Exactly whats wrong with the youth of today
Great mail.
thats a sterotype you num skull
lol =]
Exactly whats wrong with the youth of today
Great mail.
this is ... you decide.
I got noble faked by a 400 pt. player.
dylanX on 28.02. at 13:07
can we be part of your family tribes ? or if you dont want we can be allies or NAP
bluddorgy on 28.02. at 21:24
I'm very interested in continent 25. Its population and expansion is one of my main prioritys.
I've got an idea, and I think it'll work quite well.
If we make a new tribe, with my members and yours, we would be rank 1 by a fair amount.
You would be welcome to make this tribe and be it's duke, and my mebers would join the tribe. My only condition is that the tribe be called WOLVES.
Also, this will weed out any unloyal inactive mebers of both tribes.
dylanX today at 00:19
ok but i like if it still D generation X
bluddorgy today at 01:23
Hmm. That's my condition.
I don;t want a merger a want a proper alliance.
I suggest we discuss this when you are willing to make the tribe, or we will have war in the future.
dylanX today at 10:36
you want to make family we be WOLVES+ and your WOLVES and we find antoher tribes gho want to join our family
bluddorgy today at 10:58
dylanX today at 11:00
we make 2 tribes my tribe name be WOLVES+ and your WOLVES or what do you want and we be family and we find much more tribes to join our family wee be big alliance like brothers and sister
bluddorgy today at 11:03
Just make the tribes WOLVES and invite my members, theyve been to told to join you after that.
dylanX today at 11:04
ok m8 i am invite you all
dylanX today at 11:05
ow no they use t alreday wolves
bluddorgy today at 11:06
dylanX today at 11:07
you want to name it HELL
bluddorgy today at 11:07
thats fine i guess.
dylanX today at 11:07
ok my m8
bluddorgy today at 11:08
not much time before i need to go, are you making it or not?
dylanX today at 11:09
but they use it as well
dylanX today at 11:09
we name it COTTONERA
dylanX today at 11:09
bluddorgy today at 11:10
wtf. just disband the tribe and make it the new name.
dylanX today at 11:10
what name you want me to do ??
bluddorgy today at 11:11
CANINE HOUNDY HELL wtvr, im impatient just do it . i need to go.
dylanX today at 11:12
ready join us now
i am going invite your all tribe
dylanX today at 11:13
you gone join us ?
How to; Disband a noob tribe, and make a academy without them realising.
^ I really felt bad for doing that for some odd reason.Kaeze Phoenix on 01.03. at 14:17
Kaeze Phoenix on 01.03. at 23:54
You joined FL? won't stop me from farming you
waffin today at 03:17
ok! i know u are just like that! i admit! i lose! and i am just a beginner! whatever! do what u want! ok?
Kaeze Phoenix today at 03:42
Woaaah there. You're making me feel bad... I'll tell you what. go to Settings ---> Startover. I'll help you build your village again and this way you don't have to worry about me attacking you.
I need resources to grow and to do that i need farms (players/villages i can get resources of). Your just another unlucky one. I am sorry and i would love to help you make yourself a new village
Your Choice
waffin today at 16:56
what will i start building? do u have ym? so that we can talk while we are playing! and why are u farming in my town! u have ur own farmers! cheater!!
waffin today at 17:35
get my village now! its all yours!and i am starting all over! by the way here is my ym! if u are interested talking to me! ************
You tell me.Kaeze Phoenix today at 18:09
That recent barbarian village near you is my farm. Farm it and I'll farm you.
Lordlee today at 19:26
okay,well i havent attcked it,i have no troops
this was show to me by a member of our tribe.......
tronar today at 01:49
y r u atacking me dude im like trying to get alot of dudes
Lord Newhope today at 02:22
Because your tribe and ours are at war and you happen to be the closest to me?
tronar today at 02:29
well can u please dont attack me? because i just sufered two atacks from ur tribe and i have like no troops
Lord Newhope today at 02:30
sorry, can't recall them
tronar today at 02:32
y i know how to recall them just go to the rally point and hit cancel on the attack
Lord Newhope today at 02:36
Cant they've been gone too long.
