Very interesting to see how this world has turned out. From looking like DOTT might steamroll the entire north to a huge power shift with the JUST F. commanding a 46M point total vs. DOTTs 28M.
It seems like JUST's better diplomacy skills and overall better world attitude is helping them glide to what seems like a rather easier victory. Interested in seeing what the rim tribes end up backing, because although its far easier to get along with JUST, it may end up just giving them a free win in the long run.
JUST have made it clear to many rim tribes they wont play nice, pretending to have diplomacy and then attacking you. Saying they'll recruit you, then without a word sending you an op. 10/10 good blokes.
JUST have made it clear to many rim tribes they wont play nice, pretending to have diplomacy and then attacking you. Saying they'll recruit you, then without a word sending you an op. 10/10 good blokes.
u and dj mike are u really that idiot or u just wann make me angry?i mean your iq cant be more than a bananas iq.
for real feelsgoodman was a guy friend with wargastic and they just internal him and u are putting him on the stats?are u serius?he was a friend of them who just give his villages for free,an internal...xrxrx leave by his own didnt even let us to help,we didnt dissmised him u coward kid
I have a Question if xBxRx didn't give you a chance to defend him how come his sit was being passed about like a joint at a party??? yet again you talk out your ass........ starting to think you're all talk.....
Stats will always be skewed in some way of another.
Why? Because both sides want to win and in their eyes, they don't like seeing their own side losing.
Here are the stats.
Side 1:
Tribes: JUST., JUST2. Side 2:
Tribes: DOTT, GRRR
Timeframe: Forever
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 222 Side 2: 127 Difference: 95
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 1,778,850 Side 2: 1,002,586 Difference: 776,264
Side 1:
Tribes: JUST., JUST2. Side 2:
Tribes: DOTT, GRRR
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 97 Side 2: 75 Difference: 22
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 829,157 Side 2: 603,497 Difference: 225,660
Side 1:
Tribes: JUST., JUST2. Side 2:
Tribes: DOTT, GRRR
Timeframe: Last 48 hours
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 47 Side 2: 25 Difference: 22
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 418,206 Side 2: 206,579 Difference: 211,627
BEFORE THE WAR (on 25/03/2018):
Note that when the war started on 25/03/2018 12:19:26.. (I'll put the 25/03/2018 points from TWStats since I don't have full history)
DOTT 12,072,188
GRRR 4,233,067
VIK 4,961,253
JUST. 10,573,609
JUST2. 5,653,640
NOTE: Not all of VIK and GRRR players survived the merge due to kick for 'food'. Out of ~120 players, ~80 players were accepted but the count of survived players is most likely even lower since there was discontent among VIK trapped in the Core with no barbs to noble for a long time (more aggressive kicking & nobling).
NOTE2: China (merged with N0PE), Namu, Squeal, and Phalos are part of the war but have been excluded for simplicity.
DOTT total points (including VIK) = 21,266,508
DOTT total points (w/o VIK) = 16,305,255
JUST. total points = 16,227,249
While it is unfair to exclude VIK since DOTT acquired VIK top players.. I've merely added the stats since there is a lot of whining.
AFTER THE WAR (as of 22/04/2018 14:41):
1 JUST. 25,475,339
2 DOTT 20,624,993
3 JUST2. 17,116,338
4 Namu 9,054,741
5 GRRR 7,263,146
JUST. total points = 42,591,677
DOTT total points = 27,888,139 JUST./DOTT points = 1.53
JUST. is now ~50% bigger than DOTT.
What I think (feel free to disagree):
Recruiting to Win?
Despite all the name calling in the thread of cowardice and recruiting to win (namely, from fullcontact and your daddy), no top tribe in any world has retained their original members to win the world. Both DOTT and JUST. are not free from recruiting.. If you see better players who are more willing to work together as a tribe than others, both tribes have made, imo, the correct decisions to kick & noble them.
DOTT has kicked ~40 players of VIK, GRRR at one time, which caused a lot of commotion, distress & distrust.
JUST. has kicked non-participating members one by one.
DOTT leadership definitely made the wrong move during the merge, when it should have been a gradual change.
The public opinion has already tilted in the favor of JUST. by this point.
The comparison war stats have consistently shown in favor of JUST. With public opinion and war stats in mind, I think third-party players are more inclined to choose JUST. over DOTT.
Spies and betraying?
In my opinion, it is the tribe leadership's responsibility to appear their own tribe more favorable. We all know spying and betraying is frowned upon in the externals but imo, it makes the game much more dynamic and fun. It is the variability that makes this game so much fun: playing against human players where the stakes are high. It is interesting to see different human behaviors where "cheaters" defeat the "innocent", or "diligence"/"war skills" outplay the "cheaters", or "diplomacy" trumps "war skills".
