After almost 2 years of playing w50, it's finally time for me to bid it farewell.
I could stay here and defend against the 700 or so incoming i have, but i've got better things to do in RL than sit at my computer defending for a few hours a day.
I've met many amazing people on this world without whom my journey here wouldn't have been possible.
Firstly and most importantly, i'd like to say congratulations to ODA for getting as far as they have, and make the win nice and short. Don't give us a repeat of w38.
[spoil]Next, i'd like to say thank you to Axo for being an amazing duke in omega, even though i could never be as good a player as he.
Thank you to Bel(rowly), and dan and christy(smexy hippo) for rimming me and helping me learn many of the skills i have today. Experience is the only thing that brings knowledge.
Thank you to T-shmizzl for starting me on my w50 journey by inviting me to BaNaNaS.
Thank you to vordan, martin, and damien for being good dukes in BaNaNa.
Thank you to mossie for being an excellent role model and teaching me the proper O/D ratio.
Thanks to Dippa for being a late-game freind.
Thanks to whako and the rest of TNT leadership for giving me an excellent position.
Thanks to Christa(theticklemonster82) for giving me her account, otherwise i would have likely quit.
Thanks to K9-KOP for planting the seeds of the BaNaNa empire.
Cheers to lennky, jj8601207, alexhinson3, Bugsyschofie, TJMeaux, drac0l0rd, luckyducks, donk devil 109, wakerofgods, Samuel W. Westing, Connor.plunkett, froobster5000, luwes239, vivianblowe00, mrlegend, jumbo555, alexfitton, and Mathias the flag bearer. I still rememebr all of you guys! [/spoil]
Thats all i can really think of right now. If i think of someone whom i've forgotten, i'll add them in.
I could stay here and defend against the 700 or so incoming i have, but i've got better things to do in RL than sit at my computer defending for a few hours a day.
I've met many amazing people on this world without whom my journey here wouldn't have been possible.
Firstly and most importantly, i'd like to say congratulations to ODA for getting as far as they have, and make the win nice and short. Don't give us a repeat of w38.
[spoil]Next, i'd like to say thank you to Axo for being an amazing duke in omega, even though i could never be as good a player as he.
Thank you to Bel(rowly), and dan and christy(smexy hippo) for rimming me and helping me learn many of the skills i have today. Experience is the only thing that brings knowledge.
Thank you to T-shmizzl for starting me on my w50 journey by inviting me to BaNaNaS.
Thank you to vordan, martin, and damien for being good dukes in BaNaNa.
Thank you to mossie for being an excellent role model and teaching me the proper O/D ratio.
Thanks to Dippa for being a late-game freind.
Thanks to whako and the rest of TNT leadership for giving me an excellent position.
Thanks to Christa(theticklemonster82) for giving me her account, otherwise i would have likely quit.
Thanks to K9-KOP for planting the seeds of the BaNaNa empire.
Cheers to lennky, jj8601207, alexhinson3, Bugsyschofie, TJMeaux, drac0l0rd, luckyducks, donk devil 109, wakerofgods, Samuel W. Westing, Connor.plunkett, froobster5000, luwes239, vivianblowe00, mrlegend, jumbo555, alexfitton, and Mathias the flag bearer. I still rememebr all of you guys! [/spoil]
Thats all i can really think of right now. If i think of someone whom i've forgotten, i'll add them in.
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