Not our fault you can't coordinate. I've also seen plenty of def arrive into my nebula. caps. You aren't fooling anyone!
Only 1/3 of us are warring you hun. Might see like more lol
Whats the rest of the tribe doing :X not a lot by the looks of it
Someone has to noble these barbs. And Khan players relocating, I feel like Golden has been nobling more Khan than NAM has lately o0
It'll be funny when a month from now we still haven't taken any deathstars from Khan and everyone will see you're talking out your ass as always.
Most likely, is that why you and Khan agreed that they'd let you take deathstars in the near future to war ANY :O oh no, plot twist.
And I don't see any Golden "Deathstars" in ANY,
I said after W2V fall(if they do)
You woot m8, why would we want Deathstars in our allied, maybe you have a wrong view on what an alliance is? And I don't see any Golden "Deathstars" in ANY, but what I do see are some NAM Deathstars in ANY.
Probably because we were at war with them?
Think before you post sweetheart
If W2V falls, it'll be because NAM recruits their top player(s) :icon_smile:
And when you made a NAP you could gift the Deathstars? but no.
And I only replied to the previous fool, (he did not think).
I love how H0lly ignores what i said about the deathstars
Probably the dumbest post yet.
Umm.... If I had to reply to every idiotic thing you say, I wouldn't have time left to play.
We are nobling Khan. But in K53 and 64. We have no interest in K46 Khan. Eventhough he offered us.
I can't even time support to land after my deathstars in K44 or 45. Let alone 46.
I feel less intelligent reading your posts everyday, is your aim to dumb me down and thus wait for me to make a mistake? Or do you just enjoy making your tribe's reputation worse everytime your post count increases?
Perhaps it would have been better if you got banned again rather than TD. And I'm sure some in your tribe would agree with me on that.
Every post you make feels like another loss for NAM.