Funny In-Game Messages


The elephant brain is denser than the human's, and the temporal lobes, associated to memory, are more developed than in humans. Elephant's lobes also have more foldings, so that they can store more information. That's why elephants have excellent memory.

nad destroyer

Don't we love noobs. This was funny to me and kind of annoying.

lukeyboyyy today at 20:13
come on man no attacks please I had to restart other day because I kept getting attacked and I was over 1000 thanks


nad destroyer today at 20:30
lol this is tribal wars... you are going to be attacked.

lukeyboyyy today at 21:48
OK you obviously don't know what tribes do for there team-mates then think about it


nad destroyer today at 21:51
lol your obviosly a noob so I'll break it down for you. Tribalwars = attacking. If you don't want to be attacked or attack anyone then go to tribal hugs.

lukeyboyyy today at 21:53
noob iv had 3 accounts all of them over your score soo attack go ahead a was just trying to ask you not to attack me because nobody wants to be attacked when they haven't got a good army :S

nad destroyer today at 21:55
Of course they don't, but its noobish when your asking to not be attacked when this is TRIBALWARS. Oh wow 3 accounts big whoop. Your just convincing me further and further that your a noob. It'll be fun to post this mail on the externals.

lukeyboyyy today at 21:57
go for it a don't really care your account isn't good so your a noob really :S

nad destroyer

notice how he calls you a noob when his "3 accounts" failed. must be reason he's not playing them lmao.

To be honest I didn't see that point lol. My first thought and continuing that was "who cares, it proved nothing". I'll be sure to bring that up whenever he mails me again crying that I'm clearing him. He continues to fake me... which is just pointless, giving me OD and wasting troops and resources and time.


Lol here's a convo i just had with a scatbag named
I'm quitting the game so i sent my troops at one of his villas just for fun...and he mails me:

scatbag today at 00:39
lol what are you doing you fool.

blad12345 today at 00:41
lol. it's called quitting fool.

scatbag today at 00:43
bub bye then, well played. not lol

blad12345 today at 00:44
lol, i've played in leagues 20x higher than the one you're in. good bye and have fun dying a slow and Unwated death eventually.

scatbag today at 00:45
unwated? sorry i dont speak idiot - if you were any good you wouldn't have filed so miserably, cry moar want a tissue?

And he then blocks me......obviously not good enough to eat his own words, so all you X X can give him my final reply when you see this
Here's my reply:

i dont know if it's possible to file enjoy eating your own words when i say that I don't speak idiot either. And i wouldn't know the meaning of FAIL since that's your expertise. You havent even a clue how good or bad i am, you just seem to enjoy beating people that seem smaller than you. I guess your name really reflects your personality.

Well bye.
And P.S i don't care how much you X X people or anyone flame me because i'm quitting and won't even read your replies.
So BYe.


Trying to see how long this guy keeps replying to me!!

streetsurf on 19.11. at 16:55
Want to join us?

streetsurf on 19.11. at 16:55
Yes or no?

nwodrew on 19.11. at 18:43
no thank you

streetsurf on 19.11. at 19:41
Why not?

streetsurf on 19.11. at 19:45
Please answer!

nwodrew on 19.11. at 19:45
let me sit your account to check the tribe out if i like it ill join

streetsurf on 19.11. at 19:47
I'd rather you didn't.

nwodrew on 19.11. at 19:48
ok, i rather not join a tribe untill i know i like it.

streetsurf on 19.11. at 19:49
Could you not just look at the tribe profile. Letting a non-tribe member sit me could get me kicked!

nwodrew on 19.11. at 19:50
well if i sit you it would only be for a minute, just looking at the tribal profile doesnt show much except whos in charge and stuff like that.

I want to see the forums see if they are organized, see if you guys work as a team. See if i would fit in.

streetsurf on 19.11. at 19:53
A)It's still counted as sitting

B)You can't blame me for thinking you may be a spy.

nwodrew on 19.11. at 19:54
Im not a spy im just picky about the tribes i join, im looking for a tribe to be with and help get to the top of the world. I dont join tribes just to leave when we get into a war or start getting attacked, and i want the same from the tribe i join.

