Edgey strips for World 32


And to think... I got linked here from mIRC by Heftysmurf lol...

/me would laugh if these got out on world 29 forums :icon_wink:


I think if something is worth doing it's worth doing twice.

Well, I did something almost as bad... Both DSL and NME have this link in one of their forums, and there are a few other tribes who will be posting it.

What can we say, we like to get to know our mod better.


Wow this is GREAT!
I now have Edgey, Bwah, AND Dark's cross dressing images burned into my retnas but hey whos complaining :icon_wink:


I'm not gonna lie, I joined this world just so I could see edgey strip! :p

earthquake girl

Wow this is GREAT!
I now have Edgey, Bwah, AND Dark's cross dressing images burned into my retnas but hey whos complaining :icon_wink:

Unless you've seen Geldy's xdressing pics, your retinas will recover. ;)


$10 says he didnt get into hate even though he did this

All in the name of fun, and i must say. The war between Hate. and iP was one of the best examples of having a fun war and showing each other respect. throughout the war we stayed respectful and a lot of us even had some funny convos going on, then at the end both tribes congratulated each others performance.

Great sportsmanship thats what i say and this thread just shows everyone where it originates from :icon_razz: