Good Sportsmanship


Today Se7en and Subv members has sent a jag member to the rim. what was to come to us from this player we did not expect...

Batang.bonakid today at 00:46
Thank you.

Please tell other seven and subv this one

Would like to thank you for the nice game you showed to me. Rl is important for me that is why idecided to quit. Hopefully u will enjoy this game and won this world. But ofcourse my cheer is still in jager lol. Good luck and happy farming ;)

This does goes to show their is players in jag that's not so bad,Often times we down nubzz and his guys on the things they i figure for a change i will post something nice about some of them. I respect players who goes out like this..he wasnt rude or filled with hate...He is a player who has honor for this game...and for that i will call him out on this and salute him for his awesome sportsmanship. We at Se7en and Subv wishes Batang.bonakid all the very best in his future...He fought with honor and grace and shall leave this game with the up most respect from us and our allies...This goes to show that no matter if we are enemy's we can still be decent and play with honor and or lose! I salute this player and i am impressed by his great attitude and his game play. he was not easy to take down and he fought the good fight. I hope their is more players in this world that can follow this players's almost sad to see him go...I personally wish him well in his life journey and hope he comes back one day to play again. Respect!



Guarantee you won't show that good sportsmanship with you inevitably get rimmed yourself


HAHA! This was hilarious! Stealthy acting like he knows what sportsmanship is! :D You got jokes Sir, that must be a new skill you've acquired.


Guarantee you won't show that good sportsmanship with you inevitably get rimmed yourself

If i get rimmed i will always do what i always do..i give congrats say nice game give my best wishes out then play the next world///just that simple. I don't truly hate my enemy's all for fun. so your wrong about me..but you making this statement just shows what you really know about me which is nothing! but hey i guess i will always have my haters and that's fine goes with the game. your no biggy! later gator!:icon_twisted:

HAHA! This was hilarious! Stealthy acting like he knows what sportsmanship is! :D You got jokes Sir, that must be a new skill you've acquired.

I sneeze in your face only to watch you wipe off my snot off your go away you bore me!:icon_rolleyes:
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Today Se7en and Subv members has sent a jag member to the rim. what was to come to us from this player we did not expect...

Batang.bonakid today at 00:46
Thank you.

Please tell other seven and subv this one

Would like to thank you for the nice game you showed to me. Rl is important for me that is why idecided to quit. Hopefully u will enjoy this game and won this world. But ofcourse my cheer is still in jager lol. Good luck and happy farming ;)

This does goes to show their is players in jag that's not so bad,Often times we down nubzz and his guys on the things they i figure for a change i will post something nice about some of them. I respect players who goes out like this..he wasnt rude or filled with hate...He is a player who has honor for this game...and for that i will call him out on this and salute him for his awesome sportsmanship. We at Se7en and Subv wishes Batang.bonakid all the very best in his future...He fought with honor and grace and shall leave this game with the up most respect from us and our allies...This goes to show that no matter if we are enemy's we can still be decent and play with honor and or lose! I salute this player and i am impressed by his great attitude and his game play. he was not easy to take down and he fought the good fight. I hope their is more players in this world that can follow this players's almost sad to see him go...I personally wish him well in his life journey and hope he comes back one day to play again. Respect!


LOL. Thank you. I only want to enjoy this game and to create new friends and not new enemy :p