Funny IG mails.

nakki pappa

zomg, fade, my threat :(

but yeah he (windowsven) didn't do anything about it. He's just talks and now i stacked my villages for nothing -.-


@ Fade2Black

Didn't really do yourself any favours by posting that man, if my calculations are correct I think you will find most people taking windowsven's side in that exchange.

A) The message isn't really funny at all.
B) I know I would be sending a message similar if someone was gobbling up barbs near me.
C) Barb nobling has such a bad habit, why would you advertise it here?
D) 'Don't take threats lightly'... I had a bit of a giggle at that. Just keep taking the barbs and see if there actually is any consequence. I would like to know if Windowsven would spark another war when they already have [H] to deal with.

The humor is that some people are all talk and never back it up, they need to just keep their mouth shut!


The humor is that some people are all talk and never back it up, they need to just keep their mouth shut!

Did you somehow miss the fact that he's already in a war with [H]? Why in the world would he start another war over a few barbs? So please tell me, in his current situation, would it would be a smart move to back up what he said? :icon_confused:


He never shouldve opened his mouth about such an obligation if he could act upon it.

nakki pappa

Did you somehow miss the fact that he's already in a war with [H]? Why in the world would he start another war over a few barbs? So please tell me, in his current situation, would it would be a smart move to back up what he said? :icon_confused:

there's loads of possible reasons:

1.) he's bored
2.) he's not smart
3.) he thinks he can beat me fast enough to continue fighting [H].
4.) he farms and doesn't like his farms being snatched.


Yes I realize there are multiple reasons, it just seems to me that the fact they are at war with [H] to be the most probable reason.


The humor is that some people are all talk and never back it up, they need to just keep their mouth shut!

You yourself said that you don't threats lightly, which is a threat in itself.

Unless you do something about it, you are no different than him.


well i do need a bigger hiding place for my rams :)

P.S Brandon youre a beast!


zucarok on 18.03. at 21:38
can i be in your tribe cause i really need one??
Write me back if i can

brandon88 on 18.03. at 22:07
no, sorry

zucarok on 19.03. at 02:48
y ur not full
or am i not high eguf lvl

brandon88 on 19.03. at 02:49
You don't have enough skill or points

zucarok on 20.03. at 06:39
im ganin points like nothin!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

brandon88 on 20.03. at 06:40
once you get to 2 million points, let me know

zucarok today at 00:00
fine can you save a spot for me

Ya, I'll be sure to let green know to save him a spot, lol


andrew22903 today at 01:17
hello im from the tribe NOY and many people have recently been nobled by egiosion I Sac from the tribe nuke plz warn ur tribe because we hate it when people like urselfs gets killed anyway and plz help us kill all of egipsion I Sac as well as all of nuke

thirsty today at 04:15
I'm in a tribe? oO

I did not know I was part of a tribe. :S

Edit: ok. this is not funny

But why people don't believe me when I say I suck at this game? :(

*** on 02.05. at 01:54
a player of your calibre would fit in nicely in ***, join us?

thirsty on 02.05. at 08:03
I suck. Ask Jinxie

*** on 02.05. at 08:04
i bet not, come join us or join my friends recently started tribe ***

thirsty on 02.05. at 08:09
I bet I know better than you.

on 02.05. at 08:10

ya u do
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RedKiller118 today at 03:03
why are you attacking??? i told you everything, you were inactive for 44 days and you said ok....

RedKiller118 today at 03:03
... do you need to get rid of troops??

silentfrost today at 12:38


first worry mail since ive been back

and i was inactive for waaaaay more than 44 days rofl... it was more like.... 6 months xD



first worry mail since ive been back

and i was inactive for waaaaay more than 44 days rofl... it was more like.... 6 months xD

he hasnt read the reply :S

i hope he hasnt quit xD

i only sent like 1k attacks, and only about 50 of em were real.

but, if he has quit, easy villages =]


Normally I don't post messages that I have in game here, but unfortunately the players has just ever so slightly insulted me with this one, so I'm going to post it up.

galicey today at 19:50

galicey today at 20:20
200 points debt

****** today at 20:21

galicey today at 20:22
Premium 200 points debt

****** today at 20:24
I don't owe you anything you cheeky beggar.

galicey today at 20:25
do pay back

galicey today at 20:31
Oh, you 200 premium points
please urgent

NB: Irrelevant parts of conversation, like where he asked for an invite first have been removed.
NB I: I have removed my account name, not his.


Normally I don't post messages that I have in game here, but unfortunately the players has just ever so slightly insulted me with this one, so I'm going to post it up.

NB: Irrelevant parts of conversation, like where he asked for an invite first have been removed.
NB I: I have removed my account name, not his.

lmao, i thought galicey quit


This is by far my favorite IGM (although the exchanges with ASJ100 are way up there too LOL) :

From K-wolff. The subject line was "Real or Fake" regarding inherited incoming from him on a newly acquired villa and the body of the mail was the villa coords, to which k-wolff replied:

17.11. at 17:52
I think they are real, although I have not touched them yet (@) (@) lmao...


This is by far my favorite IGM (although the exchanges with ASJ100 are way up there too LOL) :

From K-wolff. The subject line was "Real or Fake" regarding inherited incoming from him on a newly acquired villa and the body of the mail was the villa coords, to which k-wolff replied:

Haha, awesome I do like that, and yes conversations with asj are quite high on most lists :p

That reminds me... wonder if Ken will unblock me now XD


surely this wins chris!

galicey on 18.12. at 20:43
Waiting for invite

bigjay on 18.12. at 20:44

galicey on 18.12. at 20:47
How many days

bigjay on 18.12. at 20:54
1 million!

galicey on 18.12. at 22:10
me Premium 200 point

If you need to fight

bigjay on 18.12. at 22:15
you need 200 premium if i want you to fight?

galicey on 18.12. at 22:17
now I can not give loans

bigjay on 18.12. at 22:18
im sorry what do you mean?

do you need 200 premium points?

galicey on 18.12. at 22:30
Can you given me

bigjay on 18.12. at 22:35 i a bank?

galicey on 18.12. at 22:36

bigjay on 18.12. at 22:38
i am too...ask zimparaci

galicey on 18.12. at 22:39

galicey on 18.12. at 22:47
200 points debt

galicey on 19.12. at 15:45
200 points debt

bigjay on 19.12. at 22:24
from me?

galicey on 19.12. at 22:37

bigjay on 19.12. at 22:40
do i get a free kebab if i send? i want lettuce and spicy sauce relish.

oh yeah and some 'fake' lacoste polo shirts please.
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