Dust Empire V.S ~LS~


Conquers like these?


I notice that you have conquer more villages than some, but that they aren't worth as many points as other tribes with less conquers.

Large tribes like, C2, =HRV=, Bang!?, Plight, and ~LS~? They are almost always on the top noblers in world 16, I doubt that they are 'playing hugs.'

P.S. Glad there are only three Dust tribes now. Keep it up.

wtf is wrong with ur tribe?

by nobling 100 point to 2k barbs ur making ur nobles more expensive for good villas, i nkow its obvious but still, ( cowards)


wtf is wrong with ur tribe?

by nobling 100 point to 2k barbs ur making ur nobles more expensive for good villas, i nkow its obvious but still, ( cowards)

Alba you aren't looking at the greater picture. Yes you are right that it's better to take larger villages...I myself have taken mainly large villages on this world, but sometimes clustering can be effective. When your tribe has 98% control of K98 I think taking every village on that continent however small it is, is much more effective in the long run than leaving them there. I've seen big tribes being flamed for taking small barbs a lot, but clustering is extremely effective and I've never seen it not work.

Maybe some of those noblings are questionnable, but I don't see much wrong with my own tribes nobling at all, so I don't think there is much wrong with my tribe (Dust~2) on that topic. We aren't perfect, we know that...who is? We think we've done a good job so far on this world especially seeing as we were late starters. When I started up Dust~2, we were 150th in the world...5/6 months later, we are 24th and the tribe is looking fairly good. I don't know what you all think of that, but I think that's a fairly good achievement. We've made mistakes, but we're still learning and we feel we are starting to become a fairly decent tribe.

As for this topic, I don't feel we should be included in this. We only have 2 or 3 villages on K97 and they aren't anywhere near LS. The only thing we have been doing is supporting a few of the other family members here and there. For now our concentration is mainly on Windex and they are starting to fall already, so we'll only do a bit on supporting in this war here and there until we're finished with Windex, then we'll help out our families as much as we possibly can.

I would also like to say that I don't feel this is a war at all. No Dust player to my memory has said that it is a war and no LS player has suggested that either. LS only seem to have on direction to grow into and that is in our direction, so I would take this as a bit of K clearing for now. Maybe it will become a war...we'll see, but Dust~2 will be ready within about a month, so if they want to keep on coming then as I said, we will become fully involved both in attacking and supporting our families.


Alba you aren't looking at the greater picture. Yes you are right that it's better to take larger villages...I myself have taken mainly large villages on this world, but sometimes clustering can be effective. When your tribe has 98% control of K98 I think taking every village on that continent however small it is, is much more effective in the long run than leaving them there. I've seen big tribes being flamed for taking small barbs a lot, but clustering is extremely effective and I've never seen it not work.

Maybe some of those noblings are questionnable, but I don't see much wrong with my own tribes nobling at all, so I don't think there is much wrong with my tribe (Dust~2) on that topic. We aren't perfect, we know that...who is? We think we've done a good job so far on this world especially seeing as we were late starters. When I started up Dust~2, we were 150th in the world...5/6 months later, we are 24th and the tribe is looking fairly good. I don't know what you all think of that, but I think that's a fairly good achievement. We've made mistakes, but we're still learning and we feel we are starting to become a fairly decent tribe.

As for this topic, I don't feel we should be included in this. We only have 2 or 3 villages on K97 and they aren't anywhere near LS. The only thing we have been doing is supporting a few of the other family members here and there. For now our concentration is mainly on Windex and they are starting to fall already, so we'll only do a bit on supporting in this war here and there until we're finished with Windex, then we'll help out our families as much as we possibly can.

I would also like to say that I don't feel this is a war at all. No Dust player to my memory has said that it is a war and no LS player has suggested that either. LS only seem to have on direction to grow into and that is in our direction, so I would take this as a bit of K clearing for now. Maybe it will become a war...we'll see, but Dust~2 will be ready within about a month, so if they want to keep on coming then as I said, we will become fully involved both in attacking and supporting our families.
Wow now where do I start to point out everything that is wrong in this post. I guess I'll start at the top.

So for the first paragraph, you bring up a good point. Clustering is good, especially when you have complete control of a continent. But the continent also needs to be safe. Right now the Dust family is at war with ~LS~, and it looks like =HRV= is expanding south into you guys as well. So instead of nobling 100 point barbarian, you should instead be focusing on your war with ~LS~, and what looks to be a looming war with =HRV=.

