Funny ingame messages


well for us nooblets we need something to occupy us

we haven't learn what farming is yet, so slow down there!


here is a funneh in game mail :icon_eek:

World 52 Barbarian said:
i am a barb so bite me.
or you can eat me.

:icon_eek: :lol:


Sorry RJ.

Not amused cat is not amused.

heres mine.

[26/09/2010 5:31:13 PM] Chase: (right now I am looking at a skype profile picture of what I assume to be Norman, and he is about as cute as a button if it is him)

From when chase interviewed me :D


in less than two minutes, like usual... a tribe invite

Sent Sep 28, 2010 17:01:17
serisko invites you to the tribe INFERNAL KINGS
» Display invitations


Tails... today at 17:19
I must warn you that since we are so close, I will have to constantly attack you as soon as BP runs out, I suggest you start over now, so you will not have wasted time


in less than two minutes, like usual... a tribe invite

Sent Sep 28, 2010 17:01:17
serisko invites you to the tribe INFERNAL KINGS
» Display invitations

I feel unwanted and unloved now:icon_cry:


billy bob horton today at 17:21
Uhm, Okay.. ?

Clearly one of you are unable to use proper grammar lmao.

2Play today at 17:19
u will fell the strenght of me and my 5 co-players.

billy bob horton today at 17:19


2Play today at 17:18
start over now..


Already started

ultimateplayer today at 17:34
invite this i see you know who swag is i only want to invite the more experienced players so we can beat everyone around this area

tC05 today at 17:36
I've never heard of you. Past experience?

ultimateplayer today at 17:36
yah what worlds have you played

tC05 today at 17:37
Whats YOUR past experience

ultimateplayer today at 17:38

ultimateplayer today at 17:38
i am about 95k in that world

ultimateplayer today at 17:40
what about you

tC05 today at 17:40
Leader of a tribe in that world?

ultimateplayer today at 17:40


Tails... today at 17:19
I must warn you that since we are so close, I will have to constantly attack you as soon as BP runs out, I suggest you start over now, so you will not have wasted time

:O I thought you were noob enough to give me your village as a farm :'(


Megatron. today at 18:35
Awwww. I do really. Whats your times we could be uber noobs together, :p And thats not sarcasm

Change Of Heart today at 18:34
aw seems u love me :)

Megatron. today at 18:34
Im not dumb you know, Only uber nubs Do this kinda stuff. Anyways, I Am Megatron :p i cant be beat unless optimus prime is here

Change Of Heart today at 18:29
Hello there

I am writing this to inform you about a matter that most likely will make you a bit angry, but trust me - you'll gain from it in the long run.

I am a player from and .uk, I've been playing TribalWars for around 2 and a half years, and I know everything worth knowing about this game.

Therefore I am asking you to restart, build your village somewhere else.

Now you might be wondering "Why can't you just play next to me?"

Well, the answer is simple: I am using a strategy, but using it means that farming everyone in your 7x7, and later 15x15, but I would rather give you a chance of having some fun than farming you 24/7.

So please, consider restarting. If you do you'll get the best chance of progressing in the game. If you don't, you'll still be in my 15x15, and that means you'll end up as a barbarian village, and you'll have to restart later. I think it's better to do it now than later. It's your choice.

Maybe I should add something about my experience:

Ive been a top 50 player on 3 past worlds ... 26, 35 and 43. I have been in some of the greatest tribes in TW history, and i have quit all other worlds in order to dominate this one.

I have two great player who are sharing the account with me, making it active 24hrs a day, meaning we can farm you even when your asleep.

I hope you see that itts much easier to restart and then dominate in another area.

With regards,
Change Of Heart
Hehe, Me being an uber noob


Yup i shall, But optimus will kill me :icon_sad: Hehehe. I quite like this world. Quite funny, Got about 7 restart messages allready and all im saying to them is saying "I shall not die until optimus gets here" Im an uber noob! :p