WAR Excuse Masters

0.2 Percent Nigerian

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We thought we should just meme our way through this war; but Fika was enough of a meme when handling diplomacy with them. So figured that we should at least give our side of things since a said person declared on the world with a sat account and tried to say we were just being scandalous without the real context of things.

When we first started leading Drunk here at the beginning of July, we approached many tribes for diplomacy. Obviously [ally]Fika[/ally], being our neighbors and moving into K64 while we were also moving into K64 we need to establish some borders and diplomacy. Jonas (The duke of [ally]Fika[/ally], would set a time to voice call and then break his word, he did this multiple times before we finally made a chat with their council:


After this they just seemed to want to argue and be salty that new players had joined [ally]Drunk[/ally] in K64 and we were growing fast with Healer's help:


We kept the conversation moving in a productive route and tried to make thing work diplomatically. Instead of a productive reply they simply gave us an insulting 14 player merge. This was very disrespectful:


We as a council took some time to debate how to respond. Obviously we were stunned that [ally]Fika[/ally] would be so disrespectful to suggest we would abandon 30+ members we are here to help lead and protect. Especially when Drunk and Fika were comparable in size:


The only response Jonas had to a 50/50 merge was telling us we shouldn't have recruited. Who is he to tell us who we can and cannot recruit?:


After Fika was unwilling to negotiate, Fika told their players Drunk was being very unreasonable... So, we brought [player]Shinko To Kuma[/player] in to our chat to read the history and even she was convinced we were being treated unfairly:


A few days went by and Fika came to us to speak diplomacy again. Instead of discussing a border agreement or the looming threat of Sinner, they instead offered us another merge:


We were prepared to reject the merge and hopefully discuss a diplomatic solution for K64 and relations in general. Instead, Jonas simply chose to give us another excuse(something he is becoming well known for!) and didn't reply:

TL;DR = Fika leadership is a joke.
yah yeet bois we're ready to get sweaty
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Master Commander 2019
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Any Swedes need a co?
