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Quickbar Entry

This script can be used to generate sequential and random fake scripts (random is selected by default).
You can also customize the amount of troops you want to send using this script.

This allows for this script to generate scripts which can be used for fakes, fangs, scouting missions and with some initial setup even for sending nukes.

This is how the script looks like in action:

If you need help with this script, found any bug or have a suggestion feel free to reply on this thread.
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Senior In-Game Staff
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Script updated to v2.0.0

In this major script update, I worked on the automatic coordinates grabber. So you chose a player (or players), a tribe (or tribes) ... or even both :p ... and when you click "Generate Script", the script will get for each tribe the list of players then merge the list of tribe players with the list of specific players, then for each player will get the coordinates.

At the very end, the popup will be opened again containing the generated fake script.

I know, it is not the same functionality and logic that exists on the Vault but it's one step closer to being more automatic.

Note: The player and tribe multi-selector is based on an experimental feature that is currently supported only on Chrome and Opera by default. On other browsers the player and tribe multi-selector will not work ... on those browsers, you will only be able to single-select.
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Any way to make it able to put in player or tribe names and it finds the coords by itself? Like vault does?

This kind of is done in the v2.0.0 update.

It's not 100% like the vault.

What the vault does is that you give to the Vault backend a list of player/s or tribe/s ... and then the vault backend gives you back whenever you run the script the coordinates. This script does not have any backend. so this script generates directly the coordinates list and prepares the script based on user input using those coordinates.


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Script updated to v2.1.0


On this script update, I have been working to add advanced coordinate extracting filters.
Also on this script update, I set the mode of coordinate fill to be the default "Automatically", instead of "Manually".

On the v2.1.0, the advanced coordinate extracting supports filtering coordinates by:
  • continent or multiple continents at once (if you input a continent like 4, where there are no coordinates an error will be thrown)
  • min coordinate, max coordinate (so will extract vills inside a bounding box)
These filters can work together or separately.

What's next?
For sure finish working on the advanced coordinate extraction filters, radius-based filter.

Longer-term plans include:
  • Send units dynamically, if there are no rams, send cats, and vice-versa.
  • Send all units
  • Generate a fake script that supports fake limit worlds
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Eakshow McGee

Still Going Strong
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Script updated to v2.1.0

View attachment 8680

On this script update, I have been working to add advanced coordinate extracting filters.
Also on this script update, I set the mode of coordinate fill to be the default "Automatically", instead of "Manually".

On the v2.1.0, the advanced coordinate extracting supports filtering coordinates by:
  • continent or multiple continents at once (if you input a continent like 4, where there are no coordinates an error will be thrown)
  • min coordinate, max coordinate (so will extract vills inside a bounding box)
These filters can work together or separately.

What's next?
For sure finish working on the advanced coordinate extraction filters, radius-based filter.

Longer-term plans include:
  • Send units dynamically, if there are no rams, send cats, and vice-versa.
  • Send all units
  • Generate a fake script that supports fake limit worlds
Can you get the coordinates from this, or is it stored within the fakescript?
(Like Vault where you could choose to either get fakescript or just coords to input in other scripts)

Also for Longterm plan, would it possible to make it become a nuke/fangscript (eg. Insert all axes/lc/ram but leave a few cats for fakes) also?


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Can you get the coordinates from this, or is it stored within the fakescript?
(Like Vault where you could choose to either get fakescript or just coords to input in other scripts)

Also for Longterm plan, would it possible to make it become a nuke/fangscript (eg. Insert all axes/lc/ram but leave a few cats for fakes) also?

Yes, I added a feature to export coordinates too. A new field is added on the popup, where coordinates are shown. This field was added on v2.1.0 too (I had forgotten to mention it).

The plan is to add support for sending all units at home (without leaving any troop at home, so hence the send all units feature name).
However, I might work on adding support for leaving a specific amount of units home as another feature.

It might seem like a very small thing, but technically it is not so even such small detail like this one needs its own time.

So the long-term plan is still the same one I presented above. After I finish all of that will see what else could be missing.

Eakshow McGee

Still Going Strong
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Yes, I added a feature to export coordinates too. A new field is added on the popup, where coordinates are shown. This field was added on v2.1.0 too (I had forgotten to mention it).

