End of a era
It has saddened me as I read over all the B.S going on the past few days. I will not go into details other than I feel let down by by michel. Through our long alliance I have been open and never shared Intel that would damage [ally]Fork[/ally] I can no longer say the same for you.
That being said you lead the best alliance I have ever been in. We did not do to much for each other but it was not needed. I respect everyone in fork and wish your members the best. Thanks for all the good times. I hope we all can remain respectful though my hopes are low with some of your new recruits.
We had talked in past of what to do in end. Due to recent discovery's i cannot give you the 2 weeks to month talked about. I am still going to keep to my word though, even after being disrespected by our allys for our shared enemy I will give you warning. In 1 week the war will begin. Honor vs Fork, true the plan was be the last tribes then war I wish it could be that way. Maybe this was your plan as ~got~ still has some power. I am fully confident we have the correct people in place to war to victory weather it be 1 line or 5. I have loyalty. Sure maybe you get Intel here and there, so do I. However I am not now sleeping with the enemy. Honor is Honor.
So on June 9th@ 00:00:00 we will begin our attacks. If you strike before hand we will begin then. We are set so be careful. If a honor member launches before this date they will be removed from honor. There is no reason my tribe cannot hold to the date for our respected former ally. From this date I would like to call a end to our alliance. We will not have friendly chats among leaders. No more Intel to share. Again Good luck.
Honey Badgers
Duke of Honor
It has saddened me as I read over all the B.S going on the past few days. I will not go into details other than I feel let down by by michel. Through our long alliance I have been open and never shared Intel that would damage [ally]Fork[/ally] I can no longer say the same for you.
That being said you lead the best alliance I have ever been in. We did not do to much for each other but it was not needed. I respect everyone in fork and wish your members the best. Thanks for all the good times. I hope we all can remain respectful though my hopes are low with some of your new recruits.
We had talked in past of what to do in end. Due to recent discovery's i cannot give you the 2 weeks to month talked about. I am still going to keep to my word though, even after being disrespected by our allys for our shared enemy I will give you warning. In 1 week the war will begin. Honor vs Fork, true the plan was be the last tribes then war I wish it could be that way. Maybe this was your plan as ~got~ still has some power. I am fully confident we have the correct people in place to war to victory weather it be 1 line or 5. I have loyalty. Sure maybe you get Intel here and there, so do I. However I am not now sleeping with the enemy. Honor is Honor.
So on June 9th@ 00:00:00 we will begin our attacks. If you strike before hand we will begin then. We are set so be careful. If a honor member launches before this date they will be removed from honor. There is no reason my tribe cannot hold to the date for our respected former ally. From this date I would like to call a end to our alliance. We will not have friendly chats among leaders. No more Intel to share. Again Good luck.
Honey Badgers
Duke of Honor