Gents Disbanded


Let me clear this up.

Brad did not lead - he merely sat there, complaining about how busy he always was, merged with his 2 coplayers and bragged about how every other tribe was shit.

Gave all responsibility of leading the tribe to the "council" so he could scratch his arse.

Copped 1 attack from BEAST, had a cry, quit, deleted his account and changed the password locking his coplayer out of the account.

Seconded. I can confirm that.


didnt think he was like that..but oh well..seems as if he lost some respect out of this..o_O

Deleted User - 11252347

Every time Brad's tribe implodes he always disappears...


Let me clear this up.

Brad did not lead - he merely sat there, complaining about how busy he always was, merged with his 2 coplayers and bragged about how every other tribe was shit.

Gave all responsibility of leading the tribe to the "council" so he could scratch his arse.

Copped 1 attack from BEAST, had a cry, quit, deleted his account and changed the password locking his coplayer out of the account.

Edit: Brad I know you see me o_O
Can confirm, that was basically it.

Haram B

Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Let me clear this up.

Brad did not lead - he merely sat there, complaining about how busy he always was, merged with his 2 coplayers and bragged about how every other tribe was shit.

Gave all responsibility of leading the tribe to the "council" so he could scratch his arse.

Copped 1 attack from BEAST, had a cry, quit, deleted his account and changed the password locking his coplayer out of the account.

Edit: Brad I know you see me o_O

what he said

Mr. Cringer Pants

Brad and I have history from w80 and despite our disagreements with my involvement of gents demise on that world, he still deserves respect. This game is filled with passionate people due to the sociostructural and peer bonding component of TW, IT's understandable why dukes take a leave of absence to avoid all the troll and flame posts.

Disbanding a tribe is not always a dick move. Depends on the circumstances. GENTS is Brad's tribe and has been for multiple worlds. The community knows this and people generally find new homes if they are worthy. He doesn't need to past the torch to an unworthy duke, even if its his own opinions. Most of the frustration comes from anxiety and being worried about having support being tribeless but if you were part of Gents and in the network helping others, your team and friends should still be able to help support and fight it out. Generally, other dukes respect players.

With respect to refugees, a disband can be beneficial to some members. I've only joined warring tribes and when we declare war on all members of the tribe and if they leave they are considered refugees. Generally if a tribe disbands, the winning tribe is only concerned with K territory and any active or planned OP's and the rest of the members get a free ticket. Depends on leadership but most people are reasonable.

Another angle to think about and I love play devils advocate. o_O
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Only 2 people from Gents even survived. One joined Beast, one joined Code. Pretty bad showing. Many way Brad could have gone at it if he had even slightest considering for his tribemates. The only one join Beast was a Beast spy/plant from my understand. He doesn't need to pass torch to new duke, but he could try to at least get his guy new home if he gonna quit. He ran away like a coward.

Mr. Cringer Pants

Only 2 people from Gents even survived. One joined Beast, one joined Code. Pretty bad showing. Many way Brad could have gone at it if he had even slightest considering for his tribemates. The only one join Beast was a Beast spy/plant from my understand. He doesn't need to pass torch to new duke, but he could try to at least get his guy new home if he gonna quit. He ran away like a coward.

Well, it's a double-edged sword. If only two survived in a war game that requires loads of networking skills and perseverance, than logically they don't deserve to live on and if they love the game can co-play on another account. Part of surviving is fighting. I've joined tribes multiple times that fought me and I showed them in-game skill and shortly after we made friends due to both respecting each other's gameplay.

I'm not justifying the actions as I personally wouldn't quit duke without my team knowing but still we all have our reasons and tactics. Perhaps Brad thought there was nobody worth 'saving' due to members simply not performing well.

Anyway, good points, Shadow. Just trying to shed a little light on some darkness from a different and highly competitive gamer's stance.
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Well, it's a double-edged sword. If only two survived in a war game that requires loads of networking skills and perseverance, then logically they don't deserve to live on and if they love the game can co-play on another account. Part of surviving is fighting. I've joined tribes multiple times that fought me and I showed them in-game skill and shortly after we made friends due to both respecting each other's gameplay.

