=P I'm systematically lowering peoples standards. it's a thing alot of celebrities do. Adam Sandler has been doing it for the past 15 years
let me tell you a lil story about a tribe called Golden
there the best tribe, well thats what I told em
buy yo let me enlighten ya jon bastard snow
Golden stinks! and that's one thing you know
and dont get me started on your friend mance rayder
that gerbroni is a Nights Watch Traitor
and that's my story about a tribe called Golden
youre all big phonies unlike Caulfield, Holden
was supposed to a positive rap for golden but the rhymes handcuffed me into making it negative, so unfortunately I hate Golden now.
Second, when you say leadership sold you out, what are you even implying here mate?
We said, we get rimmed or we rim ANY.
Look at the past brah, the sides wernt decided and we were hoping to bring down ANY with the malice players who were betrayed to unfair means.
We all know how ANY plays, the core leadership and old members get benefits, other get interlled and left dead accounts for the bonfires. This can be seen from the time rygic and guys broke out of any (ex-immune).
The next time i was approached for "choosing sides" was when ANY recruited horde deserters. Now if i nap ANY ("so that they can go after khan and NAM") i would have no place to grow but to hit NAM unnecessarily, with ANY surrounding my tribe only to get eaten up in the end? for f sake why would i ever work with the likes of them?
Now Mister Display
Thats no way to play
You know we hold you in high regard
But your rhymes have left us quite scarred
I'll give you leeway but don't wander astray
Or you'll blowhard in the graveyard
I usually do not have much time to answer against nonsense's related to ANY on external but this time I will make exception
Speak for yourself mate, most Sass players bordering us just quit or gave perma sits to who ever wanted to accept it after day or two of pressure from ANY from our first and only OP on Sass around 2 weeks ago (if we not include ex malice members that joined you and get rimmed few days later).
You lived in illusion then. ANy was never in real danger even when we fought 4 decent tribes from once. We never loosed more then vila or two daily(except day or two after we were back-stabbed by Rygic and co). If malice were betrayed it happened from Sass members that sat them but not defend them very good nether they support them at all, from what i heard one of them even seams to cleared villages from one sat account in order to save his own skin against our attacks and get banned for that reason. Not our fault, nether anyone from ANY is banned for it. If you supported them maybe they would not need to use third party solutions to get some hope to stay in-game.
About leadership benefits let me post following facts:
Duke of ANY(13. krieger) - 5 tribe internals
Duke of Sass(SassySwagGuru) - 25 tribe internals
Krieger stop trying to get on some moral high ground. We all know , no need to hide
Respect needs to be earned
Internal problems and bad leadership would be H0lly begging Almurph for a NAP and crying to him on VC.
Land of make belive or na?Internal problems and bad leadership would be H0lly begging Almurph for a NAP and crying to him on VC.
nigga you lucky i quit 5 weeks ago or i woulda whipped yo cute ass up