You're gonna do what to my mother!?
who are u? do we cnow each other? :icon_confused:
You're gonna do what to my mother!?
Attacker: Syloss
Origin: Undefined. (502|502) K55
Quantity: 0 0 1059 1 0 0 0 0 0
Losses: 0 0 1059 1 0 0 0 0 0
look out for death. they like to kill their own troops. mebe they spawn back in as zombie axes?
Quantity: 170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Losses: 170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Haul: 37.084 37.084 17.421 91589/125540
Loyalty: Dropped from 36 to 1
Loyalty: Dropped from 1 to -34
Two perfect noble hit in a row, at the worst possible time.
The only consolation is that I waited so that the loyalty would recover to 36 before the attack landed, so at least I don't have to replace a noble.
Loyalty: Dropped from 61 to 26
Loyalty: Dropped from 35 to 0
A double 35 drop as before and I got the cool award too! Yes I'm jammier than a jam factory.
My scouts are such devious individuals that when I send them out on scouting missions they come back with my enemy's phone number.
Disclaimer: If your browser doesn't automatically turn possible phone number combinations into a listed phone number then this won't make sense to you.