, half-concocted and fanciful in origin. You tell us one moment that you don't know recent happenings in the world, then have "magically" been briefed on them and taken the side that TreX broke down an alliance and left the tribe due to a lack of participation. You conveniently only "know" things that you believe will be advantageous, and use plausible deniability for the rest. Your pretty words did nothing more than show the insulting player you are beneath, as shown in the quote below:

You said:
Because I can defend myself adequately without needing a fan club of pubescent boys jumping to my rescue attempting to please me.

Goodbye and good riddance. If you're so content, then leave the rest of us in peace. We really don't need more of your nonsense.


Dear god, it's like you're trying to ignore the fact that you posted because of one post from a month ago. Not exactly surprising the discussion that follows would be about you, is it?

You're misrepresenting my point, I'm not surprised that the discussion followed about me, I'm saying it's funny how I'm criticised for talking about myself when everyone here is doing the same, talking about me. There are plenty of forum posters who have wisely chosen to stay off these threads, whilst others who don't know me or weren't involved in anything I said, have chosen to come here to attack me. Which is, rather sad.

As usual Nadir, you are misinterpreting. Ana did not interact with spies, just as you did not. But your members did, as her members did. Was she to turn down that information when proffered? I think you said yourself you wouldn't have, and expected no one else would. And you claim that she should've "stopped it"? What should she have told the players, to stop receiving and relaying information, which is exactly what you did? Yeah, right. Maybe while she was at it, she should've given you the names of those information-offerers, just like you did for her. Oh wait, you didn't. So please, shut up.

My members did not interact with spies. At all. I was the only person bringing home information from the enemy from it was being sent to me without demand.

This is not the same in the case of Wobble, they were using their friends from past worlds amongst other means to interact with their spies whilst Ana was duke. What I am saying is that if she truly did deplore the use of subterfuge, she was in a position to stop it. The same reason many of those accused of holocaust war crimes failed to shrug it off as "only orders" when they were in a position of power to stop what was happening.

No one was talking about Ana's leadership, really?

I higly doubt that a line which could be interpreted as criticism from Azazel required such a public outpour of defensive material.

I'm sorry, that was the first post made on the thread in over 10 days, and a response to a month-old post. And she brought it up? Not to mention you were talking about what makes a good leader. She gave her good qualities as an example. If you weren't too busy spewing out crap like this:

While you're playing W69 in startup, maybe we'd all care a little bit more. Your "lack of time" is but a choice, one you made when you chose to value another world over the world and players you left behind in shambles and poor leadership when you set godliss up to become one of the main leaders of TB!. TreX could only do so much. But as is to be expected, Dill With It, you tend to make up stories and leave behind people before you can screw up too bad, then you blame it on those you left it to. If I recall correctly, you once told me that you were confident now that your replacements could do just fine. Ah yes, here it is:

I am playing W69, no Dill With It is not my ingame name, and how dare you assume you know enough about my RL to decide what and what I don't have time to do. I have very limited time and coplaying limited hauls start up requires as much time and effort to queue a building, click a couple of buttons in farm assist and log straight back out again. If I am to do something like lead or play a front line account, I will do it properly.

My choice to leave was only a choice in the sense that giving time to my RL is more important than this game. And everyone in TB! understood that. Don't think you have any knowledge about my life to say that I could play if I wanted to.

You don't enjoy spotlight, so you post on a month-old post to try and say what you "need to say"? Nothing you said needed saying, or hearing for that matter. It was useless drivel, half-concocted and fanciful in origin. You tell us one moment that you don't know recent happenings in the world, then have "magically" been briefed on them and taken the side that TreX broke down an alliance and left the tribe due to a lack of participation. You conveniently only "know" things that you believe will be advantageous, and use plausible deniability for the rest. Your pretty words did nothing more than show the insulting player you are beneath, as shown in the quote below:

If what Ana and other said about me needed saying then I am in as much right to respond to what they said. I don't know recent happenings, but that isn't to say I do not have some major snippets of information as I do speak to a few select friends from TB!. Once again you've chosen to assume more than you can, about what I do or what I can do, and state it as fact.

Goodbye and good riddance. If you're so content, then leave the rest of us in peace. We really don't need more of your nonsense.

I've told you this before. I don't believe that you are naive enough to think that involving such ad hominem attacks would really make someone want to leave this thread alone. You do not know me, you do not know me as a leader and if you really want this thread to die off, you might realise it is wiser to stop making opprobrious claims about my person.


I never said I didn't have spies in AAA. I had one for a temporary time. I chose to not continue with it cus well I didn't really need help from a spy to get AAA down.
I never had spies in TB! and neither have I really got information from other members about anything there. Don't know what you are talking about. To me it seems you have a form of dellusional thinking. First you say that I sign a contract with some guy there to give me info from tb, then that I have been using my friends (what friends dunno) to get info.. when I done neither. Also failing to give any sort of proof that you are in fact not dellusional.

I never commented about how you are in RL, how I know you so well or whatever. I think 95% of people in tw can't possibly know that. I just comment on what Ive known on the period of the time I played with you on the same world. And I will stick with what I know :)

And N4z, for one you are not allowed to discuss problems of a ban. I was the one that got Dallow banned in the first place so don't act like I'm immoral.



It doesn't, I cleared with my account when doing a wave of nuking on an area, like a week later it hadnt been restacked, I attacked and nobled with the sat account. I maintain it was an honest misjudgement on my part and was not done out of greed but trying to help the tribe.
Second one was just a nooby mistake and the third was childish.

No one in Wobble knew about it until after the bans and I have apologised to the people concerned.

I am working now to help wobble win in whatever ways I can.

<3 Ana.

Lol, immoral? You do make me laugh Naz.
Also if you have concerns Naz mail me directly :)

The phrase in bold concerns me a lot but i shall pass it. People never change, so i will be watching your back. :icon_twisted:

Other than that, i will remain to my position. Critisizing Al for his actions then accepting dallow back despite what he did is just ridiculous. Either you deny both, either you dont. There is no middle solution.
First time is acceptable, second time you can forgive someone back, if there is a third time the problem exist in the leadership not in the player that does these things.

Dear god, it's like you're trying to ignore the fact that you posted because of one post from a month ago. Not exactly surprising the discussion that follows would be about you, is it?

Goodbye and good riddance. If you're so content, then leave the rest of us in peace. We really don't need more of your nonsense.

First of all dont shout. If you dont like what Nadir writes go buy a beer and some chips and watch a movie. I thought you were not taking the game that seriously though, it's a game.. right?

Secondly, come on! These forums are dead with only wobblers or tb!'s writing. The controversies are that make it interesting and i really enjoy reading the different points of view that each has on the game, based on their leadership, playing and strategic styles.


I was talking about the TB! war.

and I had no idea about that.


You're misrepresenting my point, I'm not surprised that the discussion followed about me, I'm saying it's funny how I'm criticised for talking about myself when everyone here is doing the same, talking about me. There are plenty of forum posters who have wisely chosen to stay off these threads, whilst others who don't know me or weren't involved in anything I said, have chosen to come here to attack me. Which is, rather sad.

No duh you're being criticized for talking about you. You've made it about you, because you posted about something a month old for no good reason other than "I felt it needed to be said" and "I couldn't answer earlier". Instead of letting it die, you asked everyone to look at what you said, and then wonder why people feel the need to criticize you. You've yet to respond to this, you keep spewing the same drivel over and over and over again.

My members did not interact with spies. At all. I was the only person bringing home information from the enemy from it was being sent to me without demand.

Really? You know everything about your members and what they heard/did, don't you? It's amazing you could be omnipresent, I forgot you had magical powers.

This is not the same in the case of Wobble, they were using their friends from past worlds amongst other means to interact with their spies whilst Ana was duke. What I am saying is that if she truly did deplore the use of subterfuge, she was in a position to stop it. The same reason many of those accused of holocaust war crimes failed to shrug it off as "only orders" when they were in a position of power to stop what was happening.

Really? You're going to compare the holocaust orders to players not being told to stop providing information to Ana, regardless of the fact that she didn't even know where it came from? When it was purely once from TB! and almost immediately caught?

Nadir, you took in players from an enemy tribe to declare war, after they'd agreed to join said tribe. And you're attempting to take the high road. It's a little disturbing you could be such a hypocrite, but at this point I'm fairly used to it.

I higly doubt that a line which could be interpreted as criticism from Azazel required such a public outpour of defensive material.

She made a small paragraph or two (very small) on it, initially. Which you went on to argue. So no goddamn wonder there was a public outpour of support for Ana, she's our duke and we think she's doing a fine job. But you also went on to call us a pubescent fan club of boys eager to get at her, or something along those lines, for wanting to defend a duke who we think is doing a good job. Because she's a female. Then you went on to imply muso is sexist, and that his mindset is a chivalrous one from the Middle Ages that no longer applies in modern times, and that he gives her special treatment because she's a girl.

So not only did you start it, you made ad hominem and fallacious attacks on anyone who defended her, assuming that because she's a girl we're jumping to her aid. I think you're clutching at straws, and I think you know that.

