End of the Alliance - MORS declares on Faux


Side 1:
Tribes: MORS
Side 2:
Tribes: Faux

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 75
Side 2: 0
Difference: 75


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 667,939
Side 2: 0
Difference: 667,939


gg easy


I'm battling pretty much all of DA on my own on the frontlines atm, so we'll see what MORS brings. Good fights for both sides, gonna enjoy this one :)

Cheers, Rogue (co-player on the 3nemy acc.)

Famous is the one doing the most work, and your northern front is not going so well ;)


Also, war stats put you at a slick 12th. Your ODD is respectable, but it is still less than Famous


Side 1:
Tribes: MORS
Side 2:
Tribes: Faux

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 75
Side 2: 0
Difference: 75


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 667,939
Side 2: 0
Difference: 667,939


gg easy

Let me predict the future here ,

Someone frm faux will come here and will say - You guys dont respect the alliance or the cooling period . you all play ur mind tricks and gain the stats and blah blah and more blah ..
Thats the pattern which they will follow soon :)


I did read your reasons, maybe you misread most of my post about the changes of leadership was directed at Sudu.

As for why i said about MORS hiding behind excuses is mainly due to the fact imo your reasonings are mild and weak. Otto responded to threats of being rimmed by recapping claims yes, your telling me you wouldn't be aggravated to do the same thing?

Also imo i do not believe any of your reasonings are worth disrespectfully ignoring the 48 hour cool-down. Especially when you knew Faux had just recently declared on DA with defences on an opposite frontline. Really puts MORS into perspective when you think about it. You guys have always wanted an easy win.

I can't believe people playing this game still go to the old "how dare you attack, your reasons are not good enough"

Here is a reason for you, we want your villages, you are newbs, so they will be easy to take. The end.


I did read your reasons, maybe you misread most of my post about the changes of leadership was directed at Sudu.

As for why i said about MORS hiding behind excuses is mainly due to the fact imo your reasonings are mild and weak. Otto responded to threats of being rimmed by recapping claims yes, your telling me you wouldn't be aggravated to do the same thing?

Also imo i do not believe any of your reasonings are worth disrespectfully ignoring the 48 hour cool-down. Especially when you knew Faux had just recently declared on DA with defences on an opposite frontline. Really puts MORS into perspective when you think about it. You guys have always wanted an easy win.

Of course we want an easy win! What are we stupid?

If the rank2 tribe is unable to even react it's not our problem.

If they want to react, be my guests.


Of course we want an easy win! What are we stupid?

If the rank2 tribe is unable to even react it's not our problem.

If they want to react, be my guests.

Till time players like Faux and Nest were thr they deserved the rank 2 spot . Since they left the leadership went frm 100% to -100% .
And only god knows when they have new dukes in tribe :D


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Famous is the one doing the most work, and your northern front is not going so well ;)

Aww I have a fan :icon_cool:. I don't think I've done much too be honest definitely could do a lot more with a co/more time. 3Enemy has probably done more (including stats before the war was declared in game.) :icon_cry:


Till time players like Faux and Nest were thr they deserved the rank 2 spot . Since they left the leadership went frm 100% to -100% .
And only god knows when they have new dukes in tribe :D

I dont want to be bad but you were in war with faux for months with pd or secret and it was pretty dead war both of you were only internalling.
If you check the stats there is not even 1 op from both sides or something.

Generally all the other tribes and players (also some mors members)who play here are not used to in real wars.
They may attack 5-10 villas every 1 month and always not an active player they will internal and merge.
Also they cant time 10 noble trains when mors can time 200.
If you attack them they may defend the first day and give up the second.(respect for oda and sacoman who are different they should be in mors premade they are fighters)
Their teamates if they ask support they will send them packets with 10 spears,noone cares if his teamate is going to loose the villas,also everyone is ready to betray his teamates in order to win a server.

I am sure without mors in w86 there would be a huge merge like 83 so all noobs can win 1 more server
This is the way you play and this is the reason noone in w86 cant face mors cause mors is different
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Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
I find it quite funny that Anan is here routing and helping Mors. Because about a month ago was he trying to gather a bunch of tribes to launch at them.
I wonder if MORS is his final destination, that will be interesting to see.

All respect to MORS and Faux though, both tribes been playing good so far. MORS have been doing great in both diplomacy and on the battlefield. Quite sad that the cool-down period was ignored though, would've been abit more fair since Faux are already at war and Con is helping you guys out.
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I dont want to be bad but you were in war with faux for months with pd or secret and it was pretty dead war both of you were only internalling.
If you check the stats there is not even 1 op from both sides or something.

Generally all the other tribes and players (also some mors members)who play here are not used to in real wars.
They may attack 5-10 villas every 1 month and always not an active player they will internal and merge.
Also they cant time 10 noble trains when mors can time 200.
If you attack them they may defend the first day and give up the second.(respect for oda and sacoman who are different they should be in mors premade they are fighters)
Their teamates if they ask support they will send them packets with 10 spears,noone cares if his teamate is going to loose the villas,also everyone is ready to betray his teamates in order to win a server.

I am sure without mors in w86 there would be a huge merge like 83 so all noobs can win 1 more server
This is the way you play and this is the reason noone in w86 cant face mors cause mors is different

Not taking that a bad way but If i re-call Any war me or my tribe has declared My name is always on top In war stats . So dont know what it has to Do with we waiting for months and not having Ops.
This area of world is the worst area to be in and i wont deny it as i am part of it .


I find it quite funny that Anan is here routing and helping Mors. Because about a month ago was he trying to gather a bunch of tribes to launch at them.
I wonder if MORS is his final destination, that will be interesting to see.

All respect to MORS and Faux though, both tribes been playing good so far. MORS have been doing great in both diplomacy and on the battlefield. Quite sad that the cool-down period was ignored though, would've been abit more fair since Faux are already at war and Con is helping you guys out.

You dont deserve to Say anything as Your tribe is the Worst tribe present on this World .


Side 1:
Tribes: MORS
Side 2:
Tribes: Faux

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 225
Side 2: 0
Difference: 225

Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 2,057,804
Side 2: 0
Difference: 2,057,804


Whats going on ? All you can do is blabla ? And scheme and plot ?



Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Anan, worst tribe you say. Despite that haven't we lost a single war yet. (WET, PD etc.) While your tribe have won non, because all you do is sitting and ask other tribes to do the hardwork. A good example is when you used TCO as a meatshield and then you backstabbed them.

You call my tribe the worst, I call you the most spineless and afraid player in this world.
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Well sam, this is completely unrelated to the post, but your tribe actually did lose its first war against Fatal, hence having to declare the second. Just saying


Anan, worst tribe you say. Despite that haven't we lost a single war yet. (WET, PD etc.) While your tribe have won non, because all you do is sitting and ask other tribes to do the hardwork. A good example is when you used TCO as a meatshield and then you backstabbed them.

You call my tribe the worst, I call you the most spineless and afraid player in this world.

Let me re-call something here ,
You were 4-5 times bigger then Fatal ( If we include ur lovely basher tribe also )
Fatal just walked over you and are still walking over you . So Please dont comment any further.


Guys guys, no one cares about small tribes' stuff. The topic is clear. The massacre of faux.

If you want to have a cock fight on who is the best extras cast, then go somewhere else.

About the "war" , some info from inside mors say that the first one to lose a village to faux we be bruttaly murdered by Alex and Pavle in his sleep.