this one is funny as hell
XCITER today at 16:28
Hello sir,
Would you be interested in winning a months worth of premium points?
zmoguliz today at 16:46
XCITER today at 17:01
Ok, we require that you must first be re-located. If you land in any of 4 randomly selected K's it will be sent over.
Settings > Start over and message me with your new location.
zmoguliz today at 18:02
how i sopoust to know theat you are not lieing?
XCITER today at 18:31
This is a legimite competition thrown by the good people of (site underconstruction)
We are here on to promote the Reservation of farm life on the internet. Thank you
zmoguliz today at 18:53
so i now have to start-over?
XCITER today at 18:54
Yes Please inform me of your new coordinates asap.
zmoguliz today at 19:57
my new cords is (357|483) K43
XCITER today at 20:03
Thank you. You can collect your prize Here. Congratulations.