You then go on to talk about your current ranking. Well...I'm not sure if you haven't noticed, but the top 4 players in the world are all bigger by themselves than your entire tribe, and ranks 5 and 6 aren't far behind. So 1 player is in size, equal to 56 players. Doesn't seem like such an accomplishment to me for you guys.

Shouldn't be included? Just from that small third paragraph of yours, I already see the family fracturing more than it already has, as you guys aren't even working together. Instead of working together, the true strong point of family tribes, you are instead acting as individual tribes. Might as well change your tribe name now.

Umm...Regarding your last paragraph...I believe Camil5000 (believe that's his full ign) was the one who actually started this topic, and posted war stats. So now you guys are contradicting each other. With this kind of organization and cooperation that you are demonstrating, I'd say the only thing holding ~LS~ back from completely taking the southeast is a lack of sufficient nobles.


Wow now where do I start to point out everything that is wrong in this post. I guess I'll start at the top.

So for the first paragraph, you bring up a good point. Clustering is good, especially when you have complete control of a continent. But the continent also needs to be safe. Right now the Dust family is at war with ~LS~, and it looks like =HRV= is expanding south into you guys as well. So instead of nobling 100 point barbarian, you should instead be focusing on your war with ~LS~, and what looks to be a looming war with =HRV=.

You then go on to talk about your current ranking. Well...I'm not sure if you haven't noticed, but the top 4 players in the world are all bigger by themselves than your entire tribe, and ranks 5 and 6 aren't far behind. So 1 player is in size, equal to 56 players. Doesn't seem like such an accomplishment to me for you guys.

Shouldn't be included? Just from that small third paragraph of yours, I already see the family fracturing more than it already has, as you guys aren't even working together. Instead of working together, the true strong point of family tribes, you are instead acting as individual tribes. Might as well change your tribe name now.

Umm...Regarding your last paragraph...I believe Camil5000 (believe that's his full ign) was the one who actually started this topic, and posted war stats. So now you guys are contradicting each other. With this kind of organization and cooperation that you are demonstrating, I'd say the only thing holding ~LS~ back from completely taking the southeast is a lack of sufficient nobles.

Lol Jurasu, I had a feeling you would be saying negative things about Dust yet again, but you are welcome to your opinion even if I disagree with you on all of those points :icon_surprised:

As I said, we aren't at war with LS. I'll read Camil's post again at some point, but I think you'll find that the majority of Dust players don't see this as a war. If this is a war, then Ende wouldn't have declared on Windex...he would've turned all of his attention to LS, so maybe one or two Dust members say this is a war, but none of LS and the majority of Dust say this isn't a war and that's the simple truth. Therefore, clustering is what we will be doing on K98, maybe even on K99 when I decide it is completely appropriate.

I am fully aware of HRV being where they are, but I don't see a declaration on a tribe of our size compared to theirs. I knew a very long time ago from talking to one of their ex members that they were coming to the south east. I am aware that they will come, but will they come when they are already in a number of wars right now? I'm prepared for them to come, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see on that one.

As for your point on us not working together...I believe I have already stated that we are working well together against Windex. I also have said that we are sending support to Dust against any incomings from LS, but we are saving most of our support for our own war which the whole family sees as more important than a few attacks every now and then from LS.


As I said, we aren't at war with LS. I'll read Camil's post again at some point, but I think you'll find that the majority of Dust players don't see this as a war. If this is a war, then Ende wouldn't have declared on Windex...he would've turned all of his attention to LS, so maybe one or two Dust members say this is a war, but none of LS and the majority of Dust say this isn't a war and that's the simple truth. Therefore, clustering is what we will be doing on K98, maybe even on K99 when I decide it is completely appropriate.

I am fully aware of HRV being where they are, but I don't see a declaration on a tribe of our size compared to theirs. I knew a very long time ago from talking to one of their ex members that they were coming to the south east. I am aware that they will come, but will they come when they are already in a number of wars right now? I'm prepared for them to come, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see on that one.

As for your point on us not working together...I believe I have already stated that we are working well together against Windex. I also have said that we are sending support to Dust against any incomings from LS, but we are saving most of our support for our own war which the whole family sees as more important than a few attacks every now and then from LS.

I think that Dust~3 would've counted it as a war.
(to the part in bold) But you all love wars!
with =HRV= and ~LS~ closing in, I would have thought that may have wanted wanted allies (no matter how horrible you think they are) to have a chance to fight the larger tribes.
And the last part, you say that you work together but have said many times throughout the thread that you didn't support the brach of the family conquered by ~LS~.