I want just 2 minutes to check the tribe out and then ill give it back to you.

nwodrew on 19.11. at 19:55
most likely i will join since you guys seem active, are big , and are close to me but i want to make sure first.

streetsurf on 19.11. at 20:00
Well I am afraid I cannot let you do that.

nwodrew on 19.11. at 20:01
ok sorry im not interested then

streetsurf on 19.11. at 20:02
Are you german?

nwodrew on 19.11. at 20:05
ya im half german

streetsurf on 19.11. at 20:06

nwodrew on 19.11. at 20:08
lol nice try speaking german.

streetsurf on 20.11. at 09:04
I wasn't, I just went crazy. Where do you actually live.

streetsurf today at 17:58

nwodrew today at 18:00
I live in gustenstat germany

streetsurf today at 18:01
Why are you only half german.

nwodrew today at 18:03
cause im half alien as well. I was born in germany, but abducted by the aliens called adsuters from planet whatso. They probed me and injected me with their hormones.

So now im half german half Alien (Adsuters)

streetsurf today at 18:04
Did your mum and dad know about this?

nwodrew today at 18:05
Their the ones that tlepathed the adsuters to come abduct me. I tried calling the bulletseye to come save me but there was no saving me.

nwodrew today at 18:06
But now instead of hating applepies, i Love apple pies, I could eat apple pies all day everyday.

streetsurf today at 18:24
What's a bulletseye?

nwodrew today at 18:47
i didnt spell it right but its like the german police

streetsurf today at 19:01
Couldn't you get signal from the space ship?

nwodrew today at 19:04
The space ship has a signal scrambler on it to where you dont have any signal on the space ship.

But the aliens do make some mad tasten cookies so i didnt mind get probed.

But is it weird that now everytime I fart a satelite dish comes out of my rear end?

streetsurf today at 19:05
How big?

nwodrew today at 19:09
Its a older style satelite dish from the late 80s not the newer satelite dishes.

Its like 20 feet tall by 10 feet wide dish itself.

streetsurf today at 19:11
And what to people around you say when you fart?!

nwodrew today at 19:15
Well ive actually been on the news a few times because when i farted in a crowd ive sent some ppl to the hospital.

The medical researchers have done studies on me to figure out why, it comes out when i Fart. Where it is when i dont fart. but they cant figure anything out. When i dont fart there is no satelite in me.

Its almost as if the satelite trys to communicate with the aliens that abducted me.

streetsurf today at 19:17
How many pairs of trousers have you wrecked?!

nwodrew today at 19:19
lol trousers funny word. Actually I have had my jeans specially ordered now. Where in the bottome i have special pocket where i unbotton when i need to fart so i dont wreck any pants.


you're a nub, he's a nub, who cares...? you're making up stories, he's either being a complete fool and believing them or just playing with you, either way it's not interesting... got plenty of variations of such mails with plenty of nubz around me, and so do many others. yet you don't see us posting all these mail exchanges here. why you ask? because nobody cares...


you're a nub, he's a nub, who cares...? you're making up stories, he's either being a complete fool and believing them or just playing with you, either way it's not interesting... got plenty of variations of such mails with plenty of nubz around me, and so do many others. yet you don't see us posting all these mail exchanges here. why you ask? because nobody cares...
Nobody cares indeed, except you who felt the need to reply.


i feel the Funny In-Game Messages would have been a more appropiate place for this rather then starting a whole new thread


*bam!* someone shot the next guy and the circle ends...

on to bigger and better in-game quotes


So I've seen this done before and decided I might give it a shot, I underestimated this guy. He really really wanted it.

AwesumEndvrs on 16.02. at 20:17
Can i join your tribe?

Javanshir on 16.02. at 20:19
whats the secret password?

AwesumEndvrs on 16.02. at 22:15
pretty please with deceit on top.

