lllll llll

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lllll llll
Quickbar Entry
Hello, I decided to move this script from private to public because i don't play tw anymore and i don't care if it's used against me if i come back.

Short description of the script:

The script was designed to be used by the entire tribe, where council can set coords for the others, there are shared tabs where everyone can see the same list of coords. There are also private tabs that only you can see it if you want to plan something individually. It's an easy way of faking by opening tabs where on rally point all inputs are auto-field with the amount of troops needed and the you have to go to each opened tab and send attacks.

The link script you find on quickbar Entry on this post is just for generating the link for the main script. Every tribe must generate their own script for each world. Once the script is run a new database where coords are saved is generated, so ideally only the leader of a tribe run the script which will generate a link for the main script and then this script that was generated should be shared with all tribe members, otherwise you will be using different databases and you aren't going to be able to share coords with everyone.


Admin id and world number is auto-filled and database name it can be whatever you want.

Make sure to save the generated link.

This script generated should be shared to everyone from your tribe. By default you as the one who generated the script are a super admin and you will be able to access the script all the time and also give others admin privileges. An admin has the option to set coords which could be seen by everyone.


Step 1: Set troops to min or if you want set scouts to 5 and cats to 3-4, however you like, at the end you won’t be sending more troops than 1%

Step 2: Set start datetime(left) and stop datetime(right) for your attacks to land in this interval of time, it is mandatory to set these datetimes, however if the left checkbox is left unchecked this setting will be ignored and you will not be sending attacks to land in a certain interval of time.

Step 2.1: If you want to send attacks to land In a certain interval of time then you also have to set how many fakes you want to send on each enemy village.

Step 3: Add target coords in your private tabs or use directly coords from a tribe tabs which is set by council.

Step 4:
  • Set how many fakes you want to send from your own villages (nr fakes)
  • Set how many tabs should be opened(split tabs), if your computer is fast you can set to open more tabs
  • Set how fast tabs should be opened(delay open) , you should set it at 200ms
  • Make sure to have ‘open tabs’ set
Step 5

Press on start and at the end of the page you will see some buttons, these button will open 20 tabs each


If you press on ‘show’ you will see how many fakes were sent from each village, how many troops and landing time



The settings for nukes/fangs is quite similar with the one for fakes. What is different is that you have to set how many troops you want to send for each category and how many to keep as reserve (it was meant for keeping troops at home for fakes). Another difference is that you don’t have an option to set how many nukes to send per village enemy.

You will be sending only 1 nuke/fang on each coord from your list of coords from selected tab, if you want to send more nukes on the same coord all you have to do is to add that coord multiple times.

For nukes/fangs you also have a ‘delete’ button. This button will delete all enemies coords from your tab where the script calculated launches and you are supposed to send attacks on them. This functionality was meant to be used when you have an OP and you should launch 100 nukes/fangs and land in a 5 hours time window(just an example, of course time window should be checked) when it runs the first time it may found 10 launches that land in your window time, press delete and these 10 coords will be deleted from your list, you run the script after 5 hours(hopefully after 5 hours other launches are found) and then press delete and so on until you will be sending all your launches and all you have to do is to run the script each 5 hours and press delete button ( however this functionality wasn’t tested too much so it may be buggy, let me know if it doesn’t work as I explained)

If your tabs are not opening, make sure to allow popus
settings popus.png

You can also change the UI theme as you like

settings interface.png

Few more observations

1 The script will not be sending attacks toward allies villages if database is updated(it shouldn't take more than 1-2 hours)

2 The script will not be sending attacks to land on bonus night, assuming someone has bonus night from 00:00 AM to 8 AM then the script will calculate launches to land from 8:00 AM to 23:40 PM ( you have 20 min to send all your launches otherwise you might send attacks on bonus night)

3 For worlds with fake limit off, when you set number of troops ‘min’ is actually 0, ideally is to set only 1 ram, cat, scout

4 Coords are stored on my personal dropbox account, I have 2GB free storage, i don't know if it's going to be a problem in the future, will see. I don't store sensitive data, only coords and list of admins and allies.

This part is only for the ones that have admin privileges.

This is very important: Add ally tribes, whoever is in these tribes has access to the script.



Select tabs from below, these ones are tribe tabs ,coords are seen by everyone.

If ‘dropbox’ is selected then data will be set from external database(dropbox), otherwise coords will be set by using different filters, you have to press on ‘Coord grabber’ and set your filters, at the end press ‘Save’


You can filter by players, tribes, continents, min/max coords or distance by center.
When selecting a tribe, it's tribe name not tag name.




This is a demo from an old version, there are less settings in this version but it's working on the same principle.

I know it's a complex script and it's a bit scary to use but once you get use to it, it's going to be useful. I hope I covered everything in this tutorial, but most likely I forgot something so feel free to ask questions.
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lllll llll

Well-Known Member
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if it says try later it means you either generated the script for a different world or you didn't add the tribe


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It also says try later if you recently captured a new village and the database hasn't updated with the fact you own the village.

So I normally use this script from a dynamic group that has no new captures in it (e.g. owns more than 100 spears or owns more than 100 axes). This fixes the issue every time.