If TW only allows attacking the enemy players without considering different scenarios, it's nothing more than a "number" game where bots will always win the world.
Actually, what I think is... I just love this game and hope that this will be a fun war whether it be through ennoblements, diplomacy, public image, information or recruitment. So far, I think JUST. won on all fronts.
Lets all be honest here,everyone was telling to DOTT their recruitment of everyone and everything will hurt them in the long run when they get backstabed,and that happened. I don't see how they can feel any anger or act surprised. Everyone saw it coming sooner or later and ofc with 100% chance to happen it did .
If they had more patience and nobled slowly DM over time instead of rushing to end war with recruitment this would never happen.
I'm not saying same can't happen to JUST but atm we are talking about DOTT that seemed far more greedy over last few months when it comes to recruitment
Stats will always be skewed in some way of another.
Why? Because both sides want to win and in their eyes, they don't like seeing their own side losing.
Here are the stats.
Side 1:
Tribes: JUST., JUST2. Side 2:
Tribes: DOTT, GRRR
Timeframe: Forever
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 222 Side 2: 127 Difference: 95
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 1,778,850 Side 2: 1,002,586 Difference: 776,264
Side 1:
Tribes: JUST., JUST2. Side 2:
Tribes: DOTT, GRRR
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 97 Side 2: 75 Difference: 22
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 829,157 Side 2: 603,497 Difference: 225,660
Side 1:
Tribes: JUST., JUST2. Side 2:
Tribes: DOTT, GRRR
Timeframe: Last 48 hours
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 47 Side 2: 25 Difference: 22
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 418,206 Side 2: 206,579 Difference: 211,627
BEFORE THE WAR (on 25/03/2018):
Note that when the war started on 25/03/2018 12:19:26.. (I'll put the 25/03/2018 points from TWStats since I don't have full history)
DOTT 12,072,188
GRRR 4,233,067
VIK 4,961,253
JUST. 10,573,609
JUST2. 5,653,640
NOTE: Not all of VIK and GRRR players survived the merge due to kick for 'food'. Out of ~120 players, ~80 players were accepted but the count of survived players is most likely even lower since there was discontent among VIK trapped in the Core with no barbs to noble for a long time (more aggressive kicking & nobling).
NOTE2: China (merged with N0PE), Namu, Squeal, and Phalos are part of the war but have been excluded for simplicity.
DOTT total points (including VIK) = 21,266,508
DOTT total points (w/o VIK) = 16,305,255
JUST. total points = 16,227,249
While it is unfair to exclude VIK since DOTT acquired VIK top players.. I've merely added the stats since there is a lot of whining.
AFTER THE WAR (as of 22/04/2018 14:41):
1 JUST. 25,475,339
2 DOTT 20,624,993
3 JUST2. 17,116,338
4 Namu 9,054,741
5 GRRR 7,263,146
JUST. total points = 42,591,677
DOTT total points = 27,888,139 JUST./DOTT points = 1.53
JUST. is now ~50% bigger than DOTT.
What I think (feel free to disagree):
Recruiting to Win?
Despite all the name calling in the thread of cowardice and recruiting to win (namely, from fullcontact and your daddy), no top tribe in any world has retained their original members to win the world. Both DOTT and JUST. are not free from recruiting.. If you see better players who are more willing to work together as a tribe than others, both tribes have made, imo, the correct decisions to kick & noble them.
DOTT has kicked ~40 players of VIK, GRRR at one time, which caused a lot of commotion, distress & distrust.
JUST. has kicked non-participating members one by one.
DOTT leadership definitely made the wrong move during the merge, when it should have been a gradual change.
The public opinion has already tilted in the favor of JUST. by this point.
The comparison war stats have consistently shown in favor of JUST. With public opinion and war stats in mind, I think third-party players are more inclined to choose JUST. over DOTT.
Spies and betraying?
In my opinion, it is the tribe leadership's responsibility to appear their own tribe more favorable. We all know spying and betraying is frowned upon in the externals but imo, it makes the game much more dynamic and fun. It is the variability that makes this game so much fun: playing against human players where the stakes are high. It is interesting to see different human behaviors where "cheaters" defeat the "innocent", or "diligence"/"war skills" outplay the "cheaters", or "diplomacy" trumps "war skills".
If TW only allows attacking the enemy players without considering different scenarios, it's nothing more than a "number" game where bots will always win the world.
Actually, what I think is... I just love this game and hope that this will be a fun war whether it be through ennoblements, diplomacy, public image, information or recruitment. So far, I think JUST. won on all fronts.
Lets all be honest here,everyone was telling to DOTT their recruitment of everyone and everything will hurt them in the long run when they get backstabed,and that happened. I don't see how they can feel any anger or act surprised. Everyone saw it coming sooner or later and ofc with 100% chance to happen it did .
