Funny Attacks, Defences, and IGMs.


Wow how good are you?
I´m awsome, ty for asking.
You get owned in a conversation with me in here then try and come back with something funny, so you can destract people from the fact you have no clue about the things you talk.
Where did i get owned in a convo whit u in here? :icon_confused:
Where didn´t i have a clue of what i was talking about?

Wow i have to hand it to you, youre awesome.
You answered youw own question, i wonder who doesn´t havea clue of what his writing :icon_rolleyes:
Shame it didnt work and the fact remains you failed, you tried to change subject around, but failed again.
Bold, just for u Lee Walton <3


Then your ignorant aswell as a little backwards. A childish responce to pretend not to know what youre talking about. Its right above, yet you have no clue.

Seems i gave you more credit then you were due. Go back to being 2fast2noble lmao

You didn´t answer any of his questions, why is that? Because he ws right ofc. You´re the one failing here Lee, nobody else.


Bold, just for u Lee Walton <3

Hmmmm if you noticed i was talking to danny :icon_redface:. So youre whole bolded part has no relevance to you, yet you answer it anyway.

Yeah you know what youre talking about :icon_confused: answering something that doesnt concern you :icon_redface:

Does it hurt to fail that hard? ivce never done it just wondered :lol:


I dont play this game to give or get respect, Deciete is part of the game, who you should trust is also part of the game. So yeah you just showed how he fails on many levels.

Also danny its pretty obvious i aint here to make friends, ive said that a hundred times, i honestly dont care about people who play the game.

How can i be a fail player, if i can get people to trust me when they shouldnt, i have nop emotional attachment to those who play the game and i have no respect about those i attack.

Seems to me that makes me a better player rather then fail, as i have many more tacticts to implement to ensure i win then you lot :) Now if you said one of the most disresectful and horrendus characters of the game, you may be close but fail player very unlikely

So.. because I didn't reply to this, you assumed I got owned? I didn't respond to this as you basically repeated everything I said about you in my previous post. Also, having "one of the most disresectful and horrendus characters of the game", I don't really feel the need to reply to you - but I shall anyways.

I dont play this game to give or get respect, Deciete is part of the game, who you should trust is also part of the game. So yeah you just showed how he fails on many levels.

I agree with the fact that deceit is part of the game, and who to trust is part of the game also. Though I disagree he "fails on many levels". It just shows your deceit, and he didn't take that much of a risk with it (sending 100 axes with each noble)

Also danny its pretty obvious i aint here to make friends, ive said that a hundred times, i honestly dont care about people who play the game.

How can i be a fail player, if i can get people to trust me when they shouldnt, i have nop emotional attachment to those who play the game and i have no respect about those i attack.

Erm.. kinda "owned" yourself there, pretty much admitting you're an a******e

Seems to me that makes me a better player rather then fail, as i have many more tacticts to implement to ensure i win then you lot :) Now if you said one of the most disresectful and horrendus characters of the game, you may be close but fail player very unlikely

Maybe, but that's just your view. I'd rather be an honest player, who gains respect and trust through loyalty. Does using dirty tactics make you a better player than me? I doubt that very much. And don' t tell me you're loyal and trustworthy also, because you've already admitted you "don't care about people who play the game". I'd have to assume you mean your tribemates also.

You'll just continue to childishly insult anyone who imposes your views (telling people they're fail players, belittling people on external forums etc). You'll never stop... hence is there a logical reason to reply to someone like this? it's just a waste of time and effort.

Go back to being 2fast2noble? I'm obviously not at your superior level of intelligence yet, as that means nothing to me :icon_confused:
"Fail" personal insult? :icon_smile:

Anyways, this will be my lost post on this topic, I've said pretty much all there is to say.


You said nothing, its a whole load of words that actually have no meaning or any real thought put in to them, youre honest and trustworthy blah blah blah, that just makes you an easy target to extract info from and generaly just play you like a puppet.

And the 2fast2noble its obvious you are that fail player in w44, but you wont admit it because the account fails so much and has just been owned by a certain few people. Yt it clearly states its you :S, fail personal insult, ya ya ya, fail ignorance as you couldnt handle being in that core and is scared to admit you aint actually that good


You said nothing, its a whole load of words that actually have no meaning or any real thought put in to them, youre honest and trustworthy blah blah blah, that just makes you an easy target to extract info from and generaly just play you like a puppet.

