Funny Attacks and Successful Defences


only the wall went down a few levels, that was all. see updated report.. fergot to add that part.

does seem like a waste on the wall, don't it?
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Yeah that does... if it were me... I would probably hit the farm :p

But maybe he wanted to take the vil? I am not sure. Still.. that has got to hurt


arrrrrrrg it doesn't hurt that much for a workshop bonus village.

Also Being a pirate he is fortunate enough that he can blame it on the a-a-alcohol. arrrrrrrg

I'm on fiery this morning wow.
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Does Twist! suddenly like noble nukes? I'd give a 10/10 for effort... but for those skills that we have heard so much about... I would have to rate this lower. Hmm... forget about skills! This is just kind of a common sense thing I think.



Loyalty rises to fast for that methinks... farthest spread of a noble train that I have ever seen! (maybe this should be a milestone)

Anyway, I think that the moral of the story is.. think before launching! :lol:


same could be said for you swordie lol, one would think you would withdraw your support before hitting a stacked village with a 3/4 nuke too lol


Think I must be close to this wall of shame! I done some pretty noob stuff this past month! :icon_eek: lol... Lucky for me Twist doesn't post much these days :)


Marshall.. unfortunately I think you are right. I am not on 24/7, so while I withdrew most of my support that landed after the village was retaken... it was so spread out that either i missed it, or was not on between the landing time of the D, and the landing of the nuke. Not really too nubly... even though I have done my fair share. Fortunately I can claim to never have sent a noble train... with 60 hours between nobles :D


No see, I think thats pretty nooby to be honest.
Killing your own recap attempts with your own D... Classic!


Not recap really, just random nukes in my fake script. Hard to monitor when I have a few hundred outgoing. Not the end of the world to kill a vil of D, and a nuke :p The damage to my D was minimal anyways, since he had stacked the village

Maybe his attacks were mistakes? He probably should check before he sends out nukes, to make sure that this doesn't happen.
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See pawprints see what we have to deal with here in k60 :'( There so mean to us!


:icon_rolleyes: thats all ive been doing all day watching these reports roll in, saltire45 been owned his mighty builds been awesome check em out!

Attacker: xdarkskyx
Origin: 66 -TSIM- (623|630) K66

Quantity: 0 0 7370 0 14 2455 146 0 245 93 0 0
Losses: 0 0 6515 0 14 2455 140 0 217 82 0 0

Defender: saltire45
Destination: The Fall (495|773) K74

Quantity: 18149 692 0 692 31 16 0 169 0 50 0 0
Losses: 18149 692 0 692 31 16 0 169 0 50

Spear nukes FTW!!!

Attacker: xdarkskyx
Origin: 55 -TSIM- (525|590) K55

Quantity: 0 0 5531 0 13 3095 201 0 248 74 0 0
Losses: 0 0 2916 0 13 3095 147 0 131 39 0 0

Defender: erefert
Destination: Boston D. (475|658) K64

Quantity: 13151 0 0 0 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Losses: 13151 0 0 0 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Spear Nukes rock (if your dark)

Attacker: xdarkskyx
Origin: 65 -TSIM- (527|652) K65

Quantity: 0 0 7361 0 13 2454 291 0 244 96 0 0
Losses: 0 0 5368 0 13 2454 271 0 178 70 0 0

Defender: saltire45
Destination: Flowers of the Forest (487|734) K74

Quantity: 17801 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Losses: 17801 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


And finally something different

Attacker: xdarkskyx
Origin: 66 -TSIM- (660|646) K66

Quantity: 0 0 7302 0 11 2459 240 0 329 80 0 0
Losses: 0 0 7302 0 11 2283 240 0 329 80 0 0

Defender: saltire45
Destination: Hail (500|773) K75

Quantity: 0 21031 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Losses: 0 21031 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

:O a sword nuke skillz!
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Hmm... interesting. I wonder why he would build a single defensive troop in each? That is wildly inneficient... so even I don't do that


Either he's very hopefully or converting his half made nukes into a D vill


Why did you leave? I thought you were the best baron by far, and better than a few of the dukes...


Because.....Well as you said, better than a few of the dukes. I seen this so it wasn't worth my times

"Ah shit twist has given us 3 days to take our claims before they wipe you off the map"

:( Ah well i enjoyed the game ;)