Funny In-Game Messages


imkevin2515 today at 04:57
he wont have noblemen until he's at 3,000 points at least...

silencer88 today at 03:17
He's got 650 points and i dont think i can beat him and he has nobleman so i will lose my villiage. Dude help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

silencer88 today at 02:55
Im being attacked! Could you send over some swordsman or other strong defense units, and quick.


The reaction to sending a 1 spear fake:
newboyz12 today at 21:59
what did i do to you
Defiantly today at 22:00
You're standing in my spot.
newboyz12 today at 22:08
pleaze dont attake me
Defiantly today at 22:09
Then move your village out of my spot.
newboyz12 today at 22:13
how do i do that
Defiantly today at 22:14
Not easy...
You'll need a bulldozer..
newboyz12 today at 22:16
how do i get a bulldozer
Defiantly today at 22:19
You'll need to talk to a used car dealer for that one
newboyz12 today at 22:23
are you talking about real life
Defiantly today at 22:24
real life?
What's that?
newboyz12 today at 22:33
but i cant move my city plz dont attake me
Defiantly today at 22:34
Ok, I'll call back my troops.
newboyz12 today at 22:37
thanks be my freind
Defiantly today at 22:39
My troops won't listen to me anymore.
They were yelling something about robbing your women and raping your resources or something..
Oh well...
newboyz12 today at 22:40


That one mad me lol ^ robbing your woman and raping your resources.. :D


Got this on world 50. Will finish finish and post screenshot when he is really ticked. Gotta love Pyker's game.

JWP681997 on 29.07. at 15:19
Sorry, I really want to join your tribe but I don't know how. I think I hit the wrong thing. Can you tell me how to do it?
MasterPhill94 on 29.07. at 16:22
U got to tribe and accept my my invite
JWP681997 on 29.07. at 23:22
So reject or what? I'll just go with my instinct. In most games yes is on the left.
MasterPhill94 today at 17:07
No its on the right. i send it again
JWP681997 today at 19:55
Wait so I click the left option? Okay.
MasterPhill94 today at 19:56
you go to tribe and click on accept the tribe
JWP681997 today at 19:57
Which side is that on? Left or right? You said left so I clicked reject. It didn't work. Help me out please.
MasterPhill94 today at 19:57
here, just give m the account sitting
JWP681997 today at 19:57
How do I do that?
JWP681997 today at 19:58
Consecutive letters scare me!
MasterPhill94 today at 19:58
got to settings, then account sitting, then put my name down
JWP681997 today at 20:01
I put your name in and put withdraw request. I really wanna join your tribe I am just having trouble.
MasterPhill94 today at 20:01
just put my name down and log out so i can do it for you
MasterPhill94 today at 20:02
dont withdraw request until im done. it will take about 5 minutes
JWP681997 today at 20:08
What the heck is minutes? Here in Nigeria we have no such thing. Also sorry about the my English, My 1st language is Nigerian.
MasterPhill94 today at 20:15
oh sorry. the time it wil take
JWP681997 today at 20:17
We have a unit a measurement called Illbabos. A single Illbabo is about the time it takes to raise each finger on both of your hands a single finger at a time.


Got this on world 50. Will finish finish and post screenshot when he is really ticked. Gotta love Pyker's game.

Well :/ This is World 49 forum? World 50 Stuff Goes on World 50 :)
Even though i do find it amusing :)


Figured it fit here since Pyker was playing his game. And I wanted to share my ventures in it with the appropiate crowd.