I have spoken my piece and do not intend to post again in this thread. (I'm sure you're all very thankful for that!) :icon_razz:
If this does become a full fledged war and not just expansion, I wish the best to both sides.


Lol Jurasu, I had a feeling you would be saying negative things about Dust yet again, but you are welcome to your opinion even if I disagree with you on all of those points :icon_surprised:

As I said, we aren't at war with LS. I'll read Camil's post again at some point, but I think you'll find that the majority of Dust players don't see this as a war. If this is a war, then Ende wouldn't have declared on Windex...he would've turned all of his attention to LS, so maybe one or two Dust members say this is a war, but none of LS and the majority of Dust say this isn't a war and that's the simple truth. Therefore, clustering is what we will be doing on K98, maybe even on K99 when I decide it is completely appropriate.

I am fully aware of HRV being where they are, but I don't see a declaration on a tribe of our size compared to theirs. I knew a very long time ago from talking to one of their ex members that they were coming to the south east. I am aware that they will come, but will they come when they are already in a number of wars right now? I'm prepared for them to come, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see on that one.

As for your point on us not working together...I believe I have already stated that we are working well together against Windex. I also have said that we are sending support to Dust against any incomings from LS, but we are saving most of our support for our own war which the whole family sees as more important than a few attacks every now and then from LS.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I'm not negative to Dust in general, aside from my normal distaste for family tribes. I only feel negatively to those who act foolishly, and say stupid things.

Now I'm not exactly sure, so don't hold it against me if I'm wrong, but I believe Ende has referred to this as a war himself. And I don't think it would've stopped him from declaring war on Windex, because he's already claimed to "be at war with 4 other tribes"

And now you are trying to put words in my mouth. I never said =HRV= declared war on you. I'm just stating that they've been moving south, and its likely that they'll turn their attention on you soon. I'm just stating what seems to be plainly obvious to me. They might not even view it as a war, and not even declare on you. And you might want to check your information again, because they are not currently in any wars :icon_rolleyes: I actually tried to give you good advice, and instead you turned it down with your rude, poorly thought out comeback.

And when members of the same tribe/family are saying things that contradict each other, that usually constitutes poor communication, which in turns means poor team work. Now you are even contradicting yourself, which means you aren't thinking before you are typing. Before, you said that only Dust2 is at war with Windex, but now you've changed that to say that the whole family is. Well which is it? And no offense to Windex, but I'd be seeing ~LS~ as a bigger threat than Windex, and I would personally be stacking frontline villages BEFORE attacks were sent and it was too late. Waiting until the attacks are launched is a good way to lose both that village and the support sent.


Lol Jurasu, I had a feeling you would be saying negative things about Dust yet again, but you are welcome to your opinion even if I disagree with you on all of those points :icon_surprised:

As I said, we aren't at war with LS. I'll read Camil's post again at some point, but I think you'll find that the majority of Dust players don't see this as a war. If this is a war, then Ende wouldn't have declared on Windex...he would've turned all of his attention to LS, so maybe one or two Dust members say this is a war, but none of LS and the majority of Dust say this isn't a war and that's the simple truth. Therefore, clustering is what we will be doing on K98, maybe even on K99 when I decide it is completely appropriate.

I am fully aware of HRV being where they are, but I don't see a declaration on a tribe of our size compared to theirs. I knew a very long time ago from talking to one of their ex members that they were coming to the south east. I am aware that they will come, but will they come when they are already in a number of wars right now? I'm prepared for them to come, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see on that one.

As for your point on us not working together...I believe I have already stated that we are working well together against Windex. I also have said that we are sending support to Dust against any incomings from LS, but we are saving most of our support for our own war which the whole family sees as more important than a few attacks every now and then from LS.

~LS~ Didn't call it a war because they didn't think it was. t was easy casual expansion against a weak, unorganized, bad communicating family tribe. It isn't a war if there is no resistance. When ~LS~ destroyed your sister tribe, you did nothing. Why? I don't know, but it reflects poorly on you and your (family) tribe. Most family tribes are bad because of those very reasons. ~LS~ could walk all over you anyway. All they would have to do is stack a couple of frontline vils and attack. They could do it tommorrow? If I was you I would be ready.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I'm not negative to Dust in general, aside from my normal distaste for family tribes. I only feel negatively to those who act foolishly, and say stupid things.

