My First tribe (as Asterios) was in ME where I was but a lowly peon but rose thru the ranks rapidly due to my charming nature, soon was running the tribe, did so for about a year or two, but leadership wore on me and it is not all it is cracked up to be(most people who want to be a tribes leader were never leader of a great tribe, and those that are leaders of great tribes usually have it thrust upon them as they kick and scream no), shortly after stepping down from leadership of ME, then seeing the replacement leadership makeing mistakesI left the tribe.
I joined FTR, and fooled around there for awhile, problem is FTR was thee tribe to be and not many people messed with them and those that did were fools and soon dispatched, but after awhile I noticed a nasty trend in FTR which is now affecting alot of worlds and tribes, a massive glutt of players quitting and their accounts being sat, told the FTR leadership we needed to noble our inactive and all of them fast before they became a burden for the tribe and caused problems, Muschelschubser said the inactives were fine and being sat.
so instead of sinking with the ship I left FTR, I joined TW but shortly left after they invited a couple of ne'er do wells I would not associate with(former traitorous scum who betrayed ME), and went wandering againabout a month later I joined a tribe called XiG basically a rim tribe no one thought anything of (not on par with FTR/TW/HoT), but that soon changed FTR declared me a runner from their tribe and attacked me(note this was over a month after I left the tribe), well warHawg in XiG wasn't having that and declared on FTR.
and thus began the great world 2 war which was to see the entire world turned upside down and tossed in the washer, XiG ended up winning the great war due to FTR disbanding and thus one of the greatest tribes on world 2 was gone all over little ole me(well FTR blamed me but they really wanted the war).
It was during the great war that certain circumstances ensued and caused my account to become uber banned many cried foul over this some for not wanting to lose me, others for not getting the chance to rim me (take your pick), soon after I was approached by Ripfin who was leaving the game and asked if I wanted to play his account I said sure, but first had to get permission from the great and mighty admins they had concluded that my account being uber banned was excessive but my account was already deleted so HooDoo in her infinite mercy granted me permission, but I would be on ultra super secret probation.
Soon after the war WarHawg did an unforgivable act and joined XiG with StW and called themselves CEG (?), StW who had betrayed us in the big war and was our trusted allies had joined the enemies side, so instead of being party to this mockery I left CEG and joined CAKE with Bolaar who was also against the XiG/StW merger, shortly afterwards the Alliance of 5 sprang up from the ground to do battle against the beast known as CEG and thus began one of the shortest wars in history within 1 week or less CEG disbanded, later on the game grew tireing Bolaar had quit so had many others in CAKE to where it was just me, I took on tribes like Force and such and nobled their players wholesale, while also nobling my own tribe mates who went inactive, then shortly afterward even I grew tired of the game, the big tribes like TW/HoT and Aten while not threatened by me would also not attack me since my small kingdom (over 660 villages) was like a buffer zone between the three great family tribes and if one attacked me the others would hit them, so a relative peace ensued for all(not counting small wars and skirmishes).
but even then HoT was getting HoT headed and decided to see if I was all that was said about me, and a few sent attacks at me that were repulsed, knowing I didn't have a chance in hell against a large family tribe like HoT I decided to go out in a blaze of glory upon HoT and unleash hell then hit delete, at first I thought it would have been tough and I would have been hurt hard before hitting delete, but miracle of miracles for a few weeks i fought and surprisingly took villages from HoT, not a few but quite alot, HoT even took villages from me(less then a handful) but I quickly took those back, for a surprise I was winning against HoT by myself.
But Alas their numbers were vast and mine were not so I was forced to hit delete with nothing left to fight with and it wasn't until after I hit delete, that HoT was able to finally get villages off of me( I still got one or two off of them from long range nobles) and keep them, so thus ended my life on world 2