You're misrepresenting my point, I'm not surprised that the discussion followed about me, I'm saying it's funny how I'm criticised for talking about myself when everyone here is doing the same, talking about me. There are plenty of forum posters who have wisely chosen to stay off these threads, whilst others who don't know me or weren't involved in anything I said, have chosen to come here to attack me. Which is, rather sad.
No duh you're being criticized for talking about you. You've made it about you, because you posted about something a month old for no good reason other than "I felt it needed to be said" and "I couldn't answer earlier". Instead of letting it die, you asked everyone to look at what you said, and then wonder why people feel the need to criticize you. You've yet to respond to this, you keep spewing the same drivel over and over and over again.
My members did not interact with spies. At all. I was the only person bringing home information from the enemy from it was being sent to me without demand.
Really? You know everything about your members and what they heard/did, don't you? It's amazing you could be omnipresent, I forgot you had magical powers.
This is not the same in the case of Wobble, they were using their friends from past worlds amongst other means to interact with their spies whilst Ana was duke. What I am saying is that if she truly did deplore the use of subterfuge, she was in a position to stop it. The same reason many of those accused of holocaust war crimes failed to shrug it off as "only orders" when they were in a position of power to stop what was happening.
Really? You're going to compare the holocaust orders to players not being told to stop providing information to Ana, regardless of the fact that she didn't even know where it came from? When it was purely once from TB! and almost immediately caught?
Nadir, you took in players from an enemy tribe to declare war, after they'd agreed to join said tribe. And you're attempting to take the high road. It's a little disturbing you could be such a hypocrite, but at this point I'm fairly used to it.
I higly doubt that a line which could be interpreted as criticism from Azazel required such a public outpour of defensive material.
She made a small paragraph or two (very small) on it, initially. Which you went on to argue. So no goddamn wonder there was a public outpour of support for Ana, she's our duke and we think she's doing a fine job. But you also went on to call us a pubescent fan club of boys eager to get at her, or something along those lines, for wanting to defend a duke who we think is doing a good job. Because she's a female. Then you went on to imply muso is sexist, and that his mindset is a chivalrous one from the Middle Ages that no longer applies in modern times, and that he gives her special treatment because she's a girl.
So not only did you start it, you made ad hominem and fallacious attacks on
anyone who defended her, assuming that because she's a girl we're jumping to her aid. I think you're clutching at straws, and I think you know that.
I am playing W69, no Dill With It is not my ingame name, and how dare you assume you know enough about my RL to decide what and what I don't have time to do. I have very limited time and coplaying limited hauls start up requires as much time and effort to queue a building, click a couple of buttons in farm assist and log straight back out again. If I am to do something like lead or play a front line account, I will do it properly.
Maybe it's not. It's just the account you signed a mail with as "Ec", but maybe that's another ec who mysteriously is in the tribe I know he's in. Probably a sit, at the most. But mk, I pretended to know something about your RL because I said you could choose not to play W69 and play an account in W65 to help lead the tribe you left to rot :icon_rolleyes:. Look at the gigantic jump in reasoning that you gave to put words in my mouth, Nadir? Desperation ill becomes you.
My choice to leave was only a choice in the sense that giving time to my RL is more important than this game. And everyone in TB! understood that. Don't think you have any knowledge about my life to say that I could play if I wanted to.
Whelp, looks like I touched a nerve of someone trying to lie. Whoops!
If what Ana and other said about me needed saying then I am in as much right to respond to what they said. I don't know recent happenings, but that isn't to say I do not have some major snippets of information as I do speak to a few select friends from TB!. Once again you've chosen to assume more than you can, about what I do or what I can do, and state it as fact.
Really now? Let's take a look at what you said:
You said:
I have not been following the most recent happenings in W65 with any detail, anything good or bad that has happened since I left does not reflect my leadership seeing as I left over two months ago.
This was in response to the question Dallow posed the question of "Speaking of dramas, how many players have left TB! recently?"
The answer is fairly simple, it exists right in TWStats. A logical response could've followed, too, given you apparently speak to friends who give you "major snippets" of information. Instead, you pleaded ignorance. But when it comes to TreX, you know all...
Then you complain that I'm assuming I know more than I do? Really? Coming from the guy who tried to imply I had to read his whole wall of gigantic, useless text to know it was useless? Yeah,
I'm the one acting like I know more than I do, because you suddenly have inconsistencies as usual. Nice attempt to distract from the issue though.
I've told you this before. I don't believe that you are naive enough to think that involving such ad hominem attacks would really make someone want to leave this thread alone. You do not know me, you do not know me as a leader and if you really want this thread to die off, you might realise it is wiser to stop making opprobrious claims about my person.
I point out a quote of you saying something disgusting and unjustified, and your response is to say it's ad hominem and that it makes you want to post.
If you were truly content with what you'd done and who you played/posted as, you'd have no reason to respond to said "ad hominem", but you know and I know that you messed up majorly in your approach. Your attempt to seem polite and honorable was shot down the moment anyone read any of your posts, along with the moment they listened for a half a second to your excuses for everything (because that appears to be all you can give). Once more, I'll quote this, which you purposely ignored to help you avoid saying and admitting you were wrong, because you appear to think you're too good in your own mind to be:
You said:
However, the serious side of the joke is that I no longer have the time I used to to play and lead. The successors I had in mind had not settled into the tribe as yet and so I didn't think it was time for me to leave then. A few weeks later that it not true and the remaining dukes of TB! have fully integrated with their members and I an sure that they will do a fantastic job without me. For the last few weeks I have also been decreasing my level of input to reassure myself this is true and it is.
And for the record, Nadir, I thought "everything that had to be said was said"? That you'd "rather leave this thread"? If you're content with what you've said, why do you keep responding? Why do you feel the need to defend yourself if you're so confident that people don't see you as the slithering snake of a deceptive player you are? Well, either you have this intense need to keep the spotlight on you, which you claim to hate so much (so much so that you keep unnecessarily posting and make posts on month-old threads that have arguments that are hardly relevant any longer), or you don't feel as confident as you pretend to be. I wouldn't be surprised if it was both.
Don't leave the thread for all I care. You're going to keep that spotlight that you claim to hate so much on you because you feel the need to defend yourself from claims you say you've already addressed or call it all semantics, despite saying that you're perfectly fine with what you did and there's nothing more to say. As usual, you'll be a hypocrite and claim you hate the spotlight which you kept firmly trained on you for the entirety of this thread, and when Ana posted to defend herself and you accused her further, and more public support came to her than has for you, she suddenly was trying to talk about her own leadership abilities that "no one talked to her about".
love the spotlight, even if you won't admit it. You should be thanking us for giving you so much, despite the fact you don't deserve it. Instead you claim to hate it, but keep it trained on you by posting about old, decrepit things.
You know, this is a waste of time, but not for you. For us. But fortunately for me, I've got time to kill. Enjoy wasting yours, which apparently is so restricted that you can play W69 and post walls of text here, but not choose to try and help the tribe you left behind :icon_wink:.