lllll llll

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lllll llll
Quickbar Entry
Hello, this script it's made to view per each day how many pp were farmed. All you have to do is to set world number and how many pages to read( the newest pages). It was meant for the current world so I didn't bother to save anything in browser's memory.


This script requires translations
"wood purchased":"wood purchased",
"clay purchased":"clay purchased",
"iron purchased":"iron purchased",
"wood sold":"wood sold",
"clay sold":"clay sold",
"iron sold":"iron sold",
"construction time reduction":"construction time reduction",
"instant completion":"instant completion"
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- Mr. President

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Translations for the portuguese and brazilian servers

"wood purchased":"madeira comprada",
"clay purchased":"argila comprada",
"iron purchased":"ferro comprado",
"wood sold":"madeira vendida",
"clay sold":"argila vendida",
"iron sold":"ferro vendido",
"construction time reduction":"redução do tempo de construção",
"instant completion":"conclusão instantânea"
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Translation for gr server
thanks <3

"wood purchased":"Αγορασμενο Ξυλο",
"clay purchased":"Αγορασμενος Πηλος",
"iron purchased":"Αγορασμενο Σιδερο",
"wood sold":"Ξυλο πουληθηκε",
"clay sold":"Πηλος πουληθηκε",
"iron sold":"Σιδερο πουληθηκε",
"construction time reduction":"Μειωση Χρονου κατασκευης",
"instant completion":"Αμεση Ολοκληρωση"


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Hello, this script it's made to view per each day how many pp were farmed. All you have to do is to set world number and how many pages to read( the newest pages). It was meant for the current world so I didn't bother to save anything in browser's memory.

This script requires translations
"wood purchased":"wood purchased",
"clay purchased":"clay purchased",
"iron purchased":"iron purchased",
"wood sold":"wood sold",
"clay sold":"clay sold",
"iron sold":"iron sold",
"construction time reduction":"construction time reduction",
"instant completion":"instant completion"
Spain .es
"wood purchased":"madera comprada",
"clay purchased":"barro comprado",
"iron purchased":"hierro comprado",
"wood sold":"madera vendida",
"clay sold":"barro vendido",
"iron sold":"hierro vendido",
"construction time reduction":"reducción del tiempo de construcción",
"instant completion", " Finalización instantánea"

lllll llll

Well-Known Member
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@jaro translation for es_ES added

@SwedishBlueCheese it is possible to create a script for spending pp but i need more info, how the table/format should look like? what data should i be using for calculating total amount of pp spent(construction/paladin time reduce, premium items, for events)? Should it be for day/week/month?

The more info you give me the better it is


Non-stop Poster
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Kinda like the one that is from sophie right now but with more additions.

PP spent on rolling books for pp
PP spent pping walls
PP spent reviving pallys
PP spent overall
PP spent on each event

Would like per world but per month etc would be nice aswell. Just that you can put in the page where that world STARTS so it doesnt have to load w1-w118 before getting to w119 for example


New Member
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German Translate pls

"wood purchased":"Holz gekauft",
"clay purchased":"Lehm gekauft",
"iron purchased":"Eisen gekauft",
"wood sold":"Holz verkauft",
"clay sold":"Lehm verkauft",
"iron sold":"Eisen verkauft",
"construction time reduction":"Bauzeitverkürzung",
"instant completion":"sofortiger Abschluss"
Last edited:


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Also not working at all rn on the german server. Do I need to do something special? It's just giving 0s for everything resources, aside of the PP difference.

lllll llll

Well-Known Member
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The script is only getting the data for the iron, ignoring the other ones.
i cannot replicate this issue, are you sure you have data from wood and stone?

Also not working at all rn on the german server. Do I need to do something special? It's just giving 0s for everything resources, aside of the PP difference.
this is the translation used for german server, is it correct?

"wood purchased":"Holz gekauft",
"clay purchased":"Lehm gekauft",
"iron purchased":"Eisen gekauft",
"wood sold":"Holz verkauft",
"clay sold":"Lehm verkauft",
"iron sold":"Eisen verkauft",
"construction time reduction":"Bauzeitverkürzung",
"instant completion":"sofortiger Abschluss"