I am playing W69, no Dill With It is not my ingame name, and how dare you assume you know enough about my RL to decide what and what I don't have time to do. I have very limited time and coplaying limited hauls start up requires as much time and effort to queue a building, click a couple of buttons in farm assist and log straight back out again. If I am to do something like lead or play a front line account, I will do it properly.

Maybe it's not. It's just the account you signed a mail with as "Ec", but maybe that's another ec who mysteriously is in the tribe I know he's in. Probably a sit, at the most. But mk, I pretended to know something about your RL because I said you could choose not to play W69 and play an account in W65 to help lead the tribe you left to rot :icon_rolleyes:. Look at the gigantic jump in reasoning that you gave to put words in my mouth, Nadir? Desperation ill becomes you.

My choice to leave was only a choice in the sense that giving time to my RL is more important than this game. And everyone in TB! understood that. Don't think you have any knowledge about my life to say that I could play if I wanted to.

Whelp, looks like I touched a nerve of someone trying to lie. Whoops!

If what Ana and other said about me needed saying then I am in as much right to respond to what they said. I don't know recent happenings, but that isn't to say I do not have some major snippets of information as I do speak to a few select friends from TB!. Once again you've chosen to assume more than you can, about what I do or what I can do, and state it as fact.

Really now? Let's take a look at what you said:

You said:
I have not been following the most recent happenings in W65 with any detail, anything good or bad that has happened since I left does not reflect my leadership seeing as I left over two months ago.

This was in response to the question Dallow posed the question of "Speaking of dramas, how many players have left TB! recently?"

The answer is fairly simple, it exists right in TWStats. A logical response could've followed, too, given you apparently speak to friends who give you "major snippets" of information. Instead, you pleaded ignorance. But when it comes to TreX, you know all...

Then you complain that I'm assuming I know more than I do? Really? Coming from the guy who tried to imply I had to read his whole wall of gigantic, useless text to know it was useless? Yeah, I'm the one acting like I know more than I do, because you suddenly have inconsistencies as usual. Nice attempt to distract from the issue though.

I've told you this before. I don't believe that you are naive enough to think that involving such ad hominem attacks would really make someone want to leave this thread alone. You do not know me, you do not know me as a leader and if you really want this thread to die off, you might realise it is wiser to stop making opprobrious claims about my person.

I point out a quote of you saying something disgusting and unjustified, and your response is to say it's ad hominem and that it makes you want to post.

If you were truly content with what you'd done and who you played/posted as, you'd have no reason to respond to said "ad hominem", but you know and I know that you messed up majorly in your approach. Your attempt to seem polite and honorable was shot down the moment anyone read any of your posts, along with the moment they listened for a half a second to your excuses for everything (because that appears to be all you can give). Once more, I'll quote this, which you purposely ignored to help you avoid saying and admitting you were wrong, because you appear to think you're too good in your own mind to be:

You said:
However, the serious side of the joke is that I no longer have the time I used to to play and lead. The successors I had in mind had not settled into the tribe as yet and so I didn't think it was time for me to leave then. A few weeks later that it not true and the remaining dukes of TB! have fully integrated with their members and I an sure that they will do a fantastic job without me. For the last few weeks I have also been decreasing my level of input to reassure myself this is true and it is.

And for the record, Nadir, I thought "everything that had to be said was said"? That you'd "rather leave this thread"? If you're content with what you've said, why do you keep responding? Why do you feel the need to defend yourself if you're so confident that people don't see you as the slithering snake of a deceptive player you are? Well, either you have this intense need to keep the spotlight on you, which you claim to hate so much (so much so that you keep unnecessarily posting and make posts on month-old threads that have arguments that are hardly relevant any longer), or you don't feel as confident as you pretend to be. I wouldn't be surprised if it was both.

Don't leave the thread for all I care. You're going to keep that spotlight that you claim to hate so much on you because you feel the need to defend yourself from claims you say you've already addressed or call it all semantics, despite saying that you're perfectly fine with what you did and there's nothing more to say. As usual, you'll be a hypocrite and claim you hate the spotlight which you kept firmly trained on you for the entirety of this thread, and when Ana posted to defend herself and you accused her further, and more public support came to her than has for you, she suddenly was trying to talk about her own leadership abilities that "no one talked to her about".

You love the spotlight, even if you won't admit it. You should be thanking us for giving you so much, despite the fact you don't deserve it. Instead you claim to hate it, but keep it trained on you by posting about old, decrepit things.

