Funny IG-mails: w45


I actually have a red hat. :O got it from a christmas cracker IRL. I has two. :D



yes im on here yahhooo!!!!
"im gay" funniest quote from me
me gay hahahhaah dont make me laugh !
ok i am sorry !!!:icon_biggrin:


Contributing Poster
Reaction score
spsjr today at 14:54

How would you like to merge into us?If you merge you and all your tribe mates would be fit because every member would be top 40.And our rank will be like 20 if you guys merge.So what do you say?Please contact me as soon as you read this message.

spsjr today at 14:56

Actually if you merge we would be like top 10.Please.This tribe is fit for you.and we have an academy tribe called [ally]PROS2[/pros]

spsjr today at 14:57

It is called[academy tribe]


spsjr today at 15:00

So do you want to merge?

spsjr today at 15:00

if you merge the last 5 members will go to the academy and the rest will comr to this tribe

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:01

dont know, my cookies would like to join tho :D

spsjr today at 15:01

what cookies?

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:02

my cookies, their choc chip cookies :D

spsjr today at 15:02

but do you want to join?

spsjr today at 15:03

That`s all i`m asking

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:03


or maybe no :D

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:03

LOL wtf happened there

spsjr today at 15:03

K.So I just invited u

spsjr today at 15:04

what happened?

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:04

why did you steal pRo's name from world 37?

spsjr today at 15:05


spsjr today at 15:07

Do you want to join?Please answer yes or no

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:08

when your clearly not them, your just trying to make yourselves look good when your clearly not

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:08

i thought you asked for a merge?

spsjr today at 15:08

I know do you want to merge?

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:09


spsjr today at 15:09

k.i just sent you an invite

spsjr today at 15:10

do you know how to join?

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:11

you sent me an invite ages ago. Im not sure whether i want to join now, cos you ate all my cookies :( Give me them back >.<

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:11

no i dont know how to join

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:11

im a noob, sorry, im not good enough for your amazing tribe

spsjr today at 15:12

if you join you can be a council member.You can be everything but a baron or duke

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:12

whats a baron or duke?

spsjr today at 15:13

When you almost have all the privileges.But you can have the all the privileges but a baron or duke

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:14

priveleges? what are they?

spsjr today at 15:15

when you can mark tribe as allies?You can edit the tribal forum.You can invite members to the tribe.But in order to do all of those i must give you privileges if you join

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:16

so if i join i get to do all this stuff! :D You just made my day

spsjr today at 15:17

you can have all of the stuff but you can`t have the one where you can dismiss people from the tribe.That is my job

spsjr today at 15:17

So do you want to join?

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:19

YES! :D do i join?

spsjr today at 15:20

1.You click on tribe

2.You see a word that says "leave tribe"
you click on it and select ok. see an invitation[once you leave your old tribe] and accept

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:21

i cant find tribe :s

spsjr today at 15:22

It is on the right

spsjr today at 15:22

it is right next to Ranking to the right

spsjr today at 15:23

and ask everybody 300 points or higher in "VIEW"[your old tribe] to come to this tribe.Once you join this tribe do it

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:23

wheres ranking?

spsjr today at 15:23

on the top

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:24

wheres on the top?

spsjr today at 15:24

all the way on the top of the page of tribal wars

spsjr today at 15:25

ask me to account sit you so i can join for you

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:25

whats tribal wars?

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:25

whats account sit?

spsjr today at 15:26

when you have somebody watch your accont[but i`ll just jin the tribe[then you can cancel it

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:27

how do i set you as my account sitter?

spsjr today at 15:27

you click on "settings"[right next to help]

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:28

wheres settings and help?

spsjr today at 15:28

on the top

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:29

on top of what?

spsjr today at 15:29

the tribal wars page

iiRoNiiK xX today at 15:29

whats tribal wars?

spsjr today at 15:30

your tricking me.How would you like to be allies?

spsjr today at 15:30

you know what to do because you played world 37 and you are in a tribe

spsjr today at 15:32

How would you just like to be allies?

Credit to iiRoNiiK

<3 View​


this guy had no idea just like me earlier FUNNY :icon_biggrin::lol:


That was hilarious and amusing. :xmas biggrin:
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I love the part where he says:

your tricking me.

A normal person would then just go away and stop the moronic conversation. But then BAM:

How would you like to be allies?
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x gafs x

carlrico123 on 24.12. at 06:40
i think you need to disband your tribe and join to our tribe
pronto-gaf on 24.12. at 08:23
please dont tell me how to run my tribe my 1 member is much betetr than you thank you
carlrico123 on 24.12. at 13:30
are you sure ok if u want can i be your friend plzzz
u want can i add you

im sorry im just telling you to join our tribe
friends plzz reply
pronto-gaf on 25.12. at 00:36
no i refuse to reply

i pushed our Noob - Embarasser relationship to fast :(


derfel cadran on 21.12. at 19:45
u think we should stop attacking each other because it will prolly just be fruitless and we will just lose troops and rescources well hope u agree with me so u and i can make peace

He/she never attacked me.

Alfie Bad Boy

Made me chuckle anyway. Have a read.

oxgold today at 13:20
Is there any reason that your member is attacking our tribe member ?



Alfie Bad Boy today at 14:56
I am not aware of any such action. Who is the player attacking.

Alfie Bad Boy today at 15:11
The report you have sent is from an attack against [ally]KTLC[/ally]. This is not your tribe.

What are you going on about. You are from the tribe [ally]-=SR=-[/ally]

oxgold today at 15:18
Yes that correct now... so forget it it, i just changed... the story about that tribe is that the thefurher the tribe leaders left it to a newbie, ME and that is to early for me to be an tribe leader after playing this game for 9 days... way to early for me to be an tribe leader. and not an active tribe, so i left for an better and experienced tribe... so from my case forget it..