Now I'm not exactly sure, so don't hold it against me if I'm wrong, but I believe Ende has referred to this as a war himself. And I don't think it would've stopped him from declaring war on Windex, because he's already claimed to "be at war with 4 other tribes"

And now you are trying to put words in my mouth. I never said =HRV= declared war on you. I'm just stating that they've been moving south, and its likely that they'll turn their attention on you soon. I'm just stating what seems to be plainly obvious to me. They might not even view it as a war, and not even declare on you. And you might want to check your information again, because they are not currently in any wars :icon_rolleyes: I actually tried to give you good advice, and instead you turned it down with your rude, poorly thought out comeback.

And when members of the same tribe/family are saying things that contradict each other, that usually constitutes poor communication, which in turns means poor team work. Now you are even contradicting yourself, which means you aren't thinking before you are typing. Before, you said that only Dust2 is at war with Windex, but now you've changed that to say that the whole family is. Well which is it? And no offense to Windex, but I'd be seeing ~LS~ as a bigger threat than Windex, and I would personally be stacking frontline villages BEFORE attacks were sent and it was too late. Waiting until the attacks are launched is a good way to lose both that village and the support sent.

Hehe, I'm not sure which bit in my previous comment was rude but please point that out to me. I'm simply stating my opinion, so if you see that as rude then I'm sorry for that.

I think macon's point was a true reflection of things. I think we did abandon Dust~3 partly. I'm not exactly sure what Dust did, but I know that my tribe did not help them. Yes, that was our fault...I accept some of the blame for that, but it's not like that anymore. You could argue that that was not a war, but what is going on currently is not a war, so I'm not sure that needs to be argued any further cos it's a simple fact.

About HRV, I was actually agreeing with you on your point. I never said myself that they had declared on us, I was simply agreeing with you that they were a threat and they still are. I think what I was saying is that I already know exactly what threat HRV actually are and I appreciate the advice, but I already know the exact situation with them. There's nothing rude about that.

About the condradicting bit. Let's get this straight. Before, it was just Dust~2 involved in the war. Dust and Shroud were fighting Apocos. Now Apocos are finished as far as we are concerned, Dust and Shroud have turned their attentions to Windex. No condradicting going on there, just a case of things changing.

Again to your last point, thank you for giving us the advice on frontline stacking, but we are already doing that. I think that is partly shown by the single conquer against each side in the past week.

Sorry for being a copycat (macon), but I've also said my bit on this. I don't see any point in constantly going over the same thing over and over again because that's the way this topic is going. If you've got a problem with how our tribe is being run, then contact me ingame, but I'm bored of arguing over othe same thing constantly.


Hehe, I'm not sure which bit in my previous comment was rude but please point that out to me. I'm simply stating my opinion, so if you see that as rude then I'm sorry for that.

I think macon's point was a true reflection of things. I think we did abandon Dust~3 partly. I'm not exactly sure what Dust did, but I know that my tribe did not help them. Yes, that was our fault...I accept some of the blame for that, but it's not like that anymore. You could argue that that was not a war, but what is going on currently is not a war, so I'm not sure that needs to be argued any further cos it's a simple fact.

About HRV, I was actually agreeing with you on your point. I never said myself that they had declared on us, I was simply agreeing with you that they were a threat and they still are. I think what I was saying is that I already know exactly what threat HRV actually are and I appreciate the advice, but I already know the exact situation with them. There's nothing rude about that.

About the condradicting bit. Let's get this straight. Before, it was just Dust~2 involved in the war. Dust and Shroud were fighting Apocos. Now Apocos are finished as far as we are concerned, Dust and Shroud have turned their attentions to Windex. No condradicting going on there, just a case of things changing.

Again to your last point, thank you for giving us the advice on frontline stacking, but we are already doing that. I think that is partly shown by the single conquer against each side in the past week.

Sorry for being a copycat (macon), but I've also said my bit on this. I don't see any point in constantly going over the same thing over and over again because that's the way this topic is going. If you've got a problem with how our tribe is being run, then contact me ingame, but I'm bored of arguing over othe same thing constantly.
The way you typed your previous post came across as rude to me. Due to this being typed out, I can't really understand the normal inflection you would be putting behind your words in real life. That's just how I understood them.

Thank you for finally agreeing. The abandonment of Dust~3 shows the poor communication. You did nothing to help them, and in turn you also have no idea what the rest of your family did to help them. And the errors made by a tribe once are very likely to happen again, and are expected until proven otherwise. You've yet to show us good communication in our family, so we still expect the opposite.

