Dust Empire V.S ~LS~


Side 1:
Tribes: ~LS~

Side 2:
Tribes: Dust Dust~2 Dust~3 Dust~5 Shroud

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 112
Side 2: 4
Difference: 108


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 16,668,786
Side 2: 6,137,851
Difference: 10,530,935


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 867,668
Side 2: 33,723
Difference: 833,945


Side 1:
Tribes: ~LS~

Side 2:
Tribes: Dust Dust~2 Dust~3 Dust~5 Shroud

Timeframe: Last week

Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 99,947
Side 2: 0
Difference: 99,947

Mac we already established that ~ls~ only took out Dust-3, Let them face us. U moron


Mac we already established that ~ls~ only took out Dust-3, Let them face us. U moron
Typically, families stand up for their sister tribes. Why didn't the rest of Dust do anything about the downfall of Dust~3? If the rest of Dust did try to help, then it shows how inefficient and ineffective your family is.


Mac we already established that ~ls~ only took out Dust-3, Let them face us. U moron

Just posting war stats. You are wrong. Look at the stats for just Dust~3, they are missing about 30 some villages in ~LS~'s favor. ~LS~ Hasn't just gone for Dust~3

Side 1:
Tribes: ~LS~

Side 2:
Tribes: Dust~3

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 82
Side 2: 3
Difference: 79


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 642,281
Side 2: 26,015
Difference: 616,266




Hey great to have someone finally post whose not being bitchy and is actually tackling the Dust enigma with a fair analysis :)

To reply to your observations...

1. Very true and we know we are lucky to be in this situation... although that advantage is quickly countered by the fact everyone who spawned in the middle have had months more time than us to grow and strengthen. I know id prefer to have been in the middle earlier than on the rim with a wall behind me lol

2. That is totally untrue. U have simply said what all other families do, we really havent recruited blindy. Our dominance in our area is not from recruiting everyone, its from destroying enemy tribes and taking their villages... our ODA clearly shows this.

3. ~i~ didnt go for us for many reasons and your reason is probably one of the main ones.
Please tell me you are kidding about the "fair analysis" comment. Romulus said the exact same thing me and MK have been saying for days. He just typed less.


Please tell me you are kidding about the "fair analysis" comment. Romulus said the exact same thing me and MK have been saying for days. He just typed less.

Feel free to point me to where u have spoken about us being on the rim and theerfore not having to worry about our 'back' and about ~i~'s relations with us...


I'm pretty sure I pointed out that you have never been seriously challenged in my very first post. You're saying I should've specified which tribes never seriously challenged you ?:icon_eek:


I'm pretty sure I pointed out that you have never been seriously challenged in my very first post. You're saying I should've specified which tribes never seriously challenged you ?:icon_eek:

Not at all, im asking jurusu so back up his statement.


@Dust members

If you just study TW history one of the most succesful tribes got where they were with allies or lost because of absence of them.
For example lets take Die. they were considered one of the elite tribes ever and they had a strong alliance with CTRL.
OE on w4 was also considered one of the best tribes ever. They fell because when they went to help their allies other tribes gangbanged them(hence the absence of diplomacy).

Also as to the comment we came to the spot where we are by ourselves doesn't bring to much merit.
1. you don't have a back to take care of.(its like leaning on the wall)
2. You are a family you recruited everything there is to recruit on your continents.
3. You were protected by ~I~ who were so paranoid of us that they didn't even notice you...
Ok Ende, I quoted Romulus's post here. I'll go over it point by point

First that top paragraph supports MK and myself when we say diplomacy is important.

Now the three points:

1. You have your back to the wall. Anyone can look on a map and easily see this, so its common knowledge and I didn't think I really had to point it out to you guys in Dust since you should already know that.

2. Family tribes, mass recruiting, etc. makes up quite a bit of our arguements against you.

3. We've also talked about, to quote MK, how "You have never been challenged" before. At this point you finally realize you are losing this argument and you try to fall back on knit-picking our assertions, saying we've never covered this just because we weren't that specific, when we really didn't need to be.


