neva1 on 11.05. at 23:11
Thou shalt not pass!
ali1985khan today at 00:34
neva1 today at 00:40
Thou shalt not take my villages, cretin! Away with thee, ye foul beast! I will banish thee from my lands, as I would a rat, and thou shalt never progress in this conquest!
ali1985khan today at 00:46
well....heads up for the next village then...
neva1 today at 00:50
Thy confidence is trying on my soul, yet thee shall not succeed. Abandon this foolish venture, lest ye lose ye mind and troops in the eternal abyss of death!
ali1985khan today at 00:51
And thee village yee are about to lose?
neva1 today at 00:54
Hath thou ignored what I hath said? Thou shalt not pass! Thy attempts are in vain, for ye are sending thou men to die as sheep among wolves.
ali1985khan today at 00:56
yeah but I have 3 nukes ready to send above yee...
How bout now?
neva1 today at 00:59
Thy arrogance hath angered me, ye shall feel the wrath of my forces. My men hath already begun the long trek to thy home, prepare yourself, for there is no tomorrow for ye.
ali1985khan today at 01:01
Yorkshire pudding,turkey,and gravy.
Major beheading?
neva1 today at 01:04
In truth, thou art scheduled for one rather grandiose trek to the guillotine. My men shall escort thee, doth thee have any final words?
ali1985khan today at 01:07
We shall see.
neva1 today at 01:11
Thou art skillful in the art of generating boredom. Why doth thy men come hither to my walls? Thou art surely aware that their grappling hooks are not high enough, their siege towers flammable, their rams weak and fracturable, no? Surely thou knowest ye send them to their death?
ali1985khan today at 01:12
Its you in the art of boredom
As we speak english.
And do not have the time to decipher what the hell you speak of in your victorian crap.
Talk proper.
Its boring.
neva1 today at 01:16
Art thee insulting my educated manner of speech? Thou art offensive, yet my demeanor shall not falter under the harsh winds of thy bitter manner. As the mountain does not bow to the wind, nor shall I bow to thy insults.
ali1985khan today at 01:18
we shall see.
it seems you have saved your village as you are being cocky (typical storme-Though we shall see)
neva1 today at 01:20
Thou shalt find no gains, and thy arrogance is blinding. I speak truth, ye only speak with a barbed tongue. Ye shall feel the wrath soon, do not fear.