Funny's Demise is coming.


TSL haven't threatened Funny as you stated in your topic. Looks to me like you are angry and trying to spread some propaganda around about Funny :\

He just named funny neighbours , calling all threats.


Keep dreaming guys , Bunny legacy wont die so soon ;)

you seem to be forgetting its not bunny anymore bunny died along time ago along with the bunny spirit.. its now funny which as no spirit..
well maybe just a little teenie weenie bit.:icon_smile:


cheesy saying-dont count your chickens before they hatch andything can happen between now and their so called demise


well once the wars for dominance in the north are over whoever comes out will go strait to war with funny thats my prediction


The heart of this tribe died long ago, when the original founders of Bunny left. The remaining leaders did their best to lead in the same way. However, soon after that, Bunny quickly turned into FID's bitch. Bunny and FID were allies, and as part of that alliance, were not supposed to noble in each other's designated K's. Bunny respected this, but FID continually disrespected the Bunny areas of control (including right in K55, their main K). Even after being brought to the attention of leadership multiple times, nothing was done.

Then FID decided to noble off F.O (which was based largely in K56, another Bunny K), and Bunny was told that we were not allowed to noble any F.O members. FID had sits for most of the accounts in F.O and used them to eat up every available village they could in K55 and K56, so that they could then noble them from F.O players.

Soon after this came word from our leadership that all K's were open for nobling for both tribes, there was no longer any off limit K's. Within a few weeks, FID merged Bunny (against the wishes of many members).

I know that was long, but stick with it...

Once the merger happened, Funny had become so large that it was too hard to manage. Leadership tried many strategies to get people involved, but refused to drop dead weight, as it might upset some of the other players. Funny became bloated and inefficient. Due to this, and other factors, many members left to find an active, aggressive tribe.

This is the simple truth. The complicated truth would say the same thing, just more words....


I always thought it was the other way around(after all, it was FID -> Bunny, Bunny -> FID).


I always thought it was the other way around(after all, it was FID -> Bunny, Bunny -> FID).

No, FID walked all over the leadership of Bunny. They did not respect the border agreements, and the Bunny council did nothing to stop it (or if they tried they were unsuccessful, which means the alliance should have been dissolved). Bunny had many reasons to drop the FID alliance, and in my opinion, reasons to go to war, but the council just rolled over and took it.


The heart of this tribe died long ago, when the original founders of Bunny left.

May be the spirit will be rekindled as one of the original founder has returned to W46 Funny that too playing a good account :)


Is some sort of mystical guru that came and revealed the ultimate truth. And you know what, i never liked FID because of their name. And now that they killed the little and lovely bunny i like them less :/