I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I'm not negative to Dust in general, aside from my normal distaste for family tribes. I only feel negatively to those who act foolishly, and say stupid things.
Now I'm not exactly sure, so don't hold it against me if I'm wrong, but I believe Ende has referred to this as a war himself. And I don't think it would've stopped him from declaring war on Windex, because he's already claimed to "be at war with 4 other tribes"
And now you are trying to put words in my mouth. I never said =HRV= declared war on you. I'm just stating that they've been moving south, and its likely that they'll turn their attention on you soon. I'm just stating what seems to be plainly obvious to me. They might not even view it as a war, and not even declare on you. And you might want to check your information again, because they are not currently in any wars :icon_rolleyes: I actually tried to give you good advice, and instead you turned it down with your rude, poorly thought out comeback.
And when members of the same tribe/family are saying things that contradict each other, that usually constitutes poor communication, which in turns means poor team work. Now you are even contradicting yourself, which means you aren't thinking before you are typing. Before, you said that only Dust2 is at war with Windex, but now you've changed that to say that the whole family is. Well which is it? And no offense to Windex, but I'd be seeing ~LS~ as a bigger threat than Windex, and I would personally be stacking frontline villages BEFORE attacks were sent and it was too late. Waiting until the attacks are launched is a good way to lose both that village and the support sent.