Dust Empire V.S ~LS~


It will be a very interesting war. If Dust can defend their front villages well enough then it will be a very tough fight


It will be a very interesting war. If Dust can defend their front villages well enough then it will be a very tough fight

Mighty big if. If HRV is serious about going to war with Dust, I expect Dust to be crippled within a month and gone (under 1 million points, at least) within 2.


Wonder if ~LS~ will perk up now that HRV is in it? If so, Dust will have lots to do soon...


war with who again? I thought we were cleaning up all the small tribes near us....

HRV: 7618 villages
HRVa: 389 villages
8007 villages

Dust: 1443 villages
Windex: 574 villages
2017 villages

If we actually tried, their would be NO front line for either of you to stack.


Mighty big if. If HRV is serious about going to war with Dust, I expect Dust to be crippled within a month and gone (under 1 million points, at least) within 2.

Lol so negative about us. I am positive. I think that HRV fighting on three fronts will have an effect, but I'm not sure how much. If Windex and Coal merge and get their act together, then HRV may well be busy too (depends though whether they can or not). We know we're huge underdogs, but we expect ourselves to put up a decent fight. It also depends on how much effort HRV put into this. I prefer not to think about the if's and buts and just enjoy the war, which we'll aim to do. We've got a lot of respect for HRV, possibly less for Dr.Stein and Camil, but we still see it as a privilege to fight HRV and we want to show you what we're made of. As for LS, do you really need them to help you macon? I'm not really bothered if they do and I expect them to stop being quiet and come at us, but I don't think you really need any help against a tribe so much smaller than your own.
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If Dusts members dont start to jump the ship at the fist sign of a leek, i think they will last more than 2 months, but if (lots of ifs and buts) they dont organise themselfs quickly and members start to leave then Dust will fall in under a month. Though if one of these ks starts to fall: K97, 98 and 88, it will be all over for dust.


I would guess HRV has more nukes than Dust has villages :icon_confused:. Not much of a fight there.


For those of you posting stats, do me a favor and put the whole Dust family into the equation. Right now, yes it looks impressive with Dust nobling 3 villages and losing 0, but not if Dust~2 lost say 10 villages. You have to include all parts in the war, otherwise your propaganda loses effect, and ends up looking bad on you.

And I'm curious about the method you used for counting CBK. I count one fighting front for =HRV=, not 3. =HRV= is not at war with C2, and as far as I know, they aren't at war with Plight or *MK* either.

Early on I expect to see the war stats favoring Dust since =HRV= looks to have some isolated villages in Dust territory that'll probably fall easily, but after that I expect to see =HRV= methodically push in from the north and ~LS~ to come in from the west.


I would guess HRV has more nukes than Dust has villages :icon_confused:. Not much of a fight there.

It's not quite as simple as that. Even if they do, that doesn't make a difference. Ever heard of stacking? Or maybe just dodging the nukes...maybe we could dodge and snipe the trains. What about morale? Teamwork with stacking? I could go on forever, but I think you get the point that size doesn't mean everything.


Do you really want to get into that?

Alright, let's assume HRV has a 1:1 ratio of offense to defense. That means 4k nukes that they could rain down on you. Let's assume they take 2 nukes per village of yours. They'd clear half your villages, and then close range noblers would rain down upon the undefended villages.

2 nukes, even with bad morale, will kill a lot of your troops, and unless you selectively stack, you're definitely going to lose a lot. Not to mention all they have to do is send in a few trains along with them and a bunch of fakes to make your noobs panic, and the war is almost over. Not a very hard thing to do really.


For those of you posting stats, do me a favor and put the whole Dust family into the equation. Right now, yes it looks impressive with Dust nobling 3 villages and losing 0, but not if Dust~2 lost say 10 villages. You have to include all parts in the war, otherwise your propaganda loses effect, and ends up looking bad on you.

And I'm curious about the method you used for counting CBK. I count one fighting front for =HRV=, not 3. =HRV= is not at war with C2, and as far as I know, they aren't at war with Plight or *MK* either.

Early on I expect to see the war stats favoring Dust since =HRV= looks to have some isolated villages in Dust territory that'll probably fall easily, but after that I expect to see =HRV= methodically push in from the north and ~LS~ to come in from the west.

Jurasu, I did say post them how you like. I posted them the way I wanted to, HRV can post them how they want to. Shroud's conquers against HRV are 0-0 so it makes no difference and I merged Dust~2 into the family so we'll be gone soon.

3 fronts? I've already said Windex, Coal and Dust. Whether you regard them as major fronts or not, they are still 3 fronts and in different areas. Also why should the stats favour Dust early on? HRV declared on us as they've already said, so they had plenty of time to stack all of the villages in our areas, therefore I don't expect them to favour us at the start. I expect them to be close at the start and later on, it will either stay close or one side will clearly be winning.