Javanshir on 16.02. at 22:40
Please ask your contact that referred you to give you the passcode. Must be a new guy if he forgot to tell you. What Operative did you speak with? Was he in the BMF branch or SP branch?

AwesumEndvrs on 16.02. at 22:43
I wasnt reffered i looked at the guild page and it said to ask you or the other guy for recruitment and diplomacy.

Javanshir on 16.02. at 22:44
You didn't speak with a Brother? You need to go through proper channels man. You can't get into the Great Society by waltzing up and asking. Gotta come with proper citations.

AwesumEndvrs on 16.02. at 22:46
So who can should i talk to to properly do this.

Javanshir on 16.02. at 22:51
speak to Elder Brother [player]corrupted angel[/player] and forward this mail. He will instruct you further.

AwesumEndvrs on 16.02. at 22:53
Hello i was told to contact you and forward this message.

This message has been forwarded by AwesumEndvrs.

Corrupted Angel on 16.02. at 23:12
whos your operative that reffered you?

AwesumEndvrs on 16.02. at 23:16
I havent had one i thought i could just ask to join and then he told me to talk to you.

Corrupted Angel on 16.02. at 23:20
WoW you mean you broke the brotherhood code?

ok this is not good my friend, you should of had a operative who gave you a password, by giving you that password we know you have taken the proper channels!

AwesumEndvrs on 16.02. at 23:39
Yeah i didnt know.I apologized for wasting his you know how i can get through the proper channels.

Corrupted Angel on 16.02. at 23:47
well its complacated things i will give you that, but your persistant so first you need to re-name your villages to i am the sister of a brother, then more instructions will follow

AwesumEndvrs on 16.02. at 23:57
ok i did all of that.

Corrupted Angel on 17.02. at 00:03
ok now you need forward this mail to [player]F1ref0x[/player] for further instructions

AwesumEndvrs on 17.02. at 00:05
I was told to forward this to you for further instructions.

This message has been forwarded by AwesumEndvrs.

F1ref0x on 17.02. at 00:19
Hi Mate,

Welcome to the tribe. Having fun so far, I hope you've learned a lot.

How long you on for? I'm only around for another 20 mins and we have a lot to get through.


AwesumEndvrs on 17.02. at 00:20
I have about the same amount.

F1ref0x on 17.02. at 00:25
Ok, let's get on with it, what have you learned so far?

I see you've been with CA, so you can do 100ms trains. I haven't got time to take you through sniping. Have you done smithy set up yet?


AwesumEndvrs on 17.02. at 00:27

AwesumEndvrs on 17.02. at 00:27
i have pretty much only do 100ms trains.

F1ref0x on 17.02. at 00:31
CA is supposed to do smithy, I do sniping - there's no point moving on to the advanced stuff if he hasn't told you the basics. After all, there's no point going to all the trouble of sending a fast train if the troops are half asleep is there :)

I think maybe CA is half a sleep sometimes!

What's your 'usual' smithy set up (if there is such a thing!) for offence and defence.

AwesumEndvrs on 17.02. at 00:43
i usually max out spear and sword and light cavalry for defense.For offense i max out heavy cavalry axemen swordmen and scouts.

F1ref0x on 17.02. at 00:47
Hmmm - well, you have a lot to learn - I suggest you start by looking at the units in the recruitment screen - because lc isn't for def and hc and swords aren't for offence.

AwesumEndvrs on 17.02. at 00:50
ok i did that and it would make sense to have lc on offense and heavy cavalry on defense

F1ref0x on 17.02. at 00:53
I just noticed you're not in BS - haven't you accepted your invite yet?

AwesumEndvrs on 17.02. at 00:54
i was told i needed a secret password and i had to go through some people to get it.

F1ref0x on 17.02. at 00:58
You still haven't got the password??

wtf is going on! How'd you get your vills renamed if you haven't got the password?

AwesumEndvrs on 17.02. at 01:00
sounds like im screwing up the system lol.the angel guy told me to name my villages that.then he told me to contact you.

F1ref0x on 17.02. at 01:12
OMG, I don't know why we even bother with systems if people just aren't going to follow them!