DargonLord today at 16:23
Lets not play hide and seek now! I dont like that game :(
Guydef today at 16:41
what you mean? I did not attack you
You attackecd me?
DargonLord today at 16:42
No your res. You hid them from me.
Guydef today at 16:43
Can you explain you better? What is "res"?
DargonLord today at 16:46
Your oh-so-deluscious resources! I wants them! And cookies if ya' got 'em.
Guydef today at 16:49
listen mate, if you stay attacking me, I ask my sister her man, he is in H.O.E tribe and he will send 5000axemens to you, your choise ok?
In 1 week i'm in llien with them
ty peace
DargonLord today at 16:51
5k only? He would have to do better then that!
DargonLord today at 16:52
And just axes? What does he have against LC?
Guydef today at 16:58
he have more as that, I think he have +/-54000points
I'm on the phone with him, he will send 200 catapults + 500 rams and 5000axes level 3 + 2500 l cavalry
so your choise, I didn't wrong to you, so .... what we gonna do?
brgds Guy
DargonLord today at 17:00
Well with moral he would lose it all but its up to him. I like ODD also! Whats his number i wants ta talk wit him. Pleas!!!!
Guydef today at 17:02
he will not tlak with you, he find it very weak of your side that you attack village with level 300points with ur willage level 2500.
He go ask the rest of his Tribe for haevy support.
Guydef today at 17:09
he is talking now with his tribeleader Bong that you laughing with their tribe. They want to noble ur village.....-)
DargonLord today at 17:10
well he has 54000 points and he want to attack me with only 2700 points. sounds fair to me! Im real glad we had this talk. I like making new friends!
DargonLord today at 17:10
great idea! me and him can share!
DargonLord today at 17:11
And he will be close to you his friend!
Guydef today at 17:12
you do the same, you attack me and i have only 300 points. try to attack some 1 with the same points as you
DargonLord today at 17:13
So what was your friends name again? i forgot...
DargonLord today at 17:20
You still here?
Guydef today at 17:27
He is in H.O.E tribe ranking 20
His name you will see when you keep attacking me,
I did not attack you, I see no reason that you attack a poor village of 300 points..... just for have the little bit wood, clay and iron?
DargonLord today at 17:29
So can you ask him to attack me? I will be fun!!! Tell him to send as much troops as he can! It will be a party!!!!!!!!!! I loves teh partys!
DargonLord today at 17:36
You can come to are party to! Cuz you are my friend!
DargonLord today at 17:38
So when do you think he will send? And what will he send? And will he be the only one sending?
DargonLord today at 17:43
Did you leave? Can you hear (or see xD) me?
DargonLord today at 18:27
Hey friend! Thanks for unblocking me!
DargonLord today at 18:28
Now we can talk some more! Fun uh?
DargonLord today at 18:31
You there?
DargonLord today at 18:32
Why did you block me?
DargonLord today at 18:39
Sorry i sent so many scouts at you. I got scared. Can we still be friends?

When he blocked me I sent a 300 scouts at him...but not all together ;)
So I had a tribe mate mail him:

Flarius today at 18:04
Dargon's attacks will not stop untill you unblock him and be his bestfriend. ;)

Guydef today at 18:13
Hi Flarius

is that the way to find friends? I think not.....
I send just a message to an admin of Tribalwars and himself find it not normal that you 52 attacks in 2 mins! he condering to give him temp ban on his account.

I'm agreed that this a war game but not a game to be disturb 52 times in 2 mins of the same player


Flarius today at 18:16
Not that hard to send 52 attacks in 2 min, anyone can do it if you know how to.

P.S Hi Defiantly!


he have more as that, I think he have +/-54000points
I'm on the phone with him, he will send 200 catapults + 500 rams and 5000axes level 3 + 2500 l cavalry
so your choise, I didn't wrong to you, so .... what we gonna do?
brgds Guy



Here we go, Project #1

IizNoob on 01.08. at 23:36
Dear Shorttermmemory;
There comes a time when my consciousness alerts me about a certain creature's anomality and lack of functionality, irrespectful to a crude norme or conditionality, tempered by by the motive of survivability and existencialism. This anomality would present itself incapable of retaining and adopting a logical solution -hence, the basis of its existence would be promptly rejected. So I put into consideration the sole objective to help and correct this anomaly, coming out of pure kindness and fellowship.

It is astonishingly beautiful and interesting, how thought is absent when you have an insight. Though sadly, it is impossible for you to have an insight. It is only when the mind is not operating accordingly in the structure of thought that you have an insight. Your brain is accustomed to certain values and habits, which, cannot accept the idea of forfeit and defeat.

It is odd what importance we give to the idea of success, to the amout of determination that we seed in order to accomplish our notions of victory, when what only matters the most is the ideology of survivability, not success, and survivability cannot be achieved in a browser game, it is to be applied -not in a game, but on a living organism, stimulating self-preservation and multiplication.