So all honest people are future puppets? You're making a really good impression for yourself here..and although you dont care, people here certainly do as they associate you with your tribe and the general perception seems to be that any relationship with the Inwar family means signing up for a contract to get an exclamation mark installed at the start and end of your tribe.

lee walton said:
And the 2fast2noble its obvious you are that fail player in w44, but you wont admit it because the account fails so much and has just been owned by a certain few people. Yt it clearly states its you :S, fail personal insult, ya ya ya, fail ignorance as you couldnt handle being in that core and is scared to admit you aint actually that good

Ok, the account has been owned by a few players who may have affected its fighting ability yet it is ALL dany's fault when we aren't even sure that he plays it? :icon_neutral:

So basically succeeding in one world's core and not doing well on another world's core where you get an account from someone which may or may not be to your liking makes you a fail player? May I remind you that you are not in the core of World 35..and although you may be doing well for your standards on world44's core, its too early to tell who will or will not survive the nobling phase which has started there. :icon_wink:


people here certainly do as they associate you with your tribe and the general perception seems to be that any relationship with the Inwar family means signing up for a contract to get an exclamation mark installed at the start and end of your tribe

Im nothing to do with the leadership im not part of any of it. So any relations have nothing to do with me. And yes all players in my eyes are there to take info from and do whats best for me to achieve my own personal goal. Charger and a few others know what that is when they talked to me about joining them :) unlucky but good attempt

Ok, the account has been owned by a few players who may have affected its fighting ability yet it is ALL dany's fault when we aren't even sure that he plays it
well after nearly 2 months you would hope a supposed l33t player from w35 would have more then 2k troops in total, and not sure if he plays it, but his name is there along with his co-players? and he nobled an inactive not that long ago :S, stop trying to help him by adding to his l33tness of fail

world44's core, its too early to tell who will or will not survive the nobling phase which has started there.

You have no idea who i am on w44, you might think you do but you dont ;) And im pretty sure ive survived in every core ive played. And ask your friends Karmalot and Foggy how long they tried to take a village from an account i sat ;) And how many of there nobles ive sniped then returned nobles and was also very close to taking there villa!!! go on ask them see how my standards are for you to judge.


And the 2fast2noble its obvious you are that fail player in w44, but you wont admit it because the account fails so much and has just been owned by a certain few people. Yt it clearly states its you :S, fail personal insult, ya ya ya, fail ignorance as you couldnt handle being in that core and is scared to admit you aint actually that good

Oh god, I have to reply to this! My ignorance? You're ignorant suggesting that that account is me. I've never even heard of the account, yet alone played it. I started w44 late, with Ghettorainboot + Danny coplaying me. We played an account called E-Dating (don't ask, wasn't me who came up with the name :p) Ghetto lost internet connection and went inactive. I didn't bother playing on, as I also play a relatively large account in w41, and because of Ghetto/Danny's inactivity :( It was a jokey account anyways, we didn't take it seriously.

Also I seem to have survived pretty well in the core of this world, don't you agree? :lol:


people here certainly do as they associate you with your tribe and the general perception seems to be that any relationship with the Inwar family means signing up for a contract to get an exclamation mark installed at the start and end of your tribe

Im nothing to do with the leadership im not part of any of it. So any relations have nothing to do with me. And yes all players in my eyes are there to take info from and do whats best for me to achieve my own personal goal. Charger and a few others know what that is when they talked to me about joining them :) unlucky but good attempt

Ok, the account has been owned by a few players who may have affected its fighting ability yet it is ALL dany's fault when we aren't even sure that he plays it
well after nearly 2 months you would hope a supposed l33t player from w35 would have more then 2k troops in total, and not sure if he plays it, but his name is there along with his co-players? and he nobled an inactive not that long ago :S, stop trying to help him by adding to his l33tness of fail

world44's core, its too early to tell who will or will not survive the nobling phase which has started there.

