Fleezers News: Serious Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 11252347
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Deleted User - 11252347

Fleezus, need to correct the part about changing sides you posted it as if we betrayed Destiny from W80 to join Regime, need to reitterate to you that we were kicked and op’d while they knew I was on my way to work. Destiny Betrayed me because of how erractic the leadership before Thom was. Please don’t try and paint Vlad in bad light just because some people are bitter and try to discredit what we achieved. We were kicked nothing more nothing less. Confused how this is still not public knowledge you were even in the tribe and could of easily checked the history and seen that I was kicked. Instead of jumping on the bandwagon when you weren’t anywhere to be seen at the time of it happening.

Connor need to correct you here. I wasn't going to go into detail but i will since you brought it up. Just because you were kicked does not mean you did not intend to & were actively plotting to betray dest.

Same reason your ex-co was kicked on 94 I believe ? Just because you weren't ready to openly announce your betrayal doesn't make you any less a traitor... kinda makes you a coward in my opinion.

For you Connor I'm unsurprised.... White knight syndrome is something you may wanna read up on bud ;) You just can't fathom not being the hero or you can't play...... isnt that why you stopped playing basically altogether when we neared victory? Then again when regime almost neared victory ? Surrised I didn't see you back in dest at the end lol.... Also how long does it take you to get to work ? Cause unless it's like a 5 hour commute i would think a large, established account such as yours was at the time would be fine with an hr Or 2 of mistags....Or are only your RL issues allowed to be used as excuses since you're knighted ;)

.....And me not being present exactly at the moment of your coat changing colours is not relevant; you yourself were barely playing at the time and unlike you I legitimately was unable to play not bored o_O I was still very much in the loop and I'm not going to let you play the 'victim card' when you're nothing more than a petty megalomaniac who couldn't fathom not being the lone hero at the end of the day.

You had a fit at the prospect merging with SIN - some of whom had put equal or more work into fighting regime than yourself - you had no respect whatsoever for our longtime and good allies & some deluded belief you could weather a two sided gangbang from regime and SIN while most of dest was inactive.... Your actions following the decision were so churlish they almost matched the levels of your new coplayer; Franc :p You called the dest council volatile .... Well in my opinion you were a huge part of that.

So....you basically stood there screaming "kick me" "kick me" so that you could try to save face later and now try to imply dest betrayed you LOL

I know exactly what I said & most destiny players do believe you & the mutineers did betray us. I'm done talking about w80 but I'm jumping on no bandwagon here.

I'm not trying to take away anything you achieved..... because in the end you achieved a loss :( And I know you're probably bitter you switched sides only to lose but when you make your bed you must lie in it not lie about it ;)

Im not bitter in the slightest about you leaving and you know it. Nor do i take credit for regimes downfall so please dont try that card either :) You know exactly why I strongly dislike you & it has little to do with this situation. Just because I choose to not say it does not give you permission to dismiss my claims or imply you know better... If I were you I would have left this little issue dead and buried because I can go for days about it; just was trying to ensure "your achievements" from w80 were noted ;)

You can paint your little regime hero story however you like lad...Whatever helps you sleep at night Connor; but an elephant is and always will be an elephant; and a traitor.... well ... will always be a traitor.

Best of luck on w100 :) ... I hope you have rectified your karma for this world; Asura ;)
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I want to propose an edit.

Please mention the fact that I won W93 with Screw on my most wanted poster. It is my most recent victory.


but an elephant is and always will be an elephant; and a traitor.... well ... will always be a traitor
Not to spoil your rant or to say this is relevant to what ever your on about but some may say traitor is subjective. some may view the person as a traitor whilst others view him as a hero. Besides an elephant is a species whilst traitor is an expression for someone's behaviour and actions, un-comparable....

But don't worry I got what you mean coz I iz smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Deleted User - 11252347

I want to propose an edit.

Please mention the fact that I won W93 with Screw on my most wanted poster. It is my most recent victory.

Nah no one really cares about world wins... But I was gonna instead mention your latest campaign & victory for forum persona..... oh wait :D


Deleted User - 11252347

Not to spoil your rant or to say this is relevant to what ever your on about but some may say traitor is subjective. some may view the person as a traitor whilst others view him as a hero. Besides an elephant is a species whilst traitor is an expression for someone's behaviour and actions, un-comparable....

But don't worry I got what you mean coz I iz smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I subjectively think you're an elephant :D


Connor need to correct you here. I wasn't going to go into detail but i will since you brought it up. Just because you were kicked does not mean you did not intend to & were actively plotting to betray dest.

