Goodbye W42


Ok, by request of a dear friend in Modwar I am posting a goodbye thread (against my better judgement) I might add, lol,
It has truly been an experience, It has been a pleasure to play with each and everyone of you (yes even the modwarians) I have shared many laughs and late nite conversations with many of you over the last three years, unfortunately the one thing I have always prided myself on is playing with honor and integrity and always honoring my word, and that has been lacking recently. I find myself wishing to bow out now, while my honor and reputation are still intact (yes as the girl who sends 30 second trains, and the girl who doesnt like to take a village from anyone, but that can be counted on no matter what, lol)

I truly wish each and every one of you the best of luck in tw as well as real life, no matter which way this crazy world turns. It has been an honor to play with you all and i walk away with many real life friends
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Hey PamP,

As i said in mail, will be sad to see you go. There are others in your tribe i would gladly like to leave this world, and that will come, by force of course :)

We've had an interesting relationship, going back from WOH, through -T- and into ModWar.

I dont believe its always skill that makes a good player, but personality, loyalty and reliability go along way. You have all of those.

If your tribe dont miss you then they damn well should.

Stay safe!


Its been a little while since we last spoke but its been an interesting journey.

And for the sake of clarity you never defeated W.O.H !!!!!!!

Good luck in real life

Best Regards



Its been a little while since we last spoke but its been an interesting journey.

And for the sake of clarity you never defeated W.O.H !!!!!!!

Good luck in real life

Best Regards


Awww....... I will miss you two Eye :)

(did so)


Goodbye PamP...

We have not always seen eye to eye, but you seemed to be of quality character. Best wishes.


Later Pam, its been a blast, oh and before you consider that account in nyuk, I need a coplayer ;)


Don't do it, Pam. Ever wonder what happened to Fallo? Think about it.....

Jokes aside, I never asked :p


Goodbye Pammy, best of luck and you know where to find me. With that in mind imma hijack your post and say farewell too. Kudos to MOD, it was fun. Later and till next time.


seems like you are putting up more of a fight then nyuk players are, at least you fought hard pamp


ERRR..... Pamp has been gone for months and there has been no fight put up since awhile before she left


Guest post your goodbye thread and then your account continues to noble barbs. You should have just quit when you said you were as it would have been more dignified but then again you never were any good.