Gman1994's Guide To Scripts


Yes if you wish, but change the colour codes so all of them are a different colour.


Is everyone getting a job at McDonalds?! I was just employed there :/

S1cky Dutch

Does it also works with Opera? Because it doesnt work for me:p


I read the responses last night on my mobile and did a really long essay but when I submitted the reply it timed out -_-

As Mick stated, you have to change the values, if you check inside the Map Spoiler, theres another spoiler saying everything you have to change :)

Thanks for feedback, and Pervis means alot <3

Btw, is there any Tutorials you guys/girls are looking for? I was thinking of making some others as I have too much time on my hands :)

can u past everything that´s in the spoilers that belongs to the map? It doesn´t open for me :S


Map Script
javascript:var doc=(window.frames.length>0)?window.main.document: document;var player="gman1994";var display=['Defensive','Offensive'];var color=['#0033CC','#00FF00'];function getElementByClass(a,b){var c=doc.getElementsByTagName(a);for(var x=0;x<c.length;x++){if(c[x].className==b){return c[x]}}return-1}function setStatusTitle(a,b){var c=doc.getElementsByTagName("h2");if(c[0].innerHTML.length>12){c[0].innerHTML=c[0].innerHTML.replace(c[0].innerHTML.substring(12)," ("+a+"/"+b+")")}else{c[0].innerHTML+=" ("+a+"/"+b+")"}}if(doc.URL.match(/screen=map/)){el=getElementByClass("table","map");var teller=1;maxaantal=(el.rows.length*el.rows[1].cells.length);for(var x=0;x<el.rows.length;x++){for(var y=0;y<el.rows[x].cells.length;y++){setStatusTitle(teller++,maxaant al);for(var z=0;z<display.length;z++){if(el.rows[x].cells[y].innerHTML.match(display[z],"i")&&el.rows[x].cells[y].innerHTML.match(player,"i")){el.rows[x].cells[y].innerHTML+="<div style = \"position: absolute; background-color:"+color[z]+"; filter:alpha(opacity=80); opacity:.8; -moz-opacity:.8; width:53px; height:12px; margin-top:-13px; display:block; color:black;\">"+display[z]+"</div>"}}}}}else{alert("This option can only be used in the map!")};void 0;

What you have to change:
var player="gman1994"; to var player="Your Username";
var display=['Defensive','Offensive']; to var display=['Your Defensive Group Name','Your Offensive Group Name'];

Not Necessary Changes but you can:
var color=['#0033CC','#00FF00']; - This is the colours of the villages on the map, I set mine Defensive = Blue, Offensive = Green. Use the colour tool in the forums to find the colour you want.

NOTE: Use a text editor such as Notepad/Word/Notepad++ to change the scripts, makes it much easier


Your on the map when you click it? And you have to change your username exactly to how it is shown, it is case sensitive.

S1cky Dutch

Yes, I am on the map when I click it, and my username is also spelled correctly. Also my groups are spelled correctly.

Edit, I have the groups like "K51 deffensive", and "k51 Offensiv"e. Could the problem be that there are 2 different words instead of "deffensive"
Last edited:


gman, can't get the map thingy to work. Care to help me with it? Possibly even sit?


I have many groups , i should put all of them in the script ? or i can put only my offensive and my defensive groups


I can sit you all right now if ya wish :)

Its pretty easy for me, but if you have issues with me sitting np, I will help using IG mail.

Or add me on MSN, <3

EDIT:I'm not sure about IE, I would test it for ya but I deleted IE as it is my nemesis >:D

Jack Lawless

Yes, I am on the map when I click it, and my username is also spelled correctly. Also my groups are spelled correctly.

Edit, I have the groups like "K51 deffensive", and "k51 Offensiv"e. Could the problem be that there are 2 different words instead of "deffensive"

The fake scripts are kind of old,there are new ones,much better and easyer.There is one that actually makes a fake script whit the guy's villages,but if he has more then 30 your browser will shut down.

About your problem whit the color map thing.First,check if you did spell them right,K is not the same whit k,and a second thing, it was only made for 2 groups,if you rename and put more then 2 groups it won't work,you have to add a color for each group.And a mistake that most do:its display=['Defensive','Offensive'] not display=['Defensive','Offensive',],the same for color and name,there shouldn't be a , at the end.

If it still doesn't work i give up,it worked for me fine and i have it for more like a month.:D

Ps:if you mess the hex code for colors it won't work,use:


Try this script instead.

javascript:var player="gman1994";var display=['Def V','Off V'];var color=['#0033CC','#00FF00'];function getElementByClass(a,b){var c=document.getElementsByTagName(a);for(var x=0;x<c.length;x++){if(c[x].className==b){return c[x]}}return-1}function setStatusTitle(a,b){var c=document.getElementsByTagName("h2");if(c[0].innerHTML.length>12){c[0].innerHTML=c[0].innerHTML.replace(c[0].innerHTML.substring(12)," ("+a+"/"+b+")")}else{c[0].innerHTML+=" ("+a+"/"+b+")"}}if(document.URL.match(/screen=map/)){el=getElementByClass("table","map");var teller=1;maxaantal=(el.rows.length*el.rows[1].cells.length);for(var x=0;x<el.rows.length;x++){for(var y=0;y<el.rows[x].cells.length;y++){setStatusTitle(teller++,maxaantal);for(var z=0;z<display.length;z++){if(el.rows[x].cells[y].innerHTML.match(display[z],"i")&&el.rows[x].cells[y].innerHTML.match(player,"i")){el.rows[x].cells[y].innerHTML+="<div style = \"position: absolute; background-color:"+color[z]+"; filter:alpha(opacity=80); opacity:.8; -moz-opacity:.8; width:53px; height:12px; margin-top:-13px; display:block; color:black;\">"+display[z]+"</div>"}}}}}else{alert("This option can only be used in the map!")};void 0;

Seems simpler to change :)


could u sit me and put the map thingy right gman, mine ain't working and i did everything needed done.


i have tried to time my nobles and of course snipe vills with the opersa Tabs, but it too complicated, so i just do old school, it works just as well :)


none of the spoilers worked for me :S is it just me :S

ps this all looks very handy cant wait to set them up :D