
"humilem in victoria, clade in misereatur"

Congratulations to OBEY for theyre impending victory :) but just remember youve probably lost one time too and theres no need for all this gloating I see above!

It's almost as if you came onto the forums today if you actually believed that was ever going to happen. The forums is for chatting shit and trashtalking. If you are going to be part of the trashtalk game and then you lose, don't expect everyone to come out and lie and say "you fought well good sir".

WET was a smoldering disappointment, falling apart because two leaders quit. I don't care if those two leaders were the best thing ever (Hint: they weren't), it's just sad. Obey wouldn't have even survived the first turn of the revolving door after Nest quit if it was that pathetically weak.


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It's almost as if you came onto the forums today if you actually believed that was ever going to happen. The forums is for chatting shit and trashtalking. If you are going to be part of the trashtalk game and then you lose, don't expect everyone to come out and lie and say "you fought well good sir".

WET was a smoldering disappointment, falling apart because two leaders quit. I don't care if those two leaders were the best thing ever (Hint: they weren't), it's just sad. Obey wouldn't have even survived the first turn of the revolving door after Nest quit if it was that pathetically weak.

Fair enough to the first point

What happened to WET on 90? Obey always wanted the easy win. They got some sort of a resistance and were forced to save VAPE/spy/recruit from Wise/Amigos/set up a family AFFF w/e it's called. Obey could have fought a good fight and been respected. They did well no doubt! But definitely not the win many of its members wanted. Look at how many player quit....


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Kinda strange how the world is reacting, Dry tribe is still a big tribe, combined it with MEh its still bigger than Obey.
World isn't over yet, war is not yet in full swing. This is a perfect time for a leader to step up and make it a fun world.

All the failures of the previous leader in Wet has been exposed, so basically keep on making plans until something works.

Remember your fighting against strategist of Obey who are experienced in this kind of warfare, who are flexible to counter any strategy.. If Leadership of Dry and Meh could step up against it then it will be something to talk about.

There are golden players out there who are fit to lead, go search for it guys.. If you finally found them, make sure to support them until the end.

A final reminder a great world creates great players, great players will make a great team and with that you can win a world.
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Fair enough to the first point

What happened to WET on 90? Obey always wanted the easy win. They got some sort of a resistance and were forced to save VAPE/spy/recruit from Wise/Amigos/set up a family AFFF w/e it's called. Obey could have fought a good fight and been respected. They did well no doubt! But definitely not the win many of its members wanted. Look at how many player quit....

Like it's pretty irrelevant whether Obey wanted the easy win or not. They certainly got it because WET gave up. Lets be honest, the only Obey players that quit were because of boredom or internal issues.


I love the way people talk about OBEY, and can't see the obvious reason why they failed in overthrowing Obey... It's not just about leaders, diplomacy, decisions, whatever... Ofc you need good diplomacy at the start to survive, it's even more important in a position Obey was in, a world against the tribe (with a few exceptions won by diplomacy).

If you can't see the reason, I'll try to help: it's bad recruitment and members management from your side. You can say how Obey was a pre-made. Honestly I'm around from the start, but know only a few people from before, and still haven't met half of the tribe probably. It doesn't matter really. What matters is how those players here interact with each other. I send nukes/support to everyone in the tribe, doesn't matter if I know/like him. I think most of us think this way, that is our only real strength... On the other hand, what I saw from the other side is complete selfishness. You don't nuke for each other, barely stack each other etc. (the only group which helps/ed each other is/was the pre-made part of WET - the ones I knew from w90)... Now that the tribe fell apart, it tells me that the leaders did a poor job integrating new players into that core.

Instead of the shit-talk, try to find your own (both personal and collective) faults in this failure, not the enemy's mistakes. With recognising the mistakes you as a collective made, you could make a better try in the next world...otherwise it is just as doomed as w90 and w96. While Ampac says you still have more points, I think it doesn't matter, you already lost it, sadly.

ps. I am expecting the same shit-talk nonsense responses as before, I know nobody wants to actually use their brains :D but I just started to enjoy these one sided conversations on the externals, no idea why...


OBEY -------------13717 villages
Mehh!! - DRY! - 14400 villages

This is not including WET's 2412 villages even tho they are still very much part of this "coalition".

Tell me more about this OBEY world victory o_O


Propaganda and war stats aside, that is the reality of where we are right now. OBEY is not really serious about their victory laps in the forums, that I am sure of. Any one that would suggest otherwise must be short changing OBEY's ability to see the reality of the situation. OBEY has been smart this whole world, so I find it hard to believe that they have really chalked this one up as a win.
Argue as you may, but I see the reality of this world, and its not over. OBEY needs a few more victories just to break even as it sits now.

Apathetic h0llygh0st

Consumer of Beverages
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Propaganda and war stats aside, that is the reality of where we are right now. OBEY is not really serious about their victory laps in the forums, that I am sure of. Any one that would suggest otherwise must be short changing OBEY's ability to see the reality of the situation. OBEY has been smart this whole world, so I find it hard to believe that they have really chalked this one up as a win.
Argue as you may, but I see the reality of this world, and its not over. OBEY needs a few more victories just to break even as it sits now.