Do this, when they get there, just give them some cookies maybe they won't attack then.
tronar today at 02:37
how do i do that theyll just attack
Lord Newhope today at 02:38
Do you have a paladin?
tronar today at 02:39
ya y
Lord Newhope today at 02:40
Post him at the gate with the /cookie command.
tronar today at 02:40
and were do i enter that
Lord Newhope today at 02:54
Do you have a Premium account?
tronar today at 02:57
Lord Newhope today at 02:59
That's the problem. If you had a premium account you could use the cookie defence once a month. Sorry not much I can do.
tronar today at 03:01
how long did it say it will take ur dudes before u sent em
Lord Newhope today at 03:02
tronar today at 03:07
because i can tell u if u r still able to recall ur troops
Lord Newhope today at 03:08
Can't recall, they've been gone for over an hour.
tronar today at 03:10
well if u can just cancel em
Lord Newhope today at 03:13
ok, I'll talk to them. The problem is sometimes they don't mind me. You know them soldiers, can be very barbaric sometimes, I would hide the women and children.
tronar today at 03:15
well try and turn there minds so they dont attack me because its no fair if i gett attack 3 times in the same week
Lord Newhope today at 03:20
ok, I sent out one of my scouts with a message, see if he gets there on time.
tronar today at 03:31
kk lets hope he does and if he doesnt its like some of my tribe members bombing u guys with lots of waves of troops
Lord Newhope today at 03:33
oh wow...threats? and I was being so nice and helpful. I guess I will not tell you the secret to not get your troops killed then.
tronar today at 03:37
im not threatening im just telling u if my dudes find out that i get attacked about 2 more times from the hawks its fall out war with catapults,rams axemen,spearmen,cavalry,archers,noblemen,paladens and others
Lord Newhope today at 03:38
I tried to stop them, but they say no deal!
tronar today at 03:39
then prep for war after 2 other 2 attacks after ur attack
tronar today at 03:42
how much dudes did u send?
Lord Newhope today at 03:43
oh come on...what's the fun of me telling you?
tronar today at 03:45
so i know if i need rienforcements or not bcuase i cant survive battles were the attacker has way more solders
Lord Newhope today at 03:49
I just sent a scout....was wondering what you'll be ok.
tronar today at 03:53
well can u pease tell me how much troops u sent?
Lord Newhope today at 03:54
I told you...1 scout!
tronar today at 03:54
no for the attack
Lord Newhope today at 03:57
1 S-C-O-U-T....can't miss him, he's on a little white horsie, kind of cute, he likes carrots. He's name is Spankie!
tronar today at 03:58
so the 3hour and 55 minute wait for an attack is a stupid scout
Lord Newhope today at 04:00
He's not stupid! If you call him that he might resent it and pull out his "woopass stick" on you. And you don't want that.
tronar today at 04:02
i know i can take on a dude on a wight horse welding a stick any day because u r talking to a gang leader and i have enough smarts to out smart a scout
Lord Newhope today at 04:30
You be a gangster?
tronar today at 04:32
ya im a gang leader wat do u expect
Lord Newhope today at 04:33
I don't know...can you teach me some gang signs? I want to be a gang banger also....what's the name of your gang?
tronar today at 04:35
i only have a temporary gang name and thats the rebels
Lord Newhope today at 04:35
Do you have a cause? Or are you rebels without a cause?
tronar today at 04:38
well the thing is the place that im living in right now is getting bader by the week so i got tired of having to here sirens of police cars go off every day i made my own gang and i already have like 10 people in it
Lord Newhope today at 04:40
Cool, can I join? If I joined what would my gang name be?
tronar today at 04:42
if u joined my gang u would be under the gang name the rebels if u start ur own u will b able to make ur own gang name
Lord Newhope today at 05:06
No, I mean a nickname. Don't your gang members have a name or tag they go by?
tronar today at 05:38
ya but only me and my right hand men have nick names
tronar today at 05:45
hey dude r u aloud to send resources to enemies?
Lord Newhope today at 05:46
Yea, you going to send me some?
Lord Newhope today at 05:46
What's your nickname?
tronar today at 05:47
nick name for wat
Lord Newhope today at 05:48
your gang.
tronar today at 05:49
Lord Newhope today at 05:50
Road you ride a bike?
tronar today at 05:51
ya i ride a orange cuonty chopper pedal bike
Lord Newhope today at 05:52
Awesome! Training wheels?
tronar today at 05:54
no my occ pedal bike has a humungo back tire and i have really good balance
Lord Newhope today at 05:55
I'm proud of you.
tronar today at 05:57
ill have talk to you tommorow my jackass mom wants me in bed
Lord Newhope today at 05:59
kk, night!
I have seen the same mail on everyworld i play on, its not yours.
this was show to me by a member of our tribe.......
tronar today at 01:49
y r u atacking me dude im like trying to get alot of dudes
Lord Newhope today at 02:22
Because your tribe and ours are at war and you happen to be the closest to me?
tronar today at 02:29
well can u please dont attack me? because i just sufered two atacks from ur tribe and i have like no troops
Lord Newhope today at 02:30
sorry, can't recall them
tronar today at 02:32
y i know how to recall them just go to the rally point and hit cancel on the attack
Lord Newhope today at 02:36
Cant they've been gone too long.