You aren't supposed to come to me until you are in the tribe and started your training.

I think CA has been drinking (again!) this isn't the first time he's messed up the system and caused a security breach - I can't believe after all this time he still hasn't got it. This will brighten up an otherwise dull session in the council meeting tomorrow.

You know he's always going on about the bl**dy brotherhood code, I'm fed up with hearing it, and here we are again!

Ok, not your fault - I'll find out who the hell he should have passed you to if you *don't* have a password. I should have been somewhere 10 mins ago so I can't mail for a while, and it will depend on whether he's online or not.

Maybe speak to you again when you do have a password, and don't worry too much, this mess up won't reflect badly on you.

Good Luck

AwesumEndvrs on 17.02. at 01:24
thanks Sorry for any problems.

F1ref0x on 17.02. at 01:28
I'll get back to you with who - I'm waiting for a reply.

I'm sorry about this mess too.


F1ref0x on 17.02. at 01:44
u need 2 talk to [player]alyokat09[/player] 'brother' aloysius should be able to help you.

...and ffs, dont let them get you on this stoopid brother crap, they'll have you drinking goats blood and making human sacrifices next ;-)

im out and about now so see you around

AwesumEndvrs on 17.02. at 22:53
Here they all are.I actually started talking to you.

This message has been forwarded by AwesumEndvrs.

Javanshir on 17.02. at 23:01
Well, here is the problem. None of the brothers have done anything wrong. you have. you named your villas before being given the password. AND you answered the last question. That was the test we prepared you for. This game is not a game. It is a proving ground for the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is not a game, its serious business. By answering a silly question, we know you are a silly person and are not fit to join the Brotherhood (at least BS's branch)
Though because I like you, I'll give you a secret. Approach the BMF or Deceit branch of the Brotherhood. Mail them these msg's to show your dedication and work with them. (They are much more lax than we serious people are) Best of luck!

AwesumEndvrs on 17.02. at 23:03
Who should i contact over in there branch?

Javanshir on 17.02. at 23:08
look on the tribe pages and choose the one with a longest name, the short names are bad luck within the brotherhood.

AwesumEndvrs on 17.02. at 23:09
Alright thanks for the help.

Javanshir on 17.02. at 23:10
No problem man, if you run into any problems, let me know.

AwesumEndvrs on 18.02. at 00:52
message says it all.

This message has been forwarded by AwesumEndvrs.

a.K.a.master on 18.02. at 01:04
what a mess ...
I could help you ... but it will take some time ...
It`s not only your fault, lot of brothers did wrong about your case and it is best way to do that again in proper order ....
are you ready ?

AwesumEndvrs on 18.02. at 01:10
Yes i am but i will be off for like 20 mins to eat and stuff then ill be back.

AwesumEndvrs on 18.02. at 01:53
ok im ready for whatever

a.K.a.master on 18.02. at 02:02
it`s not that simple
I have to talk with guys on the top about your case
I will send you name of brother who you should talk when time comes ...
be patient ...

AwesumEndvrs on 18.02. at 02:03
ok i just thought that i had to complete something.Just message me when you need me again.

a.K.a.master on 18.02. at 12:11
This is your last chance and be careful now :
Your number for connection is 72 !

Mail the guy from top ranked tribe with this number in his name and pass to him all this mailing ...
He could show you the way of inlightment
Take care and good luck !

a.K.a.master today at 00:27

This message has been forwarded by a.K.a.master.

Pharsstin today at 00:42

This message has been forwarded by Pharsstin.

F1ref0x today at 03:39
here go go...

This message has been forwarded by F1ref0x.


Honestly, what made me have to post this is when BMF got on board. I lawl'd so hard I felt I was obligated. Was it this world I saw this? I don't feel like going through this thread to check, needless to say, I acknowledge the concept is not original. But it is funny :D


Its too bad he answered the last question on the test I gave him. Although he got most of them wrong anyway or didnt know the answers I might have given him the PW to get into the Horde.