

I'd like to make an analogy that exemplifies the reasons for the changes that are about to be made. Please bear with me...

When a person goes to an ancient historical site and witnesses ruins of cities from long ago, that person is FREE to marvel and dream of the greatness that once was. Romans and Greeks, Mayans and Incans, Dravidians, Chinese, Persian, and Egyptians can all claim to be a part of some of the greatest human accomplishments that ever existed on this earth. And few could challenge them on those grounds. Still, their time has passed. Ancient Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Chinese, Persian and Indian flags are no longer flown and most people these days no longer rally around them. All of those places and people have new identities today. Their identities may be tied to the legacy of those great places, kingdoms, peoples and times, but they have evolved...and at times it was done not simply by happenstance, but intentionally and out of necessity.

We have held on long and strong to our FREE, the greatest tribe that this world has seen, and unfortunately, it is time for a change. Some in this tribe have discussed the need for this change and have seen that distinguishing ourselves from all that FREE is/was is necessary to move this world into a new stage, where bringing this world to an end is possible. It is not possible in the same way by staying with FREE. Therefore, a new tribe will be formed with the sole intent of finishing the world. There are many members of Furie that want the end to come as well. But the relationship between FREE and Furie, and individuals in FREE and Furie, make working together nearly impossible. So the first step taken toward reconciling differences will be a new identity. This is not an act against any individuals in this tribe. We do intend to work toward finishing. We fight for the finish, not just to stay afloat.

The tale of FREE has been told. It was the best one this world has seen. All who were a part of it should be proud. For those that I do not hear from after this, I wish you good luck. And with a great deal of respect I will only add that its been fun, these 3 years have been real, and I'm ready to work to end this thing.




Making Swine Flu your leader was your downfall im afraid, FREE was even though arrogant, respectable all the same up until that point. Any respect is gone with your new wonderful amazing leaders leading the way to glory. Flame me all you want for it...but even with the death of your leaders...there was still a chance for a counter attack, the arrogance failed you once again, it was all talk no action...something i see alot from your current leaders :)

Furie was never against the individuals in FREE, just the attitudes of said individuals. FURIE are good enough people to forgive and move on, but you guys have been pretty consistant at throwing it back in our faces.

FREE could have won, but unfortunately the bad attitudes dragged down what was a really great tribe.

Peace out


Winning by attrition and numbers over skill... always good.

Well done Furie?


If I didn't know any better... I'd say the war was pretty much over


That's interesting... considering it looks like FREE has 4 or 5 members who aren't already taking heavy losses... I wonder what losing half membership will do...


or do I misunderstand Finito's purpose... Is Finito still taked with fighting FURIE?


Consider us opportunistic... But, we're prepared to do what is required to bring the end.

We have not marked Furie as our enemies. We are, in fact, interested in working with them as we appreciate their resilience and persistence. As players that have been here since this world started, those are qualities we share and I think we have more than just that in common.


It is inevitable that FURIE will have to fight you. And my hat is off to those in FURIE, you have finally broken FREE.


When a person goes to an ancient historical site and witnesses ruins of cities from long ago, that person is FREE to marvel and dream of the greatness that once was. Romans and Greeks, Mayans and Incans, Dravidians, Chinese, Persian, and Egyptians can all claim to be a part of some of the greatest human accomplishments that ever existed on this earth. And few could challenge them on those grounds. Still, their time has passed. Ancient Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Chinese, Persian and Indian flags are no longer flown and most people these days no longer rally around them.
The tale of FREE has been told. It was the best one this world has seen. All who were a part of it should be proud. F


This put me in mind of a poem by Percy Byshe Shelley


I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
`My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away".

Translated into American, I guess that means no matter how great the tribe, nothing lasts forever.
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