You know, this is a waste of time, but not for you. For us. But fortunately for me, I've got time to kill. Enjoy wasting yours, which apparently is so restricted that you can play W69 and post walls of text here, but not choose to try and help the tribe you left behind :icon_wink:.


it's easy to stay in the good moments of the tribe and claim the glory and then say its the tribes fault for dropping when they finally are under pressure. Yes you didn't say it's the tribes fault, but it has to be someones, and since you are so perfect and nice and all it can't be yours, right?


As Naz says, success has many fathers but failure is an orphan.

Not surprised ec is no different.


Getting ganged up on in an argument that you already had no chance of winning.



As i also said but you failed to remember leaders are also critisized based on the human resources they have in their tribe and the circumstances they become leaders on.

I will explain what i mean giving a football example.
Ana took care of a Real Madrid team (aka wobble) who had been failing to communicate and did well organizing all these big egos together.
When Nadir took care of TB! it was a team playing in the second league of the Spanish National Division. He managed to take it from there and put it playing in the Champions League final against Real Madrid. This is pure success in my eyes.

Or-El you are misintepretending my quote because we have different opinions on what has happened. My personal opinion is that TB! has gone really too far based on the quality of the players we have in our tribe. Thus, if you want me to judge the whole TB! project from the start to now, i think it has been fairly succesful.

This is making both of them succesful in their own way.
That's the story. Live with it.

ps: i dont talk any more about Dallow's mentality cause i understand he is your friend and you dont want to face the reality. Good friend of you anyway :D

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Skilled Soldier 2017
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I want to say a few things, I have read this thread and I have found my name used quite a few times. TB! was as good as any tribe at its prime. This was a group effort. Combo and Nadir are two of the names that stick out the most in my opinion. Nadir did sit a lot whilst he was still on the world. Combo managed defense very well and always helped out with anything. I agree with his points that I am not a good choice for a duke. I do not have the people skills nor the patience to deal with many people. I think I am best used how I was at the beginning of the war as just an OP planner and Nadir managing the members of the tribe.

The reason I left TB! was because I wanted members booted and made an example of to gain participation and Godliss didn't want to. She was one of the most selfish players in TB! as regards to offering nukes and nobles to OPs. Being one of the dukes that is simply unacceptable. The reason Justin and Godliss were brought into TB! as dukes was to get them to join TB! and bring their members over as well. The planning of getting people to jump from Wobble to TB! was a pretty long process. When they got to TB! they did not live up to their expectations as regards to leading.

Shortly after Nadir "quit" and named me duke in his place, Godliss was already telling me she would be more active leading wise if she was the sole leader. TB! had a good run while I was the duke, but due to the reasons Combo listed here, I was unsuccessful. So I just stepped down and gave Godliss her shot at leading. I stepped back and launched all my nukes on Se7ensins and started internalling. Due to some cross nobling with some dead weight member who was merging a 1mil point account into his already fat account from internalling, I was feed up. I then left TB! in a spit of a rage over godliss not booting the dead weight noobs who after 4 months of war had yet to get over 1mil war ODA. After that I was simply tribeless until I hit delete as I was finishing up some classes and to be honest I was simply tired of fighting a losing cause.

I want to thank the active fighters of TB! for a few fun memories. We had some good victories. I look forward to seeing some TB! players and Wobble players in future worlds, specifically W69.


As i also said but you failed to remember leaders are also critisized based on the human resources they have in their tribe and the circumstances they become leaders on.

I will explain what i mean giving a football example.
Ana took care of a Real Madrid team (aka wobble) who had been failing to communicate and did well organizing all these big egos together.
When Nadir took care of TB! it was a team playing in the second league of the Spanish National Division. He managed to take it from there and put it playing in the Champions League final against Real Madrid. This is pure success in my eyes.

Horrifically incorrect. All you managed to do was get players to turn against their former friends, destroying all bridges in the process, started a rivalry, and your old players were mainly worthless in the face of those who held up your fronts when they moved over. TB! was nothing, a small rim tribe before it recruited players to do their fighting for them. If that's your definition of success, so be it. I'll take Wobble's spoils of war style of recruitment over your recruiting from the enemy anyday, and apparently it's what gets you farther eh?

Or-El you are misintepretending my quote because we have different opinions on what has happened. My personal opinion is that TB! has gone really too far based on the quality of the players we have in our tribe. Thus, if you want me to judge the whole TB! project from the start to now, i think it has been fairly succesful.

I don't recall misinterpreting your quote, or quoting you at all.

This is making both of them succesful in their own way.
That's the story. Live with it.

ps: i dont talk any more about Dallow's mentality cause i understand he is your friend and you dont want to face the reality. Good friend of you anyway :D

I don't think you have a grasp on the reality of who Dallow is, to be making the quoted claim.