Rqzaniq's Skill
The archives are full of examples of his prodigious skillz.
Here's one of the ops he planned. He asked for volunteers and gave them specific tasks, keeping the masterplan in his head. Then, like Poirot in the last chapter, revealed all:
Click to see planning map. It's amazing!
Camaban was rimmed a while later in a second op led by Rq.
He also OWNED the 'noble the biggest village' competition.
The archives are full of examples of his prodigious skillz.
Here's one of the ops he planned. He asked for volunteers and gave them specific tasks, keeping the masterplan in his head. Then, like Poirot in the last chapter, revealed all:
Rqzaniq said:To all the guys that were part of the last co attack on k45. We are on the way to destroy 3 hippo players, mathnerd, anubiszoe, Sirloin.
Most of you didnt know, what was the plan, you knew only your part. So i will explain it now for you, and to the others. I hope next time we will receive more help.
There were 2 Real targets, and 2 fake targets.
Real targets: mathnerd and anubiszoe
Fake targets: Sirloin and Camaban
And two hittimes:
1. 10:00 on saturday for anubiszoeand Sirloin
2. 11:00 - 12:00 for mathnerd and Camaban
Phase 1: It all began on Wednesday at 20:00ST. Me and vocil started fake attacks on Sirloin. I sent to Sirloin, 5 noble trains, with 5 fake nukes before each of them, with same hit time 10:00 on saturday. Vocil sent, many fakes, with the same arrival, so it looks like he will add noble later.
Our aim was to make hippos suport Sirloin, and leave anubiszoe unprotecdet.
We did it. They supported Sirloin, and vocil had 3 easy noblings on saturday. I was hoping that Petcho and himafox will take some too, but both didnt sucseeded dew to Rl problems.
Phase 2: Plan here was the same, fake Camaban with nobles, and noble mathnerd. Hit time was 11:00 on sunday for Camaban, and 12:00 for mathnerd.
Our k44 mates, started faking camaban on Friday, again with real nobles, coordinated. And we on k45 started launching our real attacks on mathnerd on saturday. We had succses again, and the hippo support was sent to camaban. Today we nobled 7 vills from mathnerd, and more are on the way to be nobled.
Special thanks to all of you who made it possible! To the account owners, and their sitters!
And i hope next time more people will be able to help us in such ops.
Click to see planning map. It's amazing!

TheMonkey said:Excellent stuff
Side 1: CND
Side 2: Hippos
Timeframe: Last 48 hours
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 11
Side 2: 0
Difference: 11
And it sounds like with many more to come
Old guy is still getting pounded by ORC which, although not getting much by way of villages, is apparently tying up a lot of the support in the area![]()
beardsy said:Guys, rqzaniq's attacks are the most beautiful you'll ever see in TW. If he approaches you to join in, please give him the maximum you are able to.
Camaban was rimmed a while later in a second op led by Rq.
He also OWNED the 'noble the biggest village' competition.