You have no idea who i am on w44, you might think you do but you dont ;) And im pretty sure ive survived in every core ive played. And ask your friends Karmalot and Foggy how long they tried to take a village from an account i sat ;) And how many of there nobles ive sniped then returned nobles and was also very close to taking there villa!!! go on ask them see how my standards are for you to judge.

Yes yes i know that you and aetost are there after aetosts original account there failed....pretty pathetic for someone who calls himself a Tw God.
Also where did Dany call himself elite? You seem to be presuming a lot here.
Do you have any mails or proof showing that it was Dany apart from the profile.
Profiles and villa names tend to be decieving, Lee villa names will tell you that my villas are claimed by a 40k player who tried to join NOOBS recently lol but thats not the case.
Also, in world 35's forums other worlds dont matter so while you may feel free to make a thread saying Dany sucks on the w44 Pnp forum, it is quite irrelevant to this world or how it shapes out as he seems to be going okay here.


Yes yes i know that you and aetost are there after aetosts original account there failed....pretty pathetic for someone who calls himself a Tw God.

Really then why is Aetosts account ranked in the top 40, if it fell and was not played all over xmas :S massive fail

And like i said you have no clue who i am at all.

Also I seem to have survived pretty well in the core of this world, don't you agree?

Not hard when youre up the backside of the duke who saved you from being rimmed

Profiles and villa names tend to be decieving

Thats why it has your name on the profile, that account was in the same tribe fraooq was in, Oh how very deciteful of you.


Yes yes i know that you and aetost are there after aetosts original account there failed....pretty pathetic for someone who calls himself a Tw God.

Really then why is Aetosts account ranked in the top 40, if it fell and was not played all over xmas :S massive fail

And like i said you have no clue who i am at all.

Also I seem to have survived pretty well in the core of this world, don't you agree?

Not hard when youre up the backside of the duke who saved you from being rimmed

Profiles and villa names tend to be decieving

Thats why it has your name on the profile, that account was in the same tribe fraooq was in, Oh how very deciteful of you.

The duke who saved me was Nyogotha.
I owe him more than anyone else on World 35 and Ive stated that.....not charger.
Charger didnt care about the HotNub/Cookie war lol, the people who did quit over that..and in all honesty, I wasnt too happy about it :/
I meant that dany has survived well in this core..It wasnt about me at all but obviously ur little mind missed that.
what has my name on the profile again? please dont tell me that Im coplaying danys mystery account too now.
If your talking about toxico, we are now lovers.


Farooq the last 2 answers were extracted from dannys words, and i answered them for him not you, now who has the little mind, you cant even work out only the top answer was for you, hmmmmm


Most people would tend to use quotes and marks, but o well.
Ill have the little mind please and the big cock to go with it Thanks


Well,This is a typical !?! nuke:

Attacker: Sir Justin Payne
Village: Etzel (Etzel (698|851) K86) K86

Quantity: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3889 0 0 0
Losses: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3889 0 0 0

4K rams,Nothing else? :S


Attacker: Sir Justin Payne
Village: xxx|xxx K86

Quantity: 20629 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Losses: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Defender: lee walton
Village: (xxx|\\\) K85

Quantity: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Losses: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

its not typical he has other nukes aswell.


Attacker: Sir Justin Payne
Village: xxx|xxx K86

Quantity: 20629 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Losses: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Defender: lee walton
Village: (xxx|\\\) K85

Quantity: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Losses: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

its not typical he has other nukes aswell.


And these people are in your tribe why?



How many times, i have nothing to do with leadership or recruitment or anything, i just work alone and do what needs doing for my goal. Which i have got half way there and once its complete ill prolly leave.

And the fact that he can support people or we can sit and take the hit for him etc. Like i say i dunno go ask 1 of the leaders


How many times, i have nothing to do with leadership or recruitment or anything, i just work alone and do what needs doing for my goal. Which i have got half way there and once its complete ill prolly leave.

And the fact that he can support people or we can sit and take the hit for him etc. Like i say i dunno go ask 1 of the leaders


But why is he in your tribe??



But why is he in your tribe??

Seriously are you retarded or just cant read?

I said i have nothing to do with what !?! does, who they recruit or whatever thats there perogative.

I honestly dont care who is in the tribe or not, or why they are in the tribe, as i sated before