[spoil]Mighty well knew we would have been busy elsewhere and that would have not received help from us against Gnomble.
And tbh i think these attacks on Mighty from Envy are the most cheap tactic and worst move these guys could have done.
Can you explain me how the hell SubV may have interest in seeing Mighty getting gangbanged and to gain a full front with Gnomble when we obviously have interests on expanding elsewhere?
Again, you dont have any title to speak on other's agreements. Actually you are just keeping blabing in your non-sense circles.[/spoil]
As I am not a member of your tribe, or involved in it's decisions, I can't say why or why not you would want to see Mighty gang-banged. You of all people should realize that, since you are on here often enough telling other people they don't lead your tribe.
I just know what the actions look like to me.
World community? Pfttt! Actually i see just you and a couple more of bored peeps keep going on again and again with same stuffs prolly being bored and having nothing better to do...
Dude you are noone and represent nothing. "Public opinion"... Pfftt! So public opinion in your view is you plus a couple of your friends, right? Laughable
You have a skewed understanding of the world community if you don't realize that most people who read the forums don't post.
I dont take orders from you, in case you havent realized yet. You are noone and you will keep being for what concern us.
Likewise, I don't take orders from you. I don't know why you insist on telling me that I am trying to give you orders. I am telling you, based on my own opinions, what conclusions I draw based on your actions. If you can't understand simple cause and effective and differentiate is from an authorative statement, that is not my problem.
I didnt mentioned disrespect anywhere concerning you. I replied to Rep stating we lost him respect and that is, like we could care less. Tbh i dont understand why you keep replying to things that are neither being told to you. Must be your ego i assume...
Yes you did:
Actually the one that didnt respected him words was you along with pyker,
Now I realize there is a bit of a language barrier, so if I misread this, I apologize. But it looks to me like you say I "didnt respected him words"
If you are trying to say I disrespected someone, I am wondering who I am supposed to have disrespected. If I misread that, then I think you need to clarify that statement a bit better.
Btw, you would have done better experiencing all this your wisdom managing to lead !UN! instead, which you obviously failed at doing, having then to run to another account and to another tribe to have a chanche to keep stay in w48. Tbh i dont take lessons on tactis or strategies from you. You did nothing to show would be worth doing and eventually viceversa.
I'm not offering you lessons on tactics and strategies. You seem to be doing just fine. :icon_rolleyes:
However, I chose not to step up for UN. I have readily admitted that to others, and I have no problem saying that I didn't not want the helm of UN. My reasons for this are simple. I don't want the responsibility of being a tribe leader. I've done my time with that and I don't feel like putting that much into this game.
Actually your failing as leader in !UN! bring the w48 where it actually is. Your failure in organizing war against Quay made that merge possible.
Read above. I didn't fail in my leadership. I failed to assume leadership. Just because I was the point of contact does not mean that I was in control of the tribe. It simply meant that I was the one others outside had to speak to.
And dont try to hide. Here you represent one of the SYN voices on forum. You dont run mouth here and expect people not to get a idea of you and of the tribe you are part of. You may be telling you have no responsibilities over SYN leadership. But still you are part of a tribe that declared into another tribe and so far did nothing about that war... And you pretend to come here and tell others what they should do. You are part of SYN and these shitty stats are your responsibility aswell as any other SYN members.
There is a thread for our shitty stats. If you wish to discuss them, post there. :icon_rolleyes:
Further, the declaration is the only time I have done anything officially for SYN. All my other posts have been of my own accord.
However, I do recognize the fact that my opinions reflect back on my tribe, so don't try and tell me that, I am well aware of what I say and how it affects my tribe.
The difference is that we dont come here bragging about how fast we will rim peeps that we dismissed, cause we perfectly realize that even deciding to attack them we wouldnt have forces enough to dedicate on that area, as we are moving elsewhere. I prefer do stuffs in-game and dont make promises on external than declare wars and then do nothing in-game. That is what show how poor a tribe is, for sure not your, or Rep, or the other couple guys that spoke here, opinion written on forum.
Quote me where I have said that we would rim someone we have dismissed, in either an official or unofficial capacity.
Otherwise, you are just putting words in my mouth that I didn't say.
You think SubV doesnt deserve the place it has? Come and get us out of it. You know what we are planning and still all your blabbing here seem to be done to bring us elsewhere. I hope you realize what will happen and, if not, is another sign of how much you may be the best players accordling to your words on external and the worst one in-game. Cause i'm quite sure that someone that we are being hammering (WE and not SYN regardless to declarations) would be more than happy to get a rest on our front to be able to focus on north, allowing us to move attention elsewhere... maybe on these 3 guys... and then?
Quote me where I have said that you don't deserve your place, in either an official or unofficial capacity.
Otherwise, you are just putting words in my mouth that I didn't say.
BTW, how would I know what you are planning? Am I a part of your council? :icon_rolleyes:
Further, if you have issues with the way SYN is handling it's concerns in-game, take it up with SYN's leadership. I'm certain you know that isn't me.
Try use brain a bit before to bring this topic derailed further and to think a bit of what would are consequencies if we were truly to do what you are suggesting.
Take your own advice, RC. Your diatribe on me is more off-topic than any post prior to this one. So, you have no room to be preaching to me about derailing a thread.