The only part about =HRV= that I disagreed with that you said was that =HRV= was already in several wars. They are not.

The contradicting part was referring to comments made by you and Endemonia, not between tribes. If you read over all of the posts made by both of you, you'll find conflicting statements.

As for frontline stacking, I don't know if you know what you are talking about. From memory, a post or two ago, you stated that you are sending some support to villages already under attack, but are witholding most of your support for any coming war. That doesn't sound like stacking to me.


CBK havent u not yet seen that this 'discussion' is pointless mate lol

Basically the more u write the more data the hatchetmen have to throw about... we can see plenty of contradictions in what theyve said too, i know, but theres no point bringing it up cos this is how any game forum works... round and round in circles until either one of the arguers dies of old age or the world gets nuked...

Personally i prefer to waste what little of my life i have left on the game itself... Ive tried to be friendly and just chat but even that gets disected and criticised and all ive said is 'hi!'... (this apparently translates in TW speak to that ive declared war on 7 tribes and explained that our tribes game strategy involves using ninja-penguins and asking Darth Vader to spy for us)


CBK havent u not yet seen that this 'discussion' is pointless mate lol

Basically the more u write the more data the hatchetmen have to throw about... we can see plenty of contradictions in what theyve said too, i know, but theres no point bringing it up cos this is how any game forum works... round and round in circles until either one of the arguers dies of old age or the world gets nuked...

Personally i prefer to waste what little of my life i have left on the game itself... Ive tried to be friendly and just chat but even that gets disected and criticised and all ive said is 'hi!'... (this apparently translates in TW speak to that ive declared war on 7 tribes and explained that our tribes game strategy involves using ninja-penguins and asking Darth Vader to spy for us)

How did you learn about the ninja-penguins? That was supposed to be a secret weapon!


CBK havent u not yet seen that this 'discussion' is pointless mate lol

Basically the more u write the more data the hatchetmen have to throw about... we can see plenty of contradictions in what theyve said too, i know, but theres no point bringing it up cos this is how any game forum works... round and round in circles until either one of the arguers dies of old age or the world gets nuked...

Personally i prefer to waste what little of my life i have left on the game itself... Ive tried to be friendly and just chat but even that gets disected and criticised and all ive said is 'hi!'... (this apparently translates in TW speak to that ive declared war on 7 tribes and explained that our tribes game strategy involves using ninja-penguins and asking Darth Vader to spy for us)
Was wondering when you guys would learn that it would be better to not talk at all if you couldn't use hard facts to make your point. I commend you for that.

And Adam, I have absolutely no idea how they found out. I thought we kept that locked up tight within the tribe.


I'm post stats week by week in here, so here goes. Still not a war...

Side 1:
Tribes: Dust
Side 2:
Tribes: ~LS~
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 1
Side 2: 0
Difference: 1

Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 9,790
Side 2: 0
Difference: 9,790


HRV and HRVa have now declared war on Dust.

Yep we know and Windex have stopped attacking Dust and have declared war on HRV, so I might as well put in our own stats for these and they can be updated however people like them.

Side 1:
Tribes: Dust
Side 2:
Tribes: HRVa =HRV= ~LS~
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers:
Side 1: 79
Side 2: 248
Difference: 169

Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 3
Side 2: 0
Difference: 3

Points value of total conquers:
Side 1: 393,936
Side 2: 1,986,019
Difference: 1,592,083

Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 29,416
Side 2: 0
Difference: 29,416


Wow we have lost 2 villages already. Darn, i didnt know that. Well its going to be an interesting fight in k97


Wow we have lost 2 villages already. Darn, i didnt know that. Well its going to be an interesting fight in k97

Lol, only 48 hours or so gone yet, so yeah it should be a pretty interesting one. Nice to see that you already recruited two of our players Camil and Dr.Stein, only time will tell as to whether that's a good decision or not.


Lol, they asked me to join when they were in Apocos, and i had just moved into HRVa. They were in Dust so they didnt get attacked. Thats Loyalty to dust for you


Lol, they asked me to join when they were in Apocos, and i had just moved into HRVa. They were in Dust so they didnt get attacked. Thats Loyalty to dust for you

Very true, but not what they said to me. I'll let them explain why they joined you cos I don't know the absolute truth on that one.

I think this war came at exactly the right time tbh with you. We've been expecting it for ages and it's come when this world has gone quiet again. It seems as if this is the only thing actually happening on this world of any interest right now, so hopefully it'll trigger this world back into action.