Congratz to Golden/Any win on the world, in some ways this was a good end to no hauls I suppose. Gotta give it up for NBD, they did really make the world fun for Work4it and I in the time that we played there (especially PureJonat xD). The splatted nukes back and forth every week like clockwork, was truly amazing (not at the time ofcouse), I won't bother commeting on the faults in NAM leadership after Sam's departure, no point rehashing, though it was exteremly satisfying playing with the NAM squad early game, I couldn't begin to desrcibe the experience.
Honourable Mentions
Lippa,Ara,Karen,Meti, Mel- You guys are some of the best players I've ever been graced to play with, you guys stayed around even when tribe was shit, morale was shit, and everything else was shit, some of the most persevered defenders i know.
Pece/Jonat, it was a pleasure attacking you guys, with on point activity and defending (whether it be sitters or not, it was still a pleasure). Though the stacks that you guys had that appeared out of nowhere were a bother >.>
Thanks for winning the world, because of you guys I actually quit haha.
Was truly a great world, only second to w79 :x
Uruz ftw.