Get to know your fellow posters <3


What do I do on here: Farm like mad
Why? Are you after the award?
Getting new machinery may help get there faster

Pets: 2 Cats
You will find that you need more to do any damage to anything above level3 :)


Name: William

Location: USA, all the way

What do I do: Troll and pwn noobs. (on .us server)

Age: 16

What do I do on here: Nothing atm, trying to catch up...

In game worlds: W22 (soon) and rank 11 on W1

Music: Mostly rock, but I'll TOLERATE most music.

EX-Pets: Zip-Lee, a Siberian Husky

My Favourite person in the entire forums: Myself, top poster in forums *wink*

Favourite drink (non alcoholic): Dr. Pepper

Hobbies: TW, spamming, TRYING pnps, making history, and being awesome

Favourite sports teams: RedSox, Blazers, Redskins

Favourite books: Ranger's Apprentice

Favourite movie: Scary Movie

I could not live without: porn..., music, tribalwars

I don't like: being bullied (it's a joke -.-)

Favourite quote: "Sir, We're surrounded!" "Great! Now we can attack in all directions." (even wrote a song based on it)


Name: Cameron (I wonder how few of you actually knew that)

Location: Michigan, United States.

What do I do: Look for work.. Darn you unemployment rate..

Age: 18

What do I do on here: Show up randomly time to time to see how many people have forgotten me :D

In game worlds: None... Used to play 22 heavily, also played on 12 and started a few later worlds that I never really took off with like 22 and 12.

Music: Heavy metal, Symphonic Metal, rock.

Pets: A cat, Casper (My girlfriends) and a kitten, Beauty (Mine). Both girls.

My Favourite person in the entire forums: Eh have to go with Dark since he seems to be the only one around lol.

Favourite drink (non alcoholic): FOUNTAIN COKE.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, cooking, gaming.

Favourite sports teams: Green Bay Packers. (Don't hate the cheese man)

Favourite books: Wheel of Time series, Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings series.

Favourite movie / series: Movie- Blood Diamond. Series- Naruto Shipudden (deal with it)

I could not live without: My wonderful girlfriend and future daughter.

I don't like: Bigotry or assumptions.

Favourite quote: “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” ~Mother Teresa

Picture of me: Meeeeeee, and my girlfriend.


That was.. Mmmm.. like 9 months ago Dark.. But yes I got my hair cut then, and just recently so it's actually about the same length lol.

Just looked, it's shorter, I've only got like two inches on top now.


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
OK guys, we've put an album on the net for sale, and you can preview the tracks there at the site too.

You can also look at our myspace page with different tracks on it

And you can see this clip on YouTube, for those of you that haven't seen it, it's very old now but it's our only actual clip - a totally home-made job to find out what it was like to make a clip and get something up on YouTube. It was recorded on a digital camera that was not really designed for moving footage, so the quality really does suck.


And you can see this clip on YouTube, for those of you that haven't seen it, it's very old now but it's our only actual clip - a totally home-made job to find out what it was like to make a clip and get something up on YouTube. It was recorded on a digital camera that was not really designed for moving footage, so the quality really does suck.

quality isn't that bad :) fun video. What movie is that behind them or what ever?


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
a whole bunch of clips from various sword and sandal films such as Hercules and the Captive Women :D

"them or whaetver" = me and my other half :S


Name: Cameron (I wonder how few of you actually knew that)

Location: Michigan, United States.

What do I do: Look for work.. Darn you unemployment rate..

Age: 18

What do I do on here: Show up randomly time to time to see how many people have forgotten me :D

In game worlds: None... Used to play 22 heavily, also played on 12 and started a few later worlds that I never really took off with like 22 and 12.

Music: Heavy metal, Symphonic Metal, rock.

Pets: A cat, Casper (My girlfriends) and a kitten, Beauty (Mine). Both girls.

My Favourite person in the entire forums: Eh have to go with Dark since he seems to be the only one around lol.

Favourite drink (non alcoholic): FOUNTAIN COKE.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, cooking, gaming.

Favourite sports teams: Green Bay Packers. (Don't hate the cheese man)

Favourite books: Wheel of Time series, Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings series.

Favourite movie / series: Movie- Blood Diamond. Series- Naruto Shipudden (deal with it)

I could not live without: My wonderful girlfriend and future daughter.

I don't like: Bigotry or assumptions.

Favourite quote: “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” ~Mother Teresa

Picture of me: Meeeeeee, and my girlfriend.

Someone from teh OT lives in Michigan. Also, you look older, have shorter hair, and less muscular.


a whole bunch of clips from various sword and sandal films such as Hercules and the Captive Women :D

"them or whaetver" = me and my other half :S

I thought it was ZZ Top superimposed on top of the Men with Big Muscles and Codal way back in the corner

Have you ever seen the "Return of Hercules" I highly recommend it


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
OK, some more clips are now available from yesterday's little "Invasion Day" celebrations...we opened our doors to some friends and did a little bit of live recording...

here's a link to one and there are some more on the channel. There is a lot more but we are having trouble uploading - so maybe there will be some more clips from this in the near future.

Holy crap that was a hot day to have to drum on!


HPG blast from the past. Wishing I was down in OZ for the summer right now. High of 29 in the Northern hemisphere where I currently am :)

Just checking in to w22 to see what happened finally.


It's the end of the world :) Just some folks haven't realized it yet.