Getting Sassy With Sass


=P I'm systematically lowering peoples standards. it's a thing alot of celebrities do. Adam Sandler has been doing it for the past 15 years


let me tell you a lil story about a tribe called Golden
there the best tribe, well thats what I told em
buy yo let me enlighten ya jon bastard snow
Golden stinks! and that's one thing you know
and dont get me started on your friend mance rayder
that gerbroni is a Nights Watch Traitor
and that's my story about a tribe called Golden
youre all big phonies unlike Caulfield, Holden

was supposed to a positive rap for golden but the rhymes handcuffed me into making it negative, so unfortunately I hate Golden now.

Now Mister Display
Thats no way to play
You know we hold you in high regard
But your rhymes have left us quite scarred
I'll give you leeway but don't wander astray
Or you'll blowhard in the graveyard


I usually do not have much time to answer against nonsense's related to ANY on external but this time I will make exception

Second, when you say leadership sold you out, what are you even implying here mate?
We said, we get rimmed or we rim ANY.

Speak for yourself mate, most Sass players bordering us just quit or gave perma sits to who ever wanted to accept it after day or two of pressure from ANY from our first and only OP on Sass around 2 weeks ago (if we not include ex malice members that joined you and get rimmed few days later).

Look at the past brah, the sides wernt decided and we were hoping to bring down ANY with the malice players who were betrayed to unfair means.

You lived in illusion then. ANy was never in real danger even when we fought 4 decent tribes from once. We never loosed more then vila or two daily(except day or two after we were back-stabbed by Rygic and co). If malice were betrayed it happened from Sass members that sat them but not defend them very good nether they support them at all, from what i heard one of them even seams to cleared villages from one sat account in order to save his own skin against our attacks and get banned for that reason. Not our fault, nether anyone from ANY is banned for it. If you supported them maybe they would not need to use third party solutions to get some hope to stay in-game.

We all know how ANY plays, the core leadership and old members get benefits, other get interlled and left dead accounts for the bonfires. This can be seen from the time rygic and guys broke out of any (ex-immune).

The next time i was approached for "choosing sides" was when ANY recruited horde deserters. Now if i nap ANY ("so that they can go after khan and NAM") i would have no place to grow but to hit NAM unnecessarily, with ANY surrounding my tribe only to get eaten up in the end? for f sake why would i ever work with the likes of them?

You mixing ANy and ANY2. There are lot of new people in ANY that are not part of the leadership with same rights as everyone else in tribe. I doubt ANY force internaled more people then other major tribes. Actually I think there is none from ANY but there are few from ANY2. It is true however we recruiting in ANY only good quality and highly trusted players so it may be the reason. ANY 2 was sister tribe however with a bit different recruiting policy witch I had not much been involved.

About leadership benefits let me post following facts:

Duke of ANY(13. krieger) - 5 tribe internals
Duke of Sass(SassySwagGuru) - 25 tribe internals

Basically you seams accusing ANY for same thing you doing in your tribe but in much larger scales. It sound me as excuse for some your personal jihad against us that end up in getting your tribe and tribe members eaten by us and our allies. You can say now that you would be eaten anyway if you signed that NAP with us, but actually you could say very much the same for any other tribe you sign NAP with.


I see things have gotten back on topic while I was loading my lyrical machine gun. So now I feel bad, will contain my fire in spoilers.

Krieger just owned you, sagar!

Now Mister Display
Thats no way to play
You know we hold you in high regard
But your rhymes have left us quite scarred
I'll give you leeway but don't wander astray
Or you'll blowhard in the graveyard

Let me start with apologies in advance
H0llys so drunk he cant find his pants
and the SweetMisery account isn't pro at all
a single op and like dominoes they fall
But by far the worst account is that NUBula
display out, dont hesitate to holla[/spoil]


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
I usually do not have much time to answer against nonsense's related to ANY on external but this time I will make exception

Speak for yourself mate, most Sass players bordering us just quit or gave perma sits to who ever wanted to accept it after day or two of pressure from ANY from our first and only OP on Sass around 2 weeks ago (if we not include ex malice members that joined you and get rimmed few days later).

except georgia no other member was inactive on ANY front.
Sass players on any fronts were myself, lukester18, gondaft, dislocationed, tw legend and pwyouall, deuce chuckers etc. (mainly original sass)
legend account began going down, and sometime later the new owners quit only then NAM took over.

You lived in illusion then. ANy was never in real danger even when we fought 4 decent tribes from once. We never loosed more then vila or two daily(except day or two after we were back-stabbed by Rygic and co). If malice were betrayed it happened from Sass members that sat them but not defend them very good nether they support them at all, from what i heard one of them even seams to cleared villages from one sat account in order to save his own skin against our attacks and get banned for that reason. Not our fault, nether anyone from ANY is banned for it. If you supported them maybe they would not need to use third party solutions to get some hope to stay in-game.

yeah right, the player comes back to see his D on ANY villas, while he lost quite a lot of villages with troops outside.
i would love to prepare a jaw breaker for you showing some chats, but it will just get removed by staff anyway, so i think i will spare myself some digging.

With three fronts, core sass couldn't send anything down there.

i myself sat some accounts, and i did sniping and recaps till the account with me had troops.
it didnt last long since it was really bad situation.

About leadership benefits let me post following facts:

Duke of ANY(13. krieger) - 5 tribe internals
Duke of Sass(SassySwagGuru) - 25 tribe internals

i wish you had stronger math.
3 of my players i recruited backstabbed us, and were spying for your friend jus7 mickey, ultimately planned to gift him their villas.
idk how they thought they would get away with it, we noticed him losing couple villages to jus7, and later gondaft suspected shit play and scouted couple villas that were cleared for jus7 and had incoming trains from him. me going red bull on them got me those villages.

anyway, let me help you count:
i have taken 1 village from georgia recently in between the war which was supposed to be a prenoble to enemy noble nukes.
1 village from estplay, another dead account. i sat him and took like 10 villages off of NBD, distributed to active players(original sass) to be able to gain front against NBD.
mr. zeidan and i were agreed to a merger, and the tribe would take 80% of the villages, even though the tribe rules stated 50% for backline players, but due to proximity, i decided on that.

my men know what i am, who i am, and thats what matters to me.





Krieger stop trying to get on some moral high ground. We all know , no need to hide


Krieger stop trying to get on some moral high ground. We all know , no need to hide

You mean you speculating my son. We all know if you got any proof you would report your dear stepdad few seconds after. As there is none, there is always external forum for obsessive trolling and false accusations.

I heard you quit as you were forbidden by leadership to keep attacking your dad's family tribe. True ?


What is there to speculate about. You and i both know it's the truth. You're trying to hide. Theres no need for that mate. Let it out. As for my in game actions if i quit or not, i am not telling for obvious reasons. I remember when you reported me and put me on your profile because you couldn't take a joke. But hey whatever suits you dad.

Apathetic h0llygh0st

Consumer of Beverages
Reaction score
Internal problems and bad leadership would be H0lly begging Almurph for a NAP and crying to him on VC.


Is that how it went then? ^^ Seems to me I made it perfectly clear to Almurph that I did not want a NAP when he kept asking.

Edit, to clarify. He asked me 2 or 3 times to which I responded no. He understood that and we continued our conversation.
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nigga you lucky i quit 5 weeks ago or i woulda whipped yo cute ass up