If they had more patience and nobled slowly DM over time instead of rushing to end war with recruitment this would never happen.
I'm not saying same can't happen to JUST but atm we are talking about DOTT that seemed far more greedy over last few months when it comes to recruitment
Im gona reply to both of u and ill talk nicely cause so u talk to me!and it will be my last time i reply to this post.
First of all i know that my english are bad but ill try to make u understand what my thoughts are.
You put the stats mate,the stats you put are wrong! u have to revove the feelsgoodman and the xrxrx.the feelsgoodman was an internal,he was inactive and was their friend as well.which they just took his villages easily.the second one was all his villages on their cluster and they attacked him on the very first moment when they live,that brings the result that this guy didnt try anything he live the dott by hiself,didnt even accept our help!to be fair he had all the right to do that,who whould expect those guys to do that?
Many of you here may think that im a 10 years old kid who the only thing that he can do is being toxic.Well im toxic to only those who deserve can ask me tribemates if im toxic or not with them! actually i prefer the others to take villages/internals than me cause the only thing i want is the tribe to win not me.
On my server when you are on a tribe and this tribe saved your ass if you dont like anymore this tribe u rather or stop playing this world or u give all your villages on the tribe and move as a player to the enemy tribe without your villages.(as a co player or we left them with 1-2 villages so they can take villages to the enemy continent).So im asking u guys,not just player,the whole community tw server,when diamond blade,wargastic,zoobo ieraland and all this guys that left the dott whould be rimmed long time ago i mean check this he had only something like 25 villages then and now he has more than u think this is a strattegy game and he was concerned about the lidership? if yes then explain me something guys!! i recieve this message today diamond blade and the other guys join dot on 8th march right?now its 22 april...they are planing over a month to leave,so they wasnt happy about the lidership from the first week they join?why they didnt leave then then? how u cant be toxic when u are facing those guys?how u cant be toxic when i asked zoobo acc do u feel proud that u betray your tribe mate and the very next minute u attacked him and rimed him (xrxrx)? and his answer was i would do it again if i had a u cant be toxic with this guys?how u cant be toxic when u send diamond of blades support to his villages and he has already planned to leave?how is that smart?
i mean if that is smart,then me deadmax and we never sleep can be the next einstein,taking 50 barbs,40 internals and then send message to the enemy tribe for recruitmnet,simple as that.
The recruitmnets from dott has one base name that did them all,that was ragnar!he maybe did the 95% of the recruitments on dott,several times we didnt agree with him but he was one of the main leaders on dott so we just getting ignored his action and think about that we are giving the chance to more players to continue the world! BUT,here is the big but every recruit that dott made was to a tribe that was end,we had won the war or the tribe that we took the player was falling apart and the player himself asked to join,none of our recruitments (exept trouble maker,ragnar again here) was about to make that different in the world,none! we was near on the points with just.none of our recrutiments "destroyed" the world.
Lets talk about just now! dott did many recrutmnets ok,agree on that,but why just is talking like they did nothing?how did just took continent 54?oooh yeah u dont recruit them u change the name of the tribes u was supposed to have a fight to just2,so same shit to me. what was justs plans with china?ha?they wanted to recruit all china as well,how just has more of the continent 45 now?how u can even talk when 2 of your 3 continents are from recruitment?
*forgot to say that the xrxrx player that zoobo feel so proud that he nooble him had his own deffence on zoobo,but its not only that xrxrx was an ex dm player,wheres the dm spirit here,also they knowed that xrxrx is away on bussines but who cares right?how u cant be toxic with those guys?
You know what, I’m not even going to read this. You lot are so boring, also what accounts are you guys even on? JUST hiding behind different names it seems. Anyways I’m not bothered about having a little endless argument with you all on here, pointless waste of my life.
So if you want my attention I’m sure I’ll come for a visit at some point.
You put the stats mate,the stats you put are wrong! u have to revove the feelsgoodman and the xrxrx.the feelsgoodman was an internal,he was inactive and was their friend as well.which they just took his villages easily.
when i asked zoobo acc do u feel proud that u betray your tribe mate and the very next minute u attacked him and rimed him (xrxrx)? and his answer was i would do it again if i had a chance.
*forgot to say that the xrxrx player that zoobo feel so proud that he nooble him had his own deffence on zoobo,but its not only that xrxrx was an ex dm player,wheres the dm spirit here,also they knowed that xrxrx is away on bussines but who cares right?how u cant be toxic with those guys?
The is categorical false, the only villages that we had supported on the JUST front were from Arote, or from ourselves. Additionally, we didn't know his schedule, we hadn't had a conversation with him in at least a month.