Do you really want to get into that?

Alright, let's assume HRV has a 1:1 ratio of offense to defense. That means 4k nukes that they could rain down on you. Let's assume they take 2 nukes per village of yours. They'd clear half your villages, and then close range noblers would rain down upon the undefended villages.

2 nukes, even with bad morale, will kill a lot of your troops, and unless you selectively stack, you're definitely going to lose a lot. Not to mention all they have to do is send in a few trains along with them and a bunch of fakes to make your noobs panic, and the war is almost over. Not a very hard thing to do really.

Ok, let's go into it. How likely do you think it is that HRV will send everysingle nuke? Do you think they will send them from their furthest continents from us? Also, I've been in a tribe that were once declared war on by a 30mill point tribe and we were 5mill at the time. Conquers were 100+ to us and only 2 to them. I've seen a 190mill point tribe lose by over 100 difference to a 80mill point tribe. You can't just say this war is over because of the size of different tribes. You can say that HRV are huge favourites to win, but it's not impossible for small tribes to beat big tribes.


Jurasu, I did say post them how you like. I posted them the way I wanted to, HRV can post them how they want to. Shroud's conquers against HRV are 0-0 so it makes no difference and I merged Dust~2 into the family so we'll be gone soon.

3 fronts? I've already said Windex, Coal and Dust. Whether you regard them as major fronts or not, they are still 3 fronts and in different areas. Also why should the stats favour Dust early on? HRV declared on us as they've already said, so they had plenty of time to stack all of the villages in our areas, therefore I don't expect them to favour us at the start. I expect them to be close at the start and later on, it will either stay close or one side will clearly be winning.
Ok, explaining it like that makes it better. I didn't know of a merge between 2 Dust families.

And I don't consider that 3 fronts. There are 3 seperate enemy tribes, but they are all to the south, so that is one front.

I find it funny that I side with you and your tribe, saying Dust will see some victory early on, and you try to argue with me? Yes =HRV= probably did stack them, but even a stacked village can only take so many hits.

You also make an argument against Orel that you can stack, dodge, snipe, etc, but again, the sheer number of villages =HRV= has once again comes into play. 8k+ villages. Now I'll take my normal nuke into account for this. I use 250 rams. If I were to send them all out as fakes, except for one which I would send all the troops with, that would be 250 attacks with only 1 real. Now if =HRV= has a 1:1 ratio, you can multiply that by 4000. That's 1,000,000 incomings, with only 4000 of them real. Now add onto that the popularity of building cats in defensive villages, a normal number being 200. So take the other 4000 defensive villages, each with 200 cats that can be sent out, that's yet another 800,000 incomings. So you now have 1,800,000 incomings, but only 4000 are real. I would really like to try to see you find the real ones, because there's no way you'd be able dodge all those attacks.

Add to that the villages of ~LS~ as well. And you might say something along the lines of "Well they won't be attacking with every single village, or have all the numbers you suggested," but even taking half that number is still more than you can handle.

Also, you've never been in a major war like this with such a big tribe, so you probably don't realize that morale that comes into play either. I'm not talking about the morale that protects smaller players. I'm talking about will to play the game. If you log in everyday to the sight of a thousand new incomings everyday, you would find that this game isn't as fun as you once though, and suddenly you have a ton of frontline players quitting.

Now this could work either way, but I think this is where =HRV= size and experience will come into play, and eventually give them, and ~LS~, the victory


I suspected you'd say as much.

HRV has proved themselves in the past to be fierce fighters. Dust, not so much.

HRV has held the record for most ennoblements in 24 hours by war operation. Dust does not.

As for the "Not every single nuke" argument, why not? Even assuming they don't, and you mean they have nukes that aren't ready to be sent, the same goes for Dust, which is a moot point. So in short, even if they did have a 1:1 nuke:village ratio for you, you'd still be hard pressed to survive. Don't kid yourself, most of your members would quit at the sight of 1k fakes, or 20 nukes. Even if not, they'll be cleared and nobled. There's not much hope for any of them, and staring HRV in the face is such a drop in morale in the tribe you might even fall apart as a family :icon_rolleyes:.


Ok, explaining it like that makes it better. I didn't know of a merge between 2 Dust families.

And I don't consider that 3 fronts. There are 3 seperate enemy tribes, but they are all to the south, so that is one front.

I find it funny that I side with you and your tribe, saying Dust will see some victory early on, and you try to argue with me? Yes =HRV= probably did stack them, but even a stacked village can only take so many hits.

You also make an argument against Orel that you can stack, dodge, snipe, etc, but again, the sheer number of villages =HRV= has once again comes into play. 8k+ villages. Now I'll take my normal nuke into account for this. I use 250 rams. If I were to send them all out as fakes, except for one which I would send all the troops with, that would be 250 attacks with only 1 real. Now if =HRV= has a 1:1 ratio, you can multiply that by 4000. That's 1,000,000 incomings, with only 4000 of them real. Now add onto that the popularity of building cats in defensive villages, a normal number being 200. So take the other 4000 defensive villages, each with 200 cats that can be sent out, that's yet another 800,000 incomings. So you now have 1,800,000 incomings, but only 4000 are real. I would really like to try to see you find the real ones, because there's no way you'd be able dodge all those attacks.

Add to that the villages of ~LS~ as well. And you might say something along the lines of "Well they won't be attacking with every single village, or have all the numbers you suggested," but even taking half that number is still more than you can handle.

Also, you've never been in a major war like this with such a big tribe, so you probably don't realize that morale that comes into play either. I'm not talking about the morale that protects smaller players. I'm talking about will to play the game. If you log in everyday to the sight of a thousand new incomings everyday, you would find that this game isn't as fun as you once though, and suddenly you have a ton of frontline players quitting.

Now this could work either way, but I think this is where =HRV= size and experience will come into play, and eventually give them, and ~LS~, the victory

I'm not trying to argue with you, I'm just stressed about exams tbh with you and I'm taking it out on you...sorry :icon_wink:

I must admit you are insane at maths, I couldn't keep up with that. I was saying that it's simply unlikely that HRV will send everything they have at us. Do you really think they would bother? I expect them to stack all the frontlines heavily and just use their nukes on the frontlines and on the nearest continents, which is much less than you are saying will happen. As for LS, when was the last time they attacked us, when was the last time they were in the top noblers? They are incredibly quiet right now and I don't understand why, maybe they can answer that one.

I have been in a major war like this and many major wars like this. I know many of my tribemembers have as well, but not all of them. On one of my worlds, I was in constant war for 6months. We declared, destroyed each tribe in a week and moved onto the next until we were declared by a tribe 6 times our own size which I've already pointed out, but we still won unbelieveably easily and that tribe disbanded. I've been in a tribe that was destroyed by the tribe that I'm now in on another world. I had incomings constantly for weeks and still survived. I know how boring constant incomings can be and I agree with that point, but what about them. Who says they won't get constant incomings? Will they actually deal with that pressure, will we deal with that pressure. Who knows? We've got some tough guys though who know what they're doing. I admit we have a few guys who aren't so tough and don't know as much, but they've been dropping out constantly and they will keep on going.

I'm too busy right now to be in the forums, so I'll leave the stats posting to HRV for now. Good luck to everyone involved.


Honestly, I really am good with math, but that was simple numbers to me.

And you may have been in wars in other worlds, but from your description, those seem to be faster worlds. Here, wars drag out for long periods of time with few results. I think you are in for a rude awakening.

As for ~LS~, I'd call it the calm before the storm. If ~LS~ hasn't attacked you at all lately, it means they haven't been losing nukes. And as you've said, they haven't been nobling as much lately, which means they are using less nobles. I don't know about you, but for me, 2 and 2 always equal 4, if you get what I mean.


We declared on Dust :icon_eek:

And nobody noticed me :axemen:

Last I hear was that one of our academy member was attacked by Dust. If Dust cant rimm one isolated semi active academy member with all their effort then they arent worth to be even consider as enemy.

About Coal - they declared war and organized attack on one of our members deep in their area. Even with all their effort they nobled just few villages in their first attack.
Second attack never happend because they are already half of their previous size and they are eaten without too much effort.

Windex - they are maybe in war against one or two of our players and they still losing,so I wont even mention that as frontline.

We heard that Plight will declare on us soon,so we stacked our northern borders :lol:


It all started when me and one other attacked and took 2 villages from a shroud member. Dust retailiated against us, nukes were sent from them, and lots of annoying fakes sent from me :). The attacks stoped then a few days later HRV and us declared war on Dust.


HRV have not declared War on Dust we are simply treating them like any other village in the way. We have simply just reacted to some "attacks" on our members.


Ive just made my account and im in Dust. Also, if plight do declare war on =HRV= then it will be Dust vs ~LS~ and Plight, Coal, Windex vs =HRV=.

Plight will put up a good long fight. But with Coal and Windex helping them Plight will slightly edge it. And because Plight will edge the battle very slowly =HRV= wont be able to help ~LS~ against Dust. If Dust only focus on destroying ~LS~ and ~LS~ dont fully focus on Dust then i think that Dust could beat ~LS~!
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