Same reason your ex-co was kicked on 94 I believe ? Just because you weren't ready to openly announce your betrayal doesn't make you any less a traitor... kinda makes you a coward in my opinion.

For you Connor I'm unsurprised.... White knight syndrome is something you may wanna read up on bud ;) You just can't fathom not being the hero or you can't play...... isnt that why you stopped playing basically altogether when we neared victory? Then again when regime almost neared victory ? Surrised I didn't see you back in dest at the end lol.... Also how long does it take you to get to work ? Cause unless it's like a 5 hour commute i would think a large, established account such as yours was at the time would be fine with an hr Or 2 of mistags....Or are only your RL issues allowed to be used as excuses since you're knighted ;)

.....And me not being present exactly at the moment of your coat changing colours is not relevant; you yourself were barely playing at the time and unlike you I legitimately was unable to play not bored o_O I was still very much in the loop and I'm not going to let you play the 'victim card' when you're nothing more than a petty megalomaniac who couldn't fathom not being the lone hero at the end of the day.

You had a fit at the prospect merging with SIN - some of whom had put equal or more work into fighting regime than yourself - you had no respect whatsoever for our longtime and good allies & some deluded belief you could weather a two sided gangbang from regime and SIN while most of dest was inactive.... Your actions following the decision were so churlish they almost matched the levels of your new coplayer; Franc :p You called the dest council volatile .... Well in my opinion you were a huge part of that.

So....you basically stood there screaming "kick me" "kick me" so that you could try to save face later and now try to imply dest betrayed you LOL

I know exactly what I said & most destiny players do believe you & the mutineers did betray us. I'm done talking about w80 but I'm jumping on no bandwagon here.

I'm not trying to take away anything you achieved..... because in the end you achieved a loss :( And I know you're probably bitter you switched sides only to lose but when you make your bed you must lie in it not lie about it ;)

Im not bitter in the slightest about you leaving and you know it. Nor do i take credit for regimes downfall so please dont try that card either :) You know exactly why I strongly dislike you & it has little to do with this situation. Just because I choose to not say it does not give you permission to dismiss my claims or imply you know better... If I were you I would have left this little issue dead and buried because I can go for days about it; just was trying to ensure "your achievements" from w80 were noted ;)

You can paint your little regime hero story however you like lad...Whatever helps you sleep at night Connor; but an elephant is and always will be an elephant; and a traitor.... well ... will always be a traitor.

Best of luck on w100 :) ... I hope you have rectified your karma for this world; Asura ;)

First of all, I was promised by Sara we would fight SIN because 99% of SIN were useless and did not deserve to win at all only account deserving was Devil Monster, SIN was losing against Regime on their frontline and were actually hindering us.

Sara went back on the decision due to people wanting the world over and were too lazy to continue fighting. Actively plotted against? I made a single comment and it was taken literally. None of SIN put the same amount of effort into fighting Regime as I did. Not a single account. I spoke to Regime after I was kicked. Not before. Bitter I switched sides? I am happy I was kicked and even more so because almost no originals won that world and any originals coasted to a win under Thom's team. 2.5 hour commute either side of a 12 hour shift. 4on4off. I played on my off days and when I woke up and after work. Trying to poke holes in my ability and activity is pointless when I have a set schedule and play times I can commit too as does everyone else. If you would like me to tell you where I live and where I was commuting and the exact route I take I will be glad to share such info with you if it will help you understand. :)

At the end of the day. Still kicked me = No betrayal. Actively plotted a OP and asked me what I was doing to then launch the op if I was busy. Congrats. Dest Betrayed me plain and simple. Just because I joined Regime after you did that to me doesn't make it that I betrayed Destiny at all. You kicked an account and in return it joined the enemy instead of sitting idle waiting to die out. You also stated I was barely playing at the time which is not true. The lack of knowledge you actually have is outrageous, continue being out the loop & jumpung on the bandwagon. Clueless is probably the best way to describe you.

Don't need to argue this anymore public knowledge what happened on 80 you can keep trying to justify the kick. :)
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First of all, I was promised by Sara we would fight SIN because 99% of SIN were useless and did not deserve to win at all only account deserving was Devil Monster, SIN was losing against Regime on their frontline and were actually hindering us.