It is indeed not over. But the coalition needs a strong leader to step up and it needs it fast.
The situation there right now is fairly chaotic with inactives mixed in as well. Obey will prod and find those inactives where they can and focus on taking them out first. While also doing OP's on a few crucial points along the front to break the accounts there.

If the coalition can "get their shit together" before to much damage has been done, and if they can then stall until W100 starts (I expect more people from Obey than the coalition will put their focus there.) Then they will still have a shot.
But I'm afraid it's still only a small chance.

The difference in size is to minimal with Obey, there is only 1 front now, Obey's leadership coordinates better atm, the quality of Obey's members is higher,
they've worked together longer than most of the coalition has, they've fought more endgame wars than the coalition has (On average.)
They are simply a better tribe... Without the multiple fronts and size difference Obey "suffered" against before. It's merely a matter of time while hoping for a miracle.


Obey has also grown nearly 12 million in the past week while Dry and Wet have not grown at all (Dry has lost a few hundred thousand, I won't bother analyzing Wet). Meh has small growth but has basically just maintained their size despite leaving/joining members.

Members of coalition with low activity (less than 15K point growth in the last week, long hour gaps between activity from twmaps, norm is 1-2 hours for an account, so ones that go over 5 are included in this, I also ignored many smaller players (sub 500,000) who might struggle to get over 15-20k points in a week):

Dry: diane Kruger, Turtle Bear, Krygter, Catbug, Derek 1608, Mia Khalifa, D E A T H 3, Spideysense. That's 8/40 members! Dylbo is also being internaled.

Watercoulour, Bustter, I click u bi, STFC11 (4/23, plus 5 members that look to be being internally, so 9/23)

So in this coalition for 63 members, 18 are useless right now. That's 30% . Can't win a war if that's how it's going to continue.
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That's all fine, like I said without all the propaganda that's where we are right now. (don't mean to strike nerves)


That's all fine, like I said without all the propaganda that's where we are right now. (don't mean to strike nerves)

The raw numbers you posted are correct. If 100% of the villages on each side were fully active then it would be a close fight, but as noted above the coalition side has a lower village utilization rate than Obey. It can be fixed, if the coalition really puts forth the effort to motivate/internal quickly.

Just look at world 80. One side had 69% dominance, and lost the world because their enemies found new account owners and became fully active.


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
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The raw numbers you posted are correct. If 100% of the villages on each side were fully active then it would be a close fight, but as noted above the coalition side has a lower village utilization rate than Obey. It can be fixed, if the coalition really puts forth the effort to motivate/internal quickly.

Just look at world 80. One side had 69% dominance, and lost the world because their enemies found new account owners and became fully active.

I think you need to go back and check who won the world on 80 lol


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Watercoulour, Bustter, I click u bi, STFC11 (4/23, plus 5 members that look to be being internally, so 9/23)

Don't worry about me ;) I agree i haven't grown much (in points) but my account is active and will be getting stuck in very shortly :)

As for the world, yes things have changed pretty rapidly but it is far from over. OBEY have taken advantage of the opportunity well so far but there is still a log way to go


Propaganda and war stats aside, that is the reality of where we are right now. OBEY is not really serious about their victory laps in the forums, that I am sure of. Any one that would suggest otherwise must be short changing OBEY's ability to see the reality of the situation. OBEY has been smart this whole world, so I find it hard to believe that they have really chalked this one up as a win.
Argue as you may, but I see the reality of this world, and its not over. OBEY needs a few more victories just to break even as it sits now.

Yeah, my point was put there wrongly, what I meant was that it is definitely looking hopeless right now, as I can't say there's anything moving the past few weeks...and there could be an op every 1-2 weeks, or at least some skirmishes. And please don't take me wrong, I really didn't want to sound like someone who is happy about it lol. I would rather have this world with many more fights and twists. So good luck!


Pooor mozzza...



xcyber where you at. I want to see more of your war stats that dont include tribes who are bleeding :) You'll have to leave Dry out this time.

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Non-stop Poster
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They got some sort of a resistance and were forced to save VAPE/spy/recruit from Wise/Amigos/set up a family AFFF w/e it's called. Obey could have fought a good fight and been respected. They did well no doubt! But definitely not the win many of its members wanted. Look at how many player quit....
Save VAPE... Smart diplomacy move.
Spy... Why do you think OBEY spies? Have you ever had any evidence or do you just assume it because you guys are getting smacked now and you guys have to blame something outside your control to protect your egos?
Recruitment... At one point the coalition had 230 members... I mean, for Christ sakes man the coalition took on anybody with a pulse and two thumbs.

Could you be any more salty?


Non-stop Poster
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Pooor mozzza...
xcyber where you at. I want to see more of your war stats that dont include tribes who are bleeding :) You'll have to leave Dry out this time.

Looks like a rough month for the coalition. Now that you guys don't have inactives to eat from WISE and VAPE, what are you going to do to save face? You guys seem to love to talk stats... Now let's talk. Appears April is going to be even worse for you guys as well.