Do this, when they get there, just give them some cookies maybe they won't attack then.
tronar today at 02:37
how do i do that theyll just attack
Lord Newhope today at 02:38
Do you have a paladin?
tronar today at 02:39
ya y
Lord Newhope today at 02:40
Post him at the gate with the /cookie command.
tronar today at 02:40
and were do i enter that
Lord Newhope today at 02:54
Do you have a Premium account?
tronar today at 02:57
Lord Newhope today at 02:59
That's the problem. If you had a premium account you could use the cookie defence once a month. Sorry not much I can do.
tronar today at 03:01
how long did it say it will take ur dudes before u sent em
Lord Newhope today at 03:02
tronar today at 03:07
because i can tell u if u r still able to recall ur troops
Lord Newhope today at 03:08
Can't recall, they've been gone for over an hour.
tronar today at 03:10
well if u can just cancel em
Lord Newhope today at 03:13
ok, I'll talk to them. The problem is sometimes they don't mind me. You know them soldiers, can be very barbaric sometimes, I would hide the women and children.
tronar today at 03:15
well try and turn there minds so they dont attack me because its no fair if i gett attack 3 times in the same week
Lord Newhope today at 03:20
ok, I sent out one of my scouts with a message, see if he gets there on time.
tronar today at 03:31
kk lets hope he does and if he doesnt its like some of my tribe members bombing u guys with lots of waves of troops
Lord Newhope today at 03:33
oh wow...threats? and I was being so nice and helpful. I guess I will not tell you the secret to not get your troops killed then.
tronar today at 03:37
im not threatening im just telling u if my dudes find out that i get attacked about 2 more times from the hawks its fall out war with catapults,rams axemen,spearmen,cavalry,archers,noblemen,paladens and others
Lord Newhope today at 03:38
I tried to stop them, but they say no deal!
tronar today at 03:39
then prep for war after 2 other 2 attacks after ur attack
tronar today at 03:42
how much dudes did u send?
Lord Newhope today at 03:43
oh come on...what's the fun of me telling you?
tronar today at 03:45
so i know if i need rienforcements or not bcuase i cant survive battles were the attacker has way more solders
Lord Newhope today at 03:49
I just sent a scout....was wondering what you'll be ok.
tronar today at 03:53
well can u pease tell me how much troops u sent?
Lord Newhope today at 03:54
I told you...1 scout!
tronar today at 03:54
no for the attack
Lord Newhope today at 03:57
1 S-C-O-U-T....can't miss him, he's on a little white horsie, kind of cute, he likes carrots. He's name is Spankie!
tronar today at 03:58
so the 3hour and 55 minute wait for an attack is a stupid scout
Lord Newhope today at 04:00
He's not stupid! If you call him that he might resent it and pull out his "woopass stick" on you. And you don't want that.
tronar today at 04:02
i know i can take on a dude on a wight horse welding a stick any day because u r talking to a gang leader and i have enough smarts to out smart a scout
Lord Newhope today at 04:30
You be a gangster?
tronar today at 04:32
ya im a gang leader wat do u expect
Lord Newhope today at 04:33
I don't know...can you teach me some gang signs? I want to be a gang banger also....what's the name of your gang?
tronar today at 04:35
i only have a temporary gang name and thats the rebels
Lord Newhope today at 04:35
Do you have a cause? Or are you rebels without a cause?
tronar today at 04:38
well the thing is the place that im living in right now is getting bader by the week so i got tired of having to here sirens of police cars go off every day i made my own gang and i already have like 10 people in it
Lord Newhope today at 04:40
Cool, can I join? If I joined what would my gang name be?
tronar today at 04:42
if u joined my gang u would be under the gang name the rebels if u start ur own u will b able to make ur own gang name
Lord Newhope today at 05:06
No, I mean a nickname. Don't your gang members have a name or tag they go by?
tronar today at 05:38
ya but only me and my right hand men have nick names
tronar today at 05:45
hey dude r u aloud to send resources to enemies?
Lord Newhope today at 05:46
Yea, you going to send me some?
Lord Newhope today at 05:46
What's your nickname?
tronar today at 05:47
nick name for wat
Lord Newhope today at 05:48
your gang.
tronar today at 05:49
Lord Newhope today at 05:50
Road you ride a bike?
tronar today at 05:51
ya i ride a orange cuonty chopper pedal bike
Lord Newhope today at 05:52
Awesome! Training wheels?
tronar today at 05:54
no my occ pedal bike has a humungo back tire and i have really good balance
Lord Newhope today at 05:55
I'm proud of you.
tronar today at 05:57
ill have talk to you tommorow my jackass mom wants me in bed
Lord Newhope today at 05:59
kk, night!