Dear sir... Your mind is operating mechanically in the structure of thought, based on misleaded pre-aquisited knowledge, but what exactly is knowledge?

So you must ask this question, put this question to yourself, whether your mind can be empty of all its past and yet retain the technological knowledge, your social knowledge, your linguistic knowledge, the memory of all that, and yet function from a mind that is completely empty. The emptying of that mind comes about naturally, sweetly without bidding, when you understand yourself, when you understand what you are. What you are is the memory, bundle of memories, experiences, thoughts. When you understand that, look at it, observe it; and when you observe it, see in that observation that there is no duality between the observer and the observed; then when you see that, you will see that your mind can be completely empty, attentive, and in that attention you can act wholly, without any fragmentation.
Stop wasting your precious time and mine aswell, reject your old values and normes... and just; restart.


shorttermmemory on 01.08. at 23:53
I'll keep mine short - go for a long walk off a short pier.
IizNoob on 01.08. at 23:55
Narrow, self-centered thinking does not impress me. Good day sir.
shorttermmemory on 01.08. at 23:56
and high-falutin waste of words is annoying and self-centered too, and your thesis below is stupid
IizNoob on 02.08. at 00:58
Hoity-toity replies = SUCCESS!!!
... ad nauseum
shorttermmemory on 02.08. at 01:00
you sure use big must be SMART!
IizNoob on 02.08. at 01:03
I iz intelijunt!

He restarted :(

nad destroyer

I don't know where he was trying to go with this mail lol.

cthuskies on 01.08. at 23:42
could u do me a favor and stop attacking me i dont want any harm and i only want peace if possible

nad destroyer on 02.08. at 00:20
If you haven't realized this game is called Tribal Wars... if you want to hug go find Tribal Hugs.

cthuskies on 02.08. at 01:56
u arent smart are u because the game is about trading and attacking with a tribe

cthuskies on 02.08. at 01:56
its the real world

nad destroyer on 02.08. at 02:00
LOL! Its the real world? You must have a really active imagination or tripping on something.

No the game is not about trading. The game revolves around attacking other players. All other things involved in tribal wars involve that key principle.

cthuskies on 02.08. at 03:40
i mean its supposed to be based on the early ages of the mid evil times. Sure they attacked each other for a purpose not for no reason but what would this world be if everyone attacked each other. Thats how we survived peace.

P.S. i am proud of my active imaganation

nad destroyer on 02.08. at 03:50
What the hell are you talking about? Its a game, you kill troops and rim people.

cthuskies on 02.08. at 15:02
im just saying will u please not attack me and i will send you 2000 of each resourse


To be fair, I'm in H.O.E and we didn't hear about that guy that was talking to Bong, at all :p I would love to find out that friend's name :p


I have been talking to peeps in H.O.E (bong even blocked me...and after only 1 PM XD) And a few are trying to find out. Whatever hppens it has been, And will be, Very fun!


A little something our diplomat posted in the internal forum that I had to share:

GoBears.W on 10.08 at 22:10 said:
Ok we can either go with option A or option B. If you are smart you'd chose A.

Option A, you give me the village without any resistance and I cease to noble players from your tribe.

Option B, we make this into a big issue and fight each other. I would not recommend option B. For one I probably have more nukes than you and your tribe combined. Two, I have more allies than you can imagine that could take your tribe single handedly.

This issue can be resolved fast and swiftly if you cooperate. I only ask for one village. Or you can risk losing all your villages as well as your tribe. It is your decision.


Yeah, THAT GoBears.W....... :icon_rolleyes:

Total conquers against opposite side:


I figured I'd give an update on this tough guy's big talk:

GoBears.W on 18.08 at 20:55 said:
I do not want to get into a long drawn out war with you. Frankly, I don't have the time. I could pour nuke after nuke into you villages, but I'm not going to because I have more important matters to deal with. I will leave you alone, but no further attacks will come to my villages. Also the village you just nobled, I want the guys other village.