The plan is to add support for sending all units at home (without leaving any troop at home, so hence the send all units feature name).
However, I might work on adding support for leaving a specific amount of units home as another feature.

It might seem like a very small thing, but technically it is not so even such small detail like this one needs its own time.

So the long-term plan is still the same one I presented above. After I finish all of that will see what else could be missing.
Thanks for answer, seems like a nice script and will for sure try to use it in the future, and a real good addition now that we are loosing Vault!


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Script updated to v2.2.0.

Radius filtering and the advanced coordinate extraction feature are fully working now.

As far as I have tested this new feature, I did not notice any functionality bug (for example coordinate showing up when they should not be shown, etc).

Feel free to let me know if anyone can find a bug in this script version.

Before I start working on the new set of features will take some time off to allow for bug testing of the current features.


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Script updated to v2.3.0


Added capability for dynamic troops sending. Example when there are no rams send cats. This unit amount in this case is not editable.

On this new script version 3 new sending unit methods are presented.

Send all, rams then cats and cats then rams.

On all the 3 new methods the unit amounts are not editable (if you want custom unit amounts you can still use the Custom mode).


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Looks good to me but banned on W57 EN sever so why state it's approved?

My guess is that you are referring to having been banned on w57 on the UK server.

Different servers have different script rules that explain how a script can be approved here (this script is approved on the NET, international market) but might not be approved on the UK server. I can not answer whether the script is approved on the UK server, I don't know that, different markets, different script rules.

Whenever you are in doubt about a script, and you want to know if the script is legal or not on the market you are playing reach out to the Support team using the Support Ticket system.


Non-stop Poster
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Script updated to v2.3.0

View attachment 8690

Added capability for dynamic troops sending. Example when there are no rams send cats. This unit amount in this case is not editable.

On this new script version 3 new sending unit methods are presented.

Send all, rams then cats and cats then rams.

On all the 3 new methods the unit amounts are not editable (if you want custom unit amounts you can still use the Custom mode).

Can you add so it sends just a cat or just a ram if you run out of scouts or dont want to send out scouts at all


Senior In-Game Staff
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Can you add so it sends just a cat or just a ram if you run out of scouts or don't want to send out scouts at all

I am not going to add more custom unit amounts because that is a never-ending quest.

The next feature that will be added is to support fake limit worlds and then after that might probably work so the script can help to send fangs.

Regarding if you have set the script to send rams and scouts and you are out of rams, it will send scouts, if you are out of scouts it will send rams. If you are out of both, it will be blocked. So this feature is already existing there.

In the future probably might work on a multi-template unit amounts configurator (so it generates what Vault currently has when it comes to unit amount configs) but that is a plan not for the near future.


Senior In-Game Staff
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Script updated to v2.4.0


On this updated worked on adding 2 new features:
  • exclude player/s
  • import/export script config

Added capability to exclude a player or multiple players. So, for example, you can generate a script targeting tribe X, except players A, B, C and also target player Z which is not in the X tribe at all.

Since the script has a lot of configs, the import/export feature helps making it easier to fill the fields by automatically filling the form fields.

Since this script works like the Vault script but is not 100% the same, the fake script generated needs to be updated from time to time. This requires time to fill the fields, with this new feature (import/export config) makes all of this much easier since tribe leaders only need to share the script config, you can import it and then you only have to click "Generate Script".

When it comes to the import config feature, from all the fields that are getting exported, the only one not imported are configurations for troop amounts, you will have to refill those (if you have chosen Custom, otherwise will work okay).
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Senior In-Game Staff
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Script Loader Updated!

Update your quick-bar script with the new script loader.


Senior In-Game Staff
Tribal Wars Team
Script Moderator
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Script updated to v2.6.0



- Added a fast way to automatically remove coordinates of players 20 times bigger then you since you can not attack those while 20:1 is active


Just check the checkbox and the script will do the rest.

Notice: This only checks and generates the script once, so if these players get 20 times bigger then you after you have generated the fake script then you will need to update your fake script. The script will not do that automatically.

If you need help with this script, found any bug or have a suggestion feel free to reply on this thread.