Fleezers News: Serious Discussion Thread

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Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
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Kinda love how many times i've read the same conversations about w80 and they just go round and round and round, i dont know why you guys dont just ctrl+c ctrl+v and save yourself the hassle each time the topic comes up

Besides only one w80 squad really matters when you get right down to it :D

Sinful Angel

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but also I now attend a globally renowned tertiary learning institution studying science with nothing but optimism about how fruitful my life will become. I'm young, debt-less and for the most part my life has been pretty good .... you on the other hand.... well what's to say about you that your teacher didn't already say about you :p

And soon to be studying in the greatest country :)


Jesus, and I thought nemesis writes alot,

World 93 was such a one sided world, screw was the only decent tribe to make it out of mid game, after then there were any tribes even worth mentioning. No decent tribe to even put up a challenge, everyone aside from screw was fighting amongst themselves.

World 93 was a replica of world 86,


I cannot stand tribes like Screw. I don't care if the tribe won the world, I hate that sort of atmosphere and I've been on this game long enough that I don't give a damn, I'm happy to say it even if I crush some eggshells on they way.

Sorry, I dont like to get involved. (Blatant Lie)
I love Fleezus(Legend) and respect you DA, but this seems to me that minus the nudes incident, you couldnt handle the banter (Sorry but I found that chat log you put up funny, not offensive really)

It just seems you don't enjoy the personality of certain groups of people, we live in a world where banter has taken over. Things that you and the Old generation(Yes you act like a grandpa at times) just can't comprehend and seem to think it is all done as an insult. People have fun in different ways.

My Opinion, Screw is and probably will be the BEST tribe I have been apart of due to its great environment. The laughs, the jokes. Like 4-5 months worth of skype video chats. I will miss it.

But please carry on your argument you two, I enjoy the read:D


I smell a war brewing..should be damn good one to...


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K, I screenshotted the sky, and part of my finger apparently.


Sorry, I dont like to get involved. (Blatant Lie)
I love Fleezus(Legend) and respect you DA, but this seems to me that minus the nudes incident, you couldnt handle the banter (Sorry but I found that chat log you put up funny, not offensive really)

It just seems you don't enjoy the personality of certain groups of people, we live in a world where banter has taken over. Things that you and the Old generation(Yes you act like a grandpa at times) just can't comprehend and seem to think it is all done as an insult. People have fun in different ways.

My Opinion, Screw is and probably will be the BEST tribe I have been apart of due to its great environment. The laughs, the jokes. Like 4-5 months worth of skype video chats. I will miss it.

But please carry on your argument you two, I enjoy the read:D
Agreed, Nothing like drama from (ex? :( ) home! ;)

Michael Corleone.

*uses sky is blue to illustrate a point*

*takes picture of said sky...not blue*


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You can't screenshot the sky. You can take a photo of the sky and screenshot that but not screenshot the sky.

A lesson 0 murph 1 FINALLY

I didn't take a picture, I just opened my camera app and pointed the phone at the sky and then took a screenshot, it's why the camera controls are shown in the image :p