Bert the III on 16.08. at 06:49
may i join your tribe i am the in world 48 i have been the second to the top

eboue1234 on 16.08. at 12:50
Don't insult me

Bert the III on 17.08. at 02:14
but could i join

eboue1234 on 17.08. at 12:55
you were never second on world 48

Bert the III on 18.08. at 09:04
i am the second in world forty 48 but i was been attack by my enemy the NSM attack me all i lost more than 100k troops

Bert the III on 18.08. at 09:05
and if i was not been attack why do you think i have play this world and this is not the best world i ever know

eboue1234 on 18.08. at 12:48
I looked you up on twstats, you were never on world 48

Bert the III on 18.08. at 13:07
i have been attack i allways change my world when am being attack canyou take 142 attack in one day i cant save my every village in one day

Courtesy of a friend. Gotta love it when people make up their experience :lol:

alex.mamer today at 23:51
if you keep attacking me, I will report you

Sjojoy today at 23:52
For what exactly?

alex.mamer today at 23:53
for having more than on village

Sjojoy today at 23:55
Oh I forgot, because that's against the rules now. The whole point of this game is to attack others and take villages using nobles. Nothing against the rules about that.

alex.mamer today at 23:55
okay sorry

And one of my own. Was kind of disappointed that he backed down, would've been fun to continue with this...
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The Great 1One1

My co-player was mailed by some guy who sent a random invite to his tribe.

pat11tam on 05.09. at 11:42
Hi there mate..

The Great 1One1 on 05.09. at 12:35

pat11tam on 05.09. at 13:09
how is it going there??

The Great 1One1 on 05.09. at 13:30
its ok. u?

pat11tam on 05.09. at 13:40
would you like to join the tribe that i am in???
need a Personal ally??
i'm here to help you if you want..
quite experienced player..
played since w11..

The Great 1One1 on 05.09. at 13:43
il think about it

pat11tam on 05.09. at 13:46
may i know more about you??

The Great 1One1 on 05.09. at 14:17
what u want to know?

pat11tam on 05.09. at 14:19
your experience.

The Great 1One1 on 05.09. at 14:20
iv played worlds w15 and w42.

pat11tam on 05.09. at 14:29
what was your biggest points?
and OD

The Great 1One1 on 05.09. at 14:44
biggest points was 22 mil in W15. od was 450 mil.

pat11tam on 05.09. at 14:45

I read the mail myself. Everything below is yours truly. I join this tribe and start attacking [player]pat11tam[/player], sending nobles at him.

pat11tam today at 13:56
why did you attack me?

pat11tam today at 14:46
stop nobling me..

The Great 1One1 today at 15:03

pat11tam today at 15:03
what is the reason you are nobling me?

The Great 1One1 today at 15:04
I want your village...why else?

pat11tam today at 15:04
stop the attack.. please

The Great 1One1 today at 15:05
I can''s too late :(

pat11tam today at 15:05
you just sent it just now..

The Great 1One1 today at 15:06
It won't let me cancel...

pat11tam today at 15:07
are you even joking me mate?

The Great 1One1 today at 15:07

pat11tam today at 15:08
so why do you have to attack me??
why not attack others?

The Great 1One1 today at 15:09
I'll attack the others another time.

pat11tam today at 15:09
other tribe mates??
or other people?

The Great 1One1 today at 15:10
Other people. Why would I attack other tribemates? The other tribemates don't have good villages.

pat11tam today at 15:35
why me?

The Great 1One1 today at 15:42
The Great 1One1 today at 15:04
I want your village...why else?

Now I've taken the village and rimmed him.


We love Hattus :icon_razz:

russellnash on 22.08. at 20:27
your out for paint blood correct?

SBrick82 on 22.08. at 20:39
Please contact [player]Abused Adolescents[/player]

russellnash on 22.08. at 20:40
already did this is about a allience tho my friend :)

SBrick82 on 22.08. at 20:45
Ah right, fail to see what you could offer tbh though

russellnash on 22.08. at 20:47
are clan is in a area that your clan is not we can fight up your way and clear villages for you to take down here plus in this area is were a lot of paint memebers are

russellnash on 22.08. at 20:48
are clan wants there blood to they have been hit us for to long

SBrick82 on 22.08. at 20:52
But we are no longer at war with paint we are now at war with [ally]Hattus[/ally] do you know of them ?

