Funniest Personal Text


As the name of the thread suggests, what is the funniest personal text you've seen in a players profile?

This includes your own if you think it to be worthy of mention.

I found this in UK W4, definitely my favourite ":)

How TW has affect my Real Life.

1 - My children are now called 001 and 002.
2 - When I have to go out and hire a sitter, I
get irratated if she hasn't built something by
the time I get home.
3 - I get REALLY mad if she's used my children to
attack other households she has a personal
vendetta against.

4 - Several times I've had to run out and inform
the mailman that "scouting IS considered an attack!".

5 - At work I keep asking my boss to promote me
to baron status.
6 - He also doesn't understand my desire to set
up an "Academy Office" for people who want to
work for us, but don't quite meet our requirements.

7 - I play on the computer soo much instead of
working and taking care of home finances that my
car just got nobled (er, I mean repossessed).

8 - My best friends no longer have easy to
remember names like Ed or Steve but rather sound
like characters you'd expect to meet in some
Rocky Horror meets Lord of the Rings post-apocalyptic
9 - My wife gets pissed when I refer to her as
the paladin when I send her out to replenish our
10 - I had to shoot my dogs to make room for
wolves which have a better defense/offense rating
for the house.


Lol, looked for that quite awhile back. Had a buddy in W22 that had like three of these...


i opened this up in class and people looked at me as i started laughin randomly


Its not in my profile, but I have used tw terminology by accident in the real world on several occasions.

I have asked band members what tribe they are in (instead of which band) when trying to determine which studio to send them to (I work in a music studio)

We scout (check) studios after bands have vacated to make sure all the equipment is in good order

I have been asked for resources (pocket money), by my ten year old son, who also plays tw.


I must confess to several slip ups I have made in RL during my TW life.

1. My brother and I were discussing transportation issues for his company and I mentally calculated how long it would be take the four drivers to arrive at the destinations based on the slowest vehicle.

2. Left my parents the other week after a brief visit and told them I would see them in 1008hrs, then quickly checked myself and said 6 weeks.

3. My nephew asked me why I don't like to go to town, I replied without thinking that when I go to town it involves too many fakes and I can't be bothered at the moment. Needless to say he was very confused and I denied this to my brother and his wife.

4. I got in trouble with the GF the other week as I showed more excitement about timing the D perfectly to slip in between attacks to snipe a train then I did when we made plans to go on holiday together.

5. My Gf said she was going for a NAP and I nodded and asked her what the situation was over there, would it be better just leaving them as neutral and attacking them later. Her brother found that hilarious, she was not amused.


From guyverones profile

Axes can pry
Spears may fly
Swords can slash
While arrows rain in a flash

Scouts can see
As far as the sea
L.Cs can haul with death in a bowl
Archers can defend
Like a porcupine's den

HC are the best
In terms of defense
With Cats and rams
They put them to the test

With four heavenly nobles
Your village will be in a wreck
For holy guidance from above
Will squish you like a bug

And i jacked this from McLovvins profile

"You can take a good look at a T-bone by sticking your head up a bull's ass, but wouldn't you rather take the butcher's word for it?"

There is a moral to this story stay out of my village or you will lose yours.

"Just remember what the MPAA says: Horrific, deplorable violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty words!"

So don't come swearing at me when I noble your village.

"I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is."

I think it may be taking your village but I won't be sure until I do.


I forget who I stole that from, it was illiterate when I read it so I had re written most of it lol

I like this profile text though



From someone profile:

"Mess with the Best and Die like the Rest.

Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away