You obviously have a cooler script that me!
If you saw the state of the account when I took it over, you would cringe. Cringe I tell you!
***Noble*** 363|371 onewisesoul today at 01:27:37:601 0:01:27
Cancelled command after Barbarian village (373|369) K33 today at 01:27:37:614 0:01:42
***Noble*** 363|371 onewisesoul today at 01:27:37:651 0:01:27
***Noble*** 363|371 onewisesoul today at 01:27:37:701 0:01:27
***Noble*** 363|371 onewisesoul today at 01:27:37:751 0:01:27
I dont fully understand whats so funny about cancel sniping a train...?
I dont fully understand whats so funny about cancel sniping a train...?
its quite hard to achieve imho
and you being online
its quite hard to achieve imho
I think I found my problem then. :icon_eek:
Well to be fair so does support sniping, you just don't have to be on at the exact time of the attacks :icon_razz:
And if you have that much time, why not prenoble and snipe back? it will cost your opponent alot more resources cause they need to rebuild all their nobles and doesnt take that much skills or timing to accomplish.
And you claim to be an excellent player? :icon_eek:
Because as a result you lose every troop in the village.
With my poor internet provider i dont think i can do it and it is just a question of luck if i am aun derstanding correctly.
I have sniped from another village thousands of times
I have sniped from the same village bringing back the troops from a barb or another village hundreds of times
But i have only managed once to cancel and outgoing support and making it snipe a train by doing that. And it was not a 200 ms train.
Sniping a 200 ms train by cancelling an outgoing support is pretty impossible imho.
With my poor internet provider i dont think i can do it and it is just a question of luck if i am aun derstanding correctly.
I have sniped from another village thousands of times
I have sniped from the same village bringing back the troops from a barb or another village hundreds of times
But i have only managed once to cancel and outgoing support and making it snipe a train by doing that. And it was not a 200 ms train.
Sniping a 200 ms train by cancelling an outgoing support is pretty impossible imho.
With my poor internet provider i dont think i can do it and it is just a question of luck if i am aun derstanding correctly.
Sniping a 200 ms train by cancelling an outgoing support is pretty impossible imho.
Hah I'm still stickied xD