We has spies in there tribe and we know they intend to hit [ally]Hug[/ally] so we are helping take them out, you would be welcome to join us ?

russellnash on 22.08. at 20:55
they are are brother tribe :/ i havent herd any news about the, taking out hug thats vey stupid of them was that a invation to join your tribe or to help with hattus

SBrick82 on 22.08. at 20:58
help with hattus, to join our tribe you have to do many tasks and complete them to show your loyalty and skillz

SBrick82 on 22.08. at 20:59
and what do you mean brother tribe :/ Is it your brother who leads them ?

russellnash on 22.08. at 21:01
no we are a sorta of off spring from there tribe as one might say a sister tribe but i would much rather be in yours but if you want a spy i could be of hand

russellnash on 22.08. at 21:05
we have had enough with them they are strong in my area and we are fighting them off with AR. [ally]~AR~[/ally] has takin 16 villages this week and we have taken 3 i still think we could help you

SBrick82 on 22.08. at 21:08
your sister runs hattus ?

And you have taken 3 villas off hatus ? you can be our allies, then we can have a shared forum and noble planner ?

russellnash on 22.08. at 21:10
we are pretty much the blood tribe to hattus are tribes are brother and sister not the owners we have taken 3 villages of paint im offering to spy for you on hattus and are forms are clan just wants to kill paint before anything else but listen to this if you help us wit hpaint we can have shared forms then you will be close ot are tribe then after the war when we and hattus are weak then you strike good idea?

russellnash on 22.08. at 21:18
i dont really like hattus but some members in my clan are obsessed with them they never help us when we need it the only thing all the strong people are obsesed wit hahttus

SBrick82 on 22.08. at 21:27
I understand hattus are your blood relatives your brother and sister in the tribe so you may not want to hurt them but we want to kill hattus we are now friends with Paint, because of this I think we must rim you as you are a spy, yes ?

SBrick82 on 22.08. at 21:39
You are definitely a spy that is why you don't reply we will rim you your brother and your sister.

russellnash on 22.08. at 22:51
i dont care what you do to them i look after myself and do what i can to survive im not trieing to spy on you i didnt reply because i had to get off the computer my father needed to use it and now i have to go again im offering myself to you i work for you now?

SBrick82 on 22.08. at 22:58
you want premium points as payment? That is against the rules, what is your brother and sisters user name within hattus as I wish to farm them.

russellnash on 23.08. at 01:34
no i want to be in your tribe later in the game i dont have brothers in hatti are tribe is just very very very good allies with them im not tho they never help me

SBrick82 on 23.08. at 18:32
Ok when you are bigger you can come and lead my tribe and I understand you have no brothers in hatti i'm sorry I misunderstood, but first what is your sisters account name ?

russellnash on 23.08. at 18:34
i dont have a sister in hatti etheir im trying to say my tribe and hattus are related not the people in it but the 2 clans are one clan lol dont apoligize its very confusing anyway we have started attacking aint villages and have taken about 20

SBrick82 on 23.08. at 18:35
Who are aint as we do not have them on the map ?

russellnash on 23.08. at 18:39
paint i ment sorry i just woke up and im feeling like im still asleep XD

russellnash on 23.08. at 18:47
and i will grow strogner and cant wait to join your tribe :D

SBrick82 on 23.08. at 18:50
Ok when you reach our average points mail [player]Minghas[/player] and tell him you are ready to be duke now and he will send invite.

Recruitment mails ftw
AR don't take it badly I know you guys like recruits

P.S. what was the chances of the guy speaking bosnian :icon_eek:

ladicus today at 18:15
hi how r u, i was wondering if u guys are recruting i was wondering if i can join your tribe

SBrick82 today at 18:21
Do you speak english ?

ladicus today at 18:30
yes i do , why do u ask?

