Golden declares on W2V.

Sinful Angel

Contributing Poster
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I believe I posted a screenshot of NAM players actually saying they quit because of NAM. I actually have evidence to back it up and have posted it in the past. Nice try though ;)


Funny because people have also quit NAM on w83 because they hated NAM.

There is always a few bad eggs, I just hope them screenshots you have aren't from Elie :L I think everyone on w83 seen what he was like.

Sinful Angel

Contributing Poster
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War stats of both W2V war and the NAM war seeing as they recruited half the tribes points in refugees it is relevant.

Side 1:
Tribes: Golden
Side 2:
Tribes: NAM

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 60
Side 2: 8
Difference: 52


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 573,163
Side 2: 77,562
Difference: 495,601



Side 1:
Tribes: Golden
Side 2:
Tribes: W2V

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 145
Side 2: 8
Difference: 137


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,349,953
Side 2: 76,339
Difference: 1,273,614



Please james stop going off topic, if you want to post Golden vs NAM stats then please make an external thread and declare ig, thanks.


I believe the correct term is Salty McSalt Face :icon_biggrin:



Should i use one of your stupid comebacks to when you get salty? "Oh im a cook or some shit" lol :D

But seriously why post stats if you are going to declare, and im sure a NAM/Golden thread would be so good (mm)

Apathetic h0llygh0st

Consumer of Beverages
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Should i use one of your stupid comebacks to when you get salty? "Oh im a cook or some shit" lol :D

But seriously why post stats if you are going to declare, and im sure a NAM/Golden thread would be so good (mm)

It wouldn't change anything whatsoever, so what's the use?


It wouldn't change anything whatsoever, so what's the use?

Well it would be our very own thread where we can actually post the stats of the skirmishes so far, not to mention it could stop every other thread turning into a NAM/Golden thread just like James tried to do there by posting stats.

Apathetic h0llygh0st

Consumer of Beverages
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Well it would be our very own thread where we can actually post the stats of the skirmishes so far, not to mention it could stop every other thread turning into a NAM/Golden thread just like James tried to do there by posting stats.

The above is your last post in another thread. I'm not sure a new thread is what we need when no threads are on topic for the last few weeks anyways.


The above is your last post in another thread. I'm not sure a new thread is what we need when no threads are on topic for the last few weeks anyways.

So because i said "lol" to another players statement what i say here is invalid? I believe A LOT of people gave out in Golden about every thread becoming a NAM/Golden bash thread yet here we are, a member of golden turning this thread into another one. But it is ok H0lly, you are afraid to publicly declare on NAM (bow)