Side 1:
Tribes: Dust~2 Dust

Side 2:
Tribes: ~LS~

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 2
Side 2: 29
Difference: 27


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 19,821
Side 2: 245,513
Difference: 225,692



Side 1:
Tribes: Dust Dust~2
Side 2:
Tribes: ~LS~
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers:
Side 1: 127
Side 2: 48
Difference: 79

Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 0
Side 2: 1
Difference: 1

Points value of total conquers:
Side 1: 709,326
Side 2: 357,386
Difference: 351,940

Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 0
Side 2: 2,174
Difference: 2,174


And we are still one of the current fastest noblers in W16 (25 across family in past 24hrs).

Conquers like these?


I notice that you have conquer more villages than some, but that they aren't worth as many points as other tribes with less conquers.

I dont understand other big tribes who just like to make friends are stare at each over the parapet, this is a wargame afterall and should be enjoyed. Nothing better than going up against the best to test your game skills. Or maybe we could just sit around on the forums and chat.... hmmm
Large tribes like, C2, =HRV=, Bang!?, Plight, and ~LS~? They are almost always on the top noblers in world 16, I doubt that they are 'playing hugs.'

P.S. Glad there are only three Dust tribes now. Keep it up.


Those war stats aren't too entertaining. Did ~LS~ stop attacking, or is Dust defending itself well?


~LS~'s ODA has gone down, so I would guess they're biding their time?


~LS~'s ODA has gone down, so I would guess they're biding their time?

If you fully check the stats it has only been minor skirmishes, involving a few ls players and there attacks stopped because they have lost what they had to send Because we are getting rid of pointwhores and inactives.

I dont deny that if terest of ls got involved the situation woud change but i guess they are biding their time.:icon_confused:


Oh, I bet they have more to send, just not on the front lines...


very true but its the front line that matters most at this point i would say


Endes comment:


Hey great to have someone finally post whose not being bitchy and is actually tackling the Dust enigma with a fair analysis :)

To reply to your observations...

1. Very true and we know we are lucky to be in this situation... although that advantage is quickly countered by the fact everyone who spawned in the middle have had months more time than us to grow and strengthen. I know id prefer to have been in the middle earlier than on the rim with a wall behind me lol

2. That is totally untrue. U have simply said what all other families do, "we really havent recruited blindy. Our dominance in our area is not from recruiting everyone, its from destroying enemy tribes and taking their villages... our ODA clearly shows this."

3. ~i~ didnt go for us for many reasons and your reason is probably one of the main ones."

Im sorry, but i have to defend my FORMER tribe.

In our "war" you managed to take out 2 of our players which was after our main players got recruited by YOU.

In shroud you have 3 of our former players, in your main tribe you have another 3 of our former members. They all add up to over 1 million points.

I may have a stupid look on wars, but isnt it frowned upon to invite your enemy members while you are at war with them? You just saw that there were members that would make you bigger and "stronger" and you invited them. You didnt win the war by taking more villages, granted you did take more villages than us, but you won the war by inviting our members and sending my whole tribe mails to scare them into coming to you.

Not a way to win a war, so good luck with LS, from what ive seen, they havent even started with you yet.
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No i wasnt in dust, why would you think i was? There arnet any LS members in dust because (sorry for the bluntness) no LS member would want to be in dust. Thats from my point of view anyway, i cant speak for LS members.
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No i wasnt in dust, why would you think i was? There arnet any LS members in dust because (sorry for the bluntness) no LS member would want to be in dust. Thats from my point of view anyway, i cant speak for LS members.

This is why:

Im sorry, but i have to defend my FORMER tribe.

I apologize, I misread it. I thought you were defending Dust, saying ~LS~ took members adding up over one million points.
I now see you were defending Apocos. But recruitment is fair in war.