SBrick82 today at 18:33
Do you speak Bosnian ?

ladicus today at 18:33
yes, zasto pitas

SBrick82 today at 18:35
Do you have a goldfish named Bob ?

ladicus today at 18:35
lol, no

SBrick82 today at 18:36
Then i'm sorry but you can't join :/

ladicus today at 18:37
cuz i dont have a gold fish or cuz i speak bosnian
or u dont think ill make a good tribe member

ladicus today at 18:39
i dont have gold fish named bob, i have killer

SBrick82 today at 18:39
Ok I may have been harsh do you have a zebra named Paul ?

ladicus today at 18:39
yes lol

SBrick82 today at 18:40
tell the truth

ladicus today at 18:40
no zibra

ladicus today at 18:41
just wondering whuts up with the questions.

SBrick82 today at 18:43
As said we have a very strict recruiting practice and you failed i'm afraid.

1: No goldfish called Bob
2: No zebra called Paul
3: You told a fib

Thanks for your contact and may I direct you to [ally]~AR~[/ally] they may recruit you
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Lol Shitbrick :lol:

Here is my own contribution, from earlier tonight :icon_razz:

Devil firefish today at 01:08
I hear you are going to try nobling a friend of mine - XXX

I suggest that you do not bother trying - it will piss me off a helluva lot if you do.

Have a nice day,

benbob today at 01:09
He already told me but with no names

Srry bout that

Its a co-player im kinda new so i just thought to find someone didnt know this would happne srry

Devil firefish today at 01:10
Good. See that none of your friends try to noble him either - if they do I will come after them and you.


benbob today at 01:10
Okay so do i write it in my forums or wat

Devil firefish today at 01:11
Yes, send it in a mail to them too.

benbob today at 01:11
Do u have more friends that we do not attack from outside tribe

benbob today at 01:12
Oh i do not have circular mail

Devil firefish today at 01:17
Do not attack ANY of [coord]XXX[/coord].

In this spoiler is a mailing list for your tribe - copy and paste it into the recipients part of a new message.

Devil firefish today at 01:18
Lmao, I clicked the wrong button :D

[ally]XXX[/ally] is the tribe I won't let you attack.

benbob today at 01:18
Oh lol thx dude and any allies cuz we are looking to go to war with a tribe and was just seeing if u guys have alliance hopping not

Devil firefish today at 01:19
Here is the spoiler:

Ace71425;asscat;babystag;Bambs;bestestever;boozerdog;chickenlegskyle;cousinmute1;d@nson;DannyKay;Deluxe20;DIOSPHERE AU;Djokon;djthemouse;DrThugonomics900;eletronicnerd;Evilart;Gnjathecreator;godofreaks;Happy Bday;iainvmac;JaKzz;Julio N. Tagle;Keith20010;kirthgersen;lordjhay;maximus57;melrinho77;Michael1211;mjw1308;MrMojoRisin69;myzamore;naughtyboy4;oversoul11;poweradam;rieesj;riffat11;Roeth;Sir Pheonix;Souperior;Tate2326;tdaria;toms14225;vonn7603;Wiiingman;xxdanny

benbob today at 01:20
Wow can i be added to the list

and can u plz try to make it bb codes plz hopping u can

Devil firefish today at 01:23
I cant bb-code that - copy and paste EXACTLY what is in the spoiler, then go to a new mail message and enter it into recipient box.

benbob today at 01:23
oh it will work thx dude

benbob today at 01:24
Wow can i be added to the list

And that list is big

benbob today at 01:24
Forget this

Wow can i be added to the list

We just started chating

Devil firefish today at 01:25
Thats the list of your tribe :p

benbob today at 01:26
wow that is alot u like our tribe lol

Devil firefish today at 01:27
No, I pulled the list from TW Stats

benbob today at 01:28
Then i do not get it wat do u mean

Devil firefish today at 01:36
Open the spoiler in the mail. Highlight EVERYTHING inside the spoiler and copy it.

Paste it into the RECIPIENT part of a new mail message. Then send the mail of who your tribe can not attack.

It is NOT difficult.

benbob today at 01:38
Oh thank you alot dude now i undertsand srry

benbob today at 01:39

benbob today at 01:42

Devil firefish today at 01:51
Cool. You don't need to mail me anymore.

benbob today at 01:51
Okay its over BYe Have a nice time in this world

benbob today at 01:56
By its over i meant this convo is over

Devil firefish today at 01:56
I thought I told you not to mail me anymore?

I will make it crystal clear:


Don't you just love nubs lmao
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