I'm not justifying the actions as I personally wouldn't quit duke without my team knowing but still we all have our reasons and tactics. Perhaps Brad thought there was nobody worth 'saving' due to members simply not performing well.

Anyway, good points, Shadow. Just trying to shed a little light on some darkness from a different and highly competitive gamer's stance.

From my perspective as leader of Code, he failed his memberbase and deserves every bit of criticism that he has gotten. I think giving him respect belittles the work that other leaders in the continent have put in both this world and in past worlds. I am not talking about myself here, but I could not imagine Kirk or Fredrik for example giving up on their tribe like that.

I cannot comment too much on the internal situation within Gents as I was not privy to it, but to see Brad get up and disappear was very disappointing from where I was sitting. There may well come a time where our tribe fights Beast and we may win, we may lose. If we lose, it is my responsibility as the last thing I do as a duke, to at least try give an opportunity those who wish a future. Furthermore, whilst Gents was losing the fight versus Beast, there were definitely opportunities for them to turn it around, especially diplomatically. This is from the perspective of someone who is pretty knowledgeable about the diplomatic scene within the continent. Brad threw the towel in too early and essentially guaranteed the failure of the vast majority of his members. I don't think any other leader of a major contender tribe for K45 dominance would have done this.

I feel as a leader that I have an obligation to repay those who have placed their trust in my tribe and my leadership. For Gents, this is exaggerated multiple times since they are a premade and their players have come to his tribe on this world specifically to play under him. I'd personally feel dirty if my friends put expectations in me, only for me to up and leave before the war was determined, taking the carpet out from under their feet. Yes, this is a game, but there is a significant life investment put into Tribal Wars and I care about my few friends on this game and wish them success in both the game and outside of it. I do wonder sometimes if worthiness comes into the equation. At the start of the world, Gents had a far higher quality memberbase than ours, with a multitude of world winners. Our players were courted from the area through old fashioned recruitment mails. Yet we are still here and Gents is not. I question whether the worthy continue, though perhaps part of worthiness is who you put your trust in or just getting good luck.

I just hope that my members do not make the same mistake that Gents did if they choose to put their trust in me.

Mr. Cringer Pants

I've always respected your posts Nemesis, but my main point is players are responsible to watch out for their own account just as much as dukes are responsible for protecting their members. If the fighting tribe wants to eat, a disband or diplomacy doesn't change the end result. Personally, the member base is also responsible to pay attention to details assuming they wish to survive and need to protect their own account and follow trends within the tribe. Any strong player I have known can identify an issue within the structure of the tribe and prepare a safe home for them. Clearly, Gents as a whole lacks discipline. My post is not praise, but all parties deserve to have both sides of the coin reviewed and respect is a common courtesy.

Mainly: Gotta be able to play the game and find new homes knowing that if you go to war you might lose. Don't confuse this with betrayal or distrust but it is a war game and TW is pretty cut throat.


From my perspective as leader of Code, he failed his memberbase and deserves every bit of criticism that he has gotten. I think giving him respect belittles the work that other leaders in the continent have put in both this world and in past worlds. I am not talking about myself here, but I could not imagine Kirk or Fredrik for example giving up on their tribe like that.

I cannot comment too much on the internal situation within Gents as I was not privy to it, but to see Brad get up and disappear was very disappointing from where I was sitting. There may well come a time where our tribe fights Beast and we may win, we may lose. If we lose, it is my responsibility as the last thing I do as a duke, to at least try give an opportunity those who wish a future. Furthermore, whilst Gents was losing the fight versus Beast, there were definitely opportunities for them to turn it around, especially diplomatically. This is from the perspective of someone who is pretty knowledgeable about the diplomatic scene within the continent. Brad threw the towel in too early and essentially guaranteed the failure of the vast majority of his members. I don't think any other leader of a major contender tribe for K45 dominance would have done this.

I feel as a leader that I have an obligation to repay those who have placed their trust in my tribe and my leadership. For Gents, this is exaggerated multiple times since they are a premade and their players have come to his tribe on this world specifically to play under him. I'd personally feel dirty if my friends put expectations in me, only for me to up and leave before the war was determined, taking the carpet out from under their feet. Yes, this is a game, but there is a significant life investment put into Tribal Wars and I care about my few friends on this game and wish them success in both the game and outside of it. I do wonder sometimes if worthiness comes into the equation. At the start of the world, Gents had a far higher quality memberbase than ours, with a multitude of world winners. Our players were courted from the area through old fashioned recruitment mails. Yet we are still here and Gents is not. I question whether the worthy continue, though perhaps part of worthiness is who you put your trust in or just getting good luck.