Sara went back on the decision due to people wanting the world over and were too lazy to continue fighting. Actively plotted against? I made a single comment and it was taken literally. None of SIN put the same amount of effort into fighting Regime as I did. Not a single account. I spoke to Regime after I was kicked. Not before. Bitter I switched sides? I am happy I was kicked and even more so because almost no originals won that world and any originals coasted to a win under Thom's team. 2.5 hour commute either side of a 12 hour shift. 4on4off. I played on my off days and when I woke up and after work. Trying to poke holes in my ability and activity is pointless when I have a set schedule and play times I can commit too as does everyone else. If you would like me to tell you where I live and where I was commuting and the exact route I take I will be glad to share such info with you if it will help you understand. :)

At the end of the day. Still kicked me = No betrayal. Actively plotted a OP and asked me what I was doing to then launch the op if I was busy. Congrats. Dest Betrayed me plain and simple. Just because I joined Regime after you did that to me doesn't make it that I betrayed Destiny at all. You kicked an account and in return it joined the enemy instead of sitting idle waiting to die out. You also stated I was barely playing at the time which is not true. The lack of knowledge you actually have is outrageous, continue being out the loop & jumpung on the bandwagon. Clueless is probably the best way to describe you.

Don't need to argue this anymore public knowledge what happened on 80 you can keep trying to justify the kick. :)

I also went back on the decision because of New Regimes leadership's treatment towards us... That and SIN were good loyal allies to us the entire time, so it wasn't about ending the world, it was that we held the cards to essentially pick who we would win the world with. The ones who treated us like a 2nd rate tribe and would fight every compromise, or the ones that treated us as equals and easy to work with. Not to mention who deemed anyone the right to say who "deserves" a win? And the majority of the tribe voted for it, because we ran it democratically.

Dest didn't betray you, you forced our hand, I don't even recall you being at work or gone lol but if you were I mean it was plotted for 4 accounts to leave Dest core and OP while I was asleep so like is that really relevant? :D

Key being - the fact that you did actively plot to leave and the tribe democratically chose to stick with our best ally, you left us no choice. So saying Kick = Betrayal is just a scarecrow argument of simplifying it down to look like you were betrayed, but you already openly were against our tribe, our tribes vote, and our allies. That isn't a tribemate, I don't know how you'd expect to stay in the tribe when threatening to leave it everyday AND when the decision was final..

Chris was correct, and I am the one who made all the decisions during that time period of W80 so.. lol

So....you basically stood there screaming "kick me" "kick me" so that you could try to save face later and now try to imply dest betrayed you LOL

That all being said,

You and Chris are both amazing players and it was great playing alongside you both :) I understand your feelings and why you left, it happens. The personal words towards each other are just heat and irrelevant, it was a passionate world but its over now :D

So we can drop the W80 stuff now, I just had to pipe in because I'm shocked to see the victim card being played over that situation.


I thought since you mentioned my W87 world win, you could instead mention a more updated one where I won W93 with you as teammates. Incidentally you made a factual inaccuracy on W87, I didn't make many enemies there at all. Most of my more recent enemies were made when I criticised a certain player for threatening to post nude pictures of another player from an enemy tribe in a public chat without their consent. That same player liked to post rubbish in the forums, get a free ride by ganging up with a few other players and bully others through both the externals and internal forums. Fair enough, bullying is part of the game, but I've found it interesting how vulnerable these people are when they are on the receiving end of criticism.

There was this history teacher back when I was at school. Man, I hated that guy. He was a smug man and said to me something along the lines of "you're a smart enough kid but you'll never get anywhere because you're lazy and don't care about school". What annoyed me was not that he was arrogant, but he had teenage me figured out to a tee. True to form, I'd follow the trajectory he set for me. I imagine you feel the same way about me.

That's why I'm on a list that there's not really a point of me being on. Where's Al? Where's Ronnie? Both more notorious than myself to just give two examples. You had to let your personal feelings get in the way, those same feelings that branded you so unstable and untrustworthy that on W97, leadership had to have the email of your account just so you didn't do anything erratic. I've never seen that be the case before in my entire time playing TW. Those same feelings that created that outburst in W97, that led to many players on W93 being on the receiving end of your expletive outbursts including myself. The same feelings which would make you go round my friends and give them ultimatums to stop being friends with me. Those same feelings that made you create this silly meme when I exposed how desperate you were for that award on the nomination thread just because I could. You should notice by now that it doesn't work on me, because everyone knows I don't care.

My question to you is how can you talk about another player being trustworthy or not given that context?

Just like the Fox news you base your podcast on, 90% of what you write is rubbish. The other 10% though, gives insight, not into those you try mock or bash, but yourself.

I kinda agree with this. I love you Nemesis. But there were definitely others that should have hit that list. I'm actually surprised they didn't.