I just hope that my members do not make the same mistake that Gents did if they choose to put their trust in me.

I do agree with you..but as always their will always be two sides of the story here..i'm not defending brad,but honestly i never seen him give up so easy like kinda shocks me to say the least..maybe something personal came up in his life who knows..but yea i agree with you as far as leaving his members like he did...brad is a very well known player on tw..and its like you said been in the show a few times in past worlds..but however i do think their could have been something to make him do that..perhaps he just had a very bad day! who knows until brad tells the world his side of things we may never know the real truth to all of this..


I've always respected your posts Nemesis, but my main point is players are responsible to watch out for their own account just as much as dukes are responsible for protecting their members. If the fighting tribe wants to eat, a disband or diplomacy doesn't change the end result. Personally, the member base is also responsible to pay attention to details assuming they wish to survive and need to protect their own account and follow trends within the tribe. Any strong player I have known can identify an issue within the structure of the tribe and prepare a safe home for them. Clearly, Gents as a whole lacks discipline. My post is not praise, but all parties deserve to have both sides of the coin reviewed and respect is a common courtesy.

Mainly: Gotta be able to play the game and find new homes knowing that if you go to war you might lose. Don't confuse this with betrayal or distrust but it is a war game and TW is pretty cut throat.

I treat practically every tribe I am, especially if it is a premade as my only one.

I'll happily compromise my personal position for the benefit of the tribe. It is a quality I also expect from those I work with. How does one expect to win a hard war when they are too busy considering the possibility they will lose and acting on those feelings? Those qualities I believe are shared by those who I respect the most in this game, who sacrifice themselves, especially positionally and militarily, for the betterment of the whole because they believe in their tribe even when it is up against the ropes. It is these people who are punished most by failures like the above. It is far easier to secure your future if you are clustered and easily recruitable rather than going above and beyond what is expected and therefore potentially having an account that is less defensible when your tribe fails. Perhaps that is naivety and those who look out for themselves get further on average, but I prefer to be in tribes full of the latter.

Mr. Cringer Pants

I expected a response like this from you, Nemesis. If you know who I was you would always know I give more than 100% to my tribe. 200% or more and am always considered a top member and always invited to the council due to my selfless behavior. Brad's personal accounts have never been his top priority so I'm a bit confused as to why you responded that way. A foolish leader doesn't plan for all potential outcomes and ignores a work around to a collapsing entity. Plus this is TW, one can easily join another tribe to derail it and go back to there grassroots - AKA, the tribe or group of friends and comrades they are loyal to.

Anyway good comments.

"It is far easier to secure your future if you are clustered and easily recruitable rather than going above and beyond what is expected and therefore potentially having an account that is less defensible when your tribe fails."

I feel this is an opinion that doesn't necessarily apply. If you are a strong, skilled, respectful and dedicated, it's quite simple to find a home. I've played since the 50's, been part of multiple winning tribes and hit rank 2 on my first startup simple due to being skilled with a computer and understanding browser mechanics. Never once had a problem finding a home when a duke "betrayed" or pulled a "dick" move and I've never left my tribe without the tribe throwing in the towel. Perhaps you are correct with this statement in today's TW landscape. Most parties blame leadership for any mistake or downfall that is happening to them. Look at RL politics, the president always takes the hit no matter what and the citizens need to ultimately protect themselves during a collapse. My comment had nothing to do with loyalty to your group. Not trying to promote the duke of gents as a top quality leader but there is always more to any groups problems than just one bad apple.

You're a talented leader, if you haven't read "From Good to Great" by Jim Collins, I suggest you pick it up. Very good research book on what makes top level leaders in a society and can easily be read in a sitting or two.
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since they are a premade and their players have come to his tribe on this world specifically to play under him.

You are right. Brad has burned a lot of bridges. Sure, the world may not ever know his side of story, but the absolute fact is he still has burned